It's been almost 2 years ago since we first spoke, and from what i've noticed in your posts on T2W and messages to me over that time, is that I still think you're chasing your first and most expensive (near fatal trading-wise) loss. Your desire to multiply a few hundred or thousand quid into a realistic trading stake is completely unrealistic, and therefore your focus is not on your trading, but rather the money. This often doesn't end well...
In my opinion, you need to forget about trying to make up that £10k hit you took, scale down your % risked a couple notches, and learn to mechanise as much as possible about your strategy, or change it completely if it's not working or you can't execute it. For what it's worth, i believe any strategy which you can't quantify and be exact in terms of how it makes it's money is not worth bothering with. Airy fairy pins and 'feel' is not what you need at your stage, you need something tangible to follow.
All the best,