Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

At last the FTSE has the decency to go red. Will be only briefly though, don't want the bears getting greedy.
Dax down 150pts from high, ftse 55. Don't forget FTSE was +30pts whilst dax cac sp dow all red.
Markets are crazy how can dax and eurostoxx plunge out ftse and us stocks not interested generally we know how this ends, everyone running for the door at the same time
and FTSE closes +12

Hi guys - been away on emergency mum-in-law dash to Wales. So been missing the fun :)

Monday - FTSE was weak all day vs DOW and finished -58 weak (ie should have been 58 higher at close had it kept pace with DOW)

Tuesday - FTSE recovered +20 of that weakness before turning weak again and finished day - 13 weak vs DOW . That was -70 in two days!!

Wednesday - FTSE opened +18 strong and went to +38 strong by 09:00 then traded more or less flat to finish day +33 strong vs DOW.
morning barjon, ftse appears strong versus dow maybe +8 ?

aye, bout that since open, but it opened -5 weak. Seems to have settled down somewhat after the last couple of days of leaping about.

Tuesday's differences hour by hour: -5, +22, -9, 0, -3, -4, +6, -10, 0, -10

and yesterday: +18, +20, 0, 0, 0, +2, -10, -6, 0, +6
This reminds me of when I upgraded my internet to 50mb, the engineer installed the new cable modem and then told me he had run out of the wireless routers for the 50mb broadband, This is amazing I thought, he said so many people are getting 50mb because they use it for playstation online gaming. This fact told me that VMED (virgin media US listed) must be a good buy since they are running out of routers for their premium product. VMED was $14 then and it went to $30 still $23 today. VMED has the lowest churn rate and the fastest speeds, also Goldman Sachs has a stake in this company.

posted the above 9 months ago (3rd may 2012) VMED today trading for $44.89
aye, bout that since open, but it opened -5 weak. Seems to have settled down somewhat after the last couple of days of leaping about.

Tuesday's differences hour by hour: -5, +22, -9, 0, -3, -4, +6, -10, 0, -10

and yesterday: +18, +20, 0, 0, 0, +2, -10, -6, 0, +6

if u had hourly data going back far enough you may be able to identify hourly biases

ie buy before 10am and sell at the london close
if u had hourly data going back far enough you may be able to identify hourly biases

ie buy before 10am and sell at the london close

i got a few years worth :LOL: haven't found a reliable bias - better just to wait for an extreme difference to develop and assume it'll be corrected, at least in major part.
Morning guys,

Very interesting analysis.

Draghi is speaking later today, expect possibly a rally, unless it is different this time.