yes, yes.. I am still alive and (kinda) trading. As I am no fulltime trader (yet) I have a lot of other projects going on and cannot watch the fx markets to the extent I would like to. Especially last 3 weeks have been pretty busy.
So 2 weeks ago I couldn't spot any trades and took two mediocre setups (fortunatelly with only risking less then 0,5%) which didn't work out.
Last week there was a great setup and I got stopped out by a few pips because I moved my Stop-Loss too fast too close to my entry and got stopped out for -0,5%:
This week there was another great setup I took yesterday and it did work out and gave me a little over 1,5%. (Here you can see how
risk control works out. This one trade made up what I lost on the previous 3 trades!!!!)
So overall I am 1% above my initial starting deposit and for November I am up something around 0,8%. These numbers aren't impressive but the key is that I managed my risk well on all my trades and sticked to the plan.
Goal for december: Watch markets more often. Scan daily for good setups. DON'T INTERFERE WITH THE TRADES!!!
Who hasn't read the statistic that 95% of the ppl blow their account within the first 6 months!??! Guys, stick to your gameplan, control your risk and don't gamble.