Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

good morning everyone. US indices closed today?

yes but futures trading until 16:30 and then closed 'til 11pm.

holding my FSTE and DOW short positions since Friday. Added to DOW short this morning, will take a few points later. Was going to short DAX at 7616 but just couldn't trust myself in the move.
Still long the DAX from 4.30 close friday, not sure we will see much conviction either way today, target was 20 this morning which was bang on my EMA for my 4 hour chart . !
dax being affected by strong euro. ftse being helped by weak gbp.
You're right on relative strengths of the underlying currencies, right from the get go this morning. I'm not exactly a scalper, more of a 15 min mini-swinger. Of which there has not been too much so far today.
ive just sold out my longs from friday night, going short here at 14, these italian elections may weigh a bit on these markets, i think Dax is up today as it got so hammered friday and its rebalancing.
ive just sold out my longs from friday night, going short here at 14, these italian elections may weigh a bit on these markets, i think Dax is up today as it got so hammered friday and its rebalancing.

You're right on DAX. Pity the entire market is up though, but bulls are furious. 3 full days without a new high now.
mornin' all

back from a bit of sunshine and see ftse has been strong vs dow whilst I've been away (should be over 60 lower relative to dow).

Opened -10 weak vs dow this morning but soon recovered that - I doubt we'll know much until dow starts waking up properly after yesterday's holiday.
German ZEW well above forecast. 'Sell on the news' appears to be in effect (I might have expected it to go well into the 7700s), seeing how the DAX has gone from near 7600 to 7700 before the news.
Morning guys, what a morning, scrambling to get out of my short DAX and got long at 48, not a good start with a 34 tick loss from my short yesterday but managed to get long and out and short again now at 90, bunds pushing on as BTP will be under pressure this week ahead of italian auctions, as SD pointed out dow at 14k again may be worth a cheeky short !
dax 1 min
shows the breakout that started yesterday