Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Equity markets have come under the Jurisdiction and dominant control of David Tepper, we have been Tepperized (good thing if you are long)

all non believers in the new God Tepper will be vaporized, do not say you have not been warned

FTSE +10 (+20 if u add back the divi)
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the amount of people shorting this is amazing....most brokers have 80% punters shorting....

that's fueling this further

a bull market "climbs a wall of worry" the markets continue to rise because the majority do not believe in the rally or participate on the long side. its always been this way,

FTSE just hit 6700
A different "opinion" on why the markets are up so high.
No selling until everyone is buying. | Hattery's Monthly Trend Report

I remember reading something similar back in the days when people sold indexes and made a profit. It takes a little getting your head round, but institutions will pick something (stock, commodity, index) and buy it and buy it and buy it until everyone else stops selling and starts buying. - Then they sell!

So come on do your bit and start buying...
the amount of people shorting this is amazing....most brokers have 80% punters shorting....

that's fueling this further

When they stop, there should a burst up and then the buyers should disappear,
the market flapping away on thin air until, plonk, down she comes.

The point is----When?

I suppose that it is a question of getting out and waiting on the sidelines until the downtrend is comfirmed and there were a few fainthearted souls this week, until yesterday afternoon.

I did think that, yesterday morning, I thought that the sellers had got the bull by the horns, but someone had deep pockets and got in at the right price.
So - lots more bad news coming out of the US between 1.30 and 3.30 means a quick drop for FTSE and DOW followed by a "Buying opportunity" :LOL:
I'm growing horns as I type (careful now).
"UK unemployment has risen to 2.52 million, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has said."

Explains FTSE pop then.
I got 15,237 as bull entry for Dow today

I asked about this other day, totally being genuine here, but what is this bull entry about? The market has been bull since November so the entry was 14000 ? Why would you buy at 15237 and not just hold since yesterday or day before, etc.