Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

GBP/USD fallen off a cliff now. This will push the ftse higher.
SP 500 just gets stronger and stronger. Needs a correction sooner or later.

Posted yesterday at 9.50am.
I Shorted the SP500 on friday and yesterday. Exited at 1515, thinking that was the bottom! Its always hard to pick the bottom. Also shorted the FTSE at 6400 and got out at 6350, as that seemed like a good support zone.
The markets always seem to recovery after a bigish fall like yesterdays. This time their struggling to push up. I hope its not the correction there all taliking about on the news.
Exited my shorts @ 1511 yesterday. Looking for opportunities to buy at the moment, but who knows which way it will go.


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Yes, I know what you mean. I'm reluctant to buy into this market at the moment. I want to go long on the DOW, but not sure we've seen the bottom yet.
Saying that the markets will shoot up when we are all out................................
Posted yesterday at 9.50am.
I Shorted the SP500 on friday and yesterday. Exited at 1515, thinking that was the bottom! Its always hard to pick the bottom. Also shorted the FTSE at 6400 and got out at 6350, as that seemed like a good support zone.
The markets always seem to recovery after a bigish fall like yesterdays. This time their struggling to push up. I hope its not the correction there all taliking about on the news.

I hope it is. You bulls have had all the fun this year :)

Still holding all my FTSE short from 6410. Exited half SP short at 1514.
Been a rollercoaster couple of days for me, having been short since last week. My account was showing a big loss the past couple of days until yesterday's fall - must admit I'm feeling very relieved that it's now in profit.

Have closed 50% of my Dax short at 7658 and 25% of Dow short at 13941 but still holding 100% FTSE short. Will post screenshots later :innocent:

Edit: just closed 50% of my FTSE short at 6335.
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good morning everyone,

FOMC caused the plunge in dow?

VIX had a massive spike higher yesterday, began at 3.30, biggest spike in 15 months
If we get compounded bad news these markets could fall further today!

Exciting isn't it? Finally.

Still, I can't let myself get fooled into thinking this is the Big One, so I'll reduce my positions and take profits in stages :rolleyes:

Just goes to show how fickle the markets are right now, in that they appear very much exposed to any kind of bad news. In a bull trend the markets ignore bad news, so yes more bad news could be very interesting....
mornin' all

ftse opened more or less matching the dow fall, but panicked a bit and has traded -21 weak in first hour. Seems to have recovered its nerve a bit now.
Have'nt we seen this before: Dow holding at 13860, FTSE at 6300 and SP500 1500 level. Going long FTSE with a 20 point stop loss.
Have'nt we seen this before: Dow holding at 13860, FTSE at 6300 and SP500 1500 level. Going long FTSE with a 20 point stop loss.

Agree with your levels, but I don't know why "it feels different this time" !

Have closed another 50% of my FTSE short at 6296 anyway (so left with 25% of my overnight position).
Yes, it definatley feels different this time. Last time the push up came very quickly. Everyone's holding back now. We do normally get a pull back third/forth week of Feb.