Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Gold and Fiat Money System warning signs

very good article by Professor Antal Fekete.

American Bases in Germany and the Gold Basis

The relentless contraction of the gold basis means that gold available for future delivery is fast disappearing. Gold is constantly moving into strong hands that hold on to it and will not relinquish it even in the face of steeply rising prices. Eventually the gold supply dries up and sporadic backwardation gives way to permanent backwardation. Gold mines refuse to take paper money for their product. If you want to have gold, you will have to have recourse to barter.

American Bases in Germany and the Gold Basis | Antal Fekete | FINANCIAL SENSE
Deja vu, 6300 again. Did a little short at 6301, will wait a little longer to add to my position. Markets a bit more volatile again, going up and down lately.
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Dow 3rd time lucky today to get a real push above 14k ? If ig boys are short again u know its gonna have another pop
83% short on IG......

It's total nonsense. Their own figures show 50% of FTSE trades over past month were longs. That means loads of poeple are short from before Christmas. I'm not sure how bottomless the pits are that they would hold FTSE short for the 10,000 pts its popped since dec.
It's total nonsense. Their own figures show 50% of FTSE trades over past month were longs. That means loads of poeple are short from before Christmas. I'm not sure how bottomless the pits are that they would hold FTSE short for the 10,000 pts its popped since dec.

Not denying it...
The resilience in the FTSE is quite outstanding. Yet again Europe off a cliff and FTSE green. You're better off shorting DAX at -50 than FTSE at +30.

Anyone any thoughts on why the FTSE is so strong?
Dow 3rd time lucky today to get a real push above 14k ? If ig boys are short again u know its gonna have another pop

IG sentiment for DAX is 53% long (over 500 clients have open positions). Maybe this explains why the Dax is selling off today ?
IG sentiment for DAX is 53% long (over 500 clients have open positions). Maybe this explains why the Dax is selling off today ?

And 78% short on the FTSE. I'm not sure that accounts for 100pts difference though :)