Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

still seeing support at 1514 SPX but ave bit higher, market feels bid ! look out 14 k dow ! new highs today ?
Certainly feels like a base in the market today but we all know it can crack quickly when it wants to. However I tend to agree market looks bid today so have only been picking off the tops and grabbing a few points here and there.

Still holding the last of FTSE short (25% left), should have ducked out as planned at 6300-ish yesterday, or even this morning at 6310, but got greedy :eek:

Still holding medium size Dow short too, looking for sub-13900, though might have to hold until next week now. That Empire State was almost too strong :-0
Medley on Fed....gist.... Fed officials discussed at their January meeting their individual assessments of conditions under which they would slow asset purchases this year though it remains a low probability economic conditions will afford them the ability to stop the program in 2013

just a heads up guys ur gonna see money leaving long end on this , will flow into equities or cash could see a decent bid in stocks, here is TY chart also, declining trendline holding.

uMich higher than forecast. Dow getting a bid.

Surprised to see FTSE powering upwards: Oil down hard today and Sterling strong.
We failed to make a new high, got smacked down at the old high. Bulls furious. They've been patient, not had a new high for 24 hours now.
dax so out of sync with the dow , massive fixing manipulation, buy this for a pop after 4.30 !
dax so out of sync with the dow , massive fixing manipulation, buy this for a pop after 4.30 !

Dax has been the leader these past few months. My inclination is to short the Dow, which I just did at 13994 (but will only claim a few points if I get them, don't want to be stuck in the bigger positions over w/e).
Dax has been the leader these past few months. My inclination is to short the Dow, which I just did at 13994 (but will only claim a few points if I get them, don't want to be stuck in the bigger positions over w/e).

Dax has been the leader ? not sure about that negative on the year US stocks up 6%?