Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

thanks very much,

do you start from zero each day, or is it cumulative, think u said u rebase each day

It's reasonably self explanatory. col B is from previous day ftse close to current day open, then each hour taken individually (ie: not cumulative). cols P - W is separate and based on daily close.

Have a look and I'll answer any questions, but be quick 'cos I'm off for a bit of sunshine at the week-end :LOL:
It's reasonably self explanatory. col B is from previous day ftse close to current day open, then each hour taken individually (ie: not cumulative). cols P - W is separate and based on daily close.

Have a look and I'll answer any questions, but be quick 'cos I'm off for a bit of sunshine at the week-end :LOL:

thanks I understand it now. wont need to ask questions
:D You've left yourself an "out"!

haha classic ! But it is a lottery over Draghi ! Expect him to say they dont get involved with FX rates so eurusd will probably spike, also we have broken above 7600 in DAX this was resistance so as long as this holds i expect more upside.
haha classic ! But it is a lottery over Draghi ! Expect him to say they dont get involved with FX rates so eurusd will probably spike, also we have broken above 7600 in DAX this was resistance so as long as this holds i expect more upside.

strong Euro should be hurting germany/eurozone, they want Euro weakened
strong Euro should be hurting germany/eurozone, they want Euro weakened

I think people forget euro has been up to 1.50 and they did nothing, so why would they at 1.35, of course they want a weaker euro for exports, but this has nothing to do with the ECB, who will say say they are not there to look at FX rates, hence the euro will rise.
I think people forget euro has been up to 1.50 and they did nothing, so why would they at 1.35, of course they want a weaker euro for exports, but this has nothing to do with the ECB, who will say say they are not there to look at FX rates, hence the euro will rise.

currency wars each country trying to devalue, like the guy in japan shinzo abe
ftse went -30 weak vs dow over last two hours - steadied now and i'm long/short
strength a bit shortlived :) -35 weak overall at 13:00 - trade about 6 underwater atm
Indeed, FTSE way down relative to the other Indices

Draghi press conf at 13:30 GMT

Your 'favourite' speaker has just started his press conference. Lets see how much he can move the markets this time ;)
Your 'favourite' speaker has just started his press conference. Lets see how much he can move the markets this time ;)

:D Euro tanking

He starts with the negatives , that economy is weak etc..
and at the end he throws the ball in the air ... higher and higher