Amplify Trading-my journey

Thats awesome, yeh, i'm going to do the Amplify trading, the only problem is that maths isn't exactly my strong point, does this matter? So what are you trading now, the same instruments or doing other products?

Hey Ether, I'm also considering the Amplify trading. Going to an open day today at 5pm. My biggest concern is having a career at the end of the program. how do u feel about the whole thing?

good on you for taking action. tbh mate, being good or having a A* in maths is a myth, sure you will need to be able to do the odd sums and multiply, but it is all basic stuff, trading is about developing the attitude and discipline to follow through on your trading plan and to learn to be able to dissect information quickly and effectively as well as making a decision without hesitation and most importantly having conviction in your trade.

different places will have different entry requirements, but generally if you show a place a PnL of consistent profits during a 1year period do you really think they would be bothered about you being good at maths?thb mate,my maths is average, yeah i know my %, multiplies etc but anything deeper such as algebra and quantum physics then you've lost me, not that you need that anyway but you get my point.

im on a pan euro desk covering equities using a top down macro view for choosing stocks. anyways, i dont come on here much these days, just get replies in my email and i try to reply when i can so im not ignoring people........had to get that one in!

anyway, good luck........

Hey Traderboi, firstly thanks for your blog.. it has been a very enjoyable read. secondly, just wondering.. how many of the students you initially did the program with where offered the opportunity to carry on working at Amplify as traders.. and what the career opportunities are like? do they have contacts etc to help you with if you choose not to carry on with Amplify? As you can see my main concern is the career prospects after doing the 4 month course.

Kind Regards,

Hey Traderboi, firstly thanks for your blog.. it has been a very enjoyable read. secondly, just wondering.. how many of the students you initially did the program with where offered the opportunity to carry on working at Amplify as traders.. and what the career opportunities are like? do they have contacts etc to help you with if you choose not to carry on with Amplify? As you can see my main concern is the career prospects after doing the 4 month course.

Kind Regards,



first off, thanks for your support, much appreciated!:cheesy:

to answer your Q's-

1.R.e Amplify, i really can't remember, there was 5 or 6 of us that first started when Amplify first opened for business back in Jan 2009 or was it 2010?:whistling......but i think it was only 2 or 3 of us that got offered a place to stay on.They take everything in consideration such as discipline, money management and PnL before offering a place.

r.e career prospects, it really depends tbh mate, but having the experience gained at Amplify will only enhance your CV and give you an edge over other candidates.Put it this way, on your CV it would show that you would have had 4 months of intensive induction trader training similar to that of a investment bank on money management, trader discipline and how to analyse and dissect information to form a trading plan and then execute with conviction.It would also show that (after proving yourself on the sim) you have experience of trading a Live account and hopefully a positive PnL at the end of the 4 months training with an offer to stay on to trade company funds. So baring that in mind, im sure you won't have problems moving forward with your career. Then again, you could discover a real talent for trading and end up staying at Amplify and becoming very successful!

It really is up to you to be proactive r.e. your career, but the point is having the experience will definitely put you in a better position.

NOTE-do your due diligence before committing, compare different companies and short list them to suit what your looking for in terms of helping your career as Amplify isn't the only prop house in the market. But be careful and don't rush to make a decision or give in to your emotions to sign up on the spot as there are alot of unscrupulous companies setting up shop to take as much money as they can from potential wannabe traders before legging it. If in doubt check on this forum as people would have most likely started a thread on any new prop houses/training providers.

Hope that helps👍
Great blog Traderboi, I enjoy reading your experiences!

I'm also looking for a prop house in London in order to become a trader. i'm so excited by all this, reading books, blogs,watching million dollar traders, start trading with small money on my own account, etc.

I did a bit of due diligence over the net and also bumbed into Savi trading.
I saw Savi is offering 20% house / 80% personal profit, while Amplify is offering 50/50. The training program with Savi is also cheaper. So why should you choose Amplify?

Do you have any idea of the quality of the training with these prop houses?
Are there any hidden costs in terms of desk fees? Maybe Savi is more expensive..
Have you been trading with Amplify after your training program? If yes, do you have any idea of the monthly earnings of new traders there? I assume you can have a hard time by not earning money, especially as a newcomer.

Thanks in advance Traderboi.
Anyway lots of success with your carreer!
Hey guys, as i mentioned I went for a workshop with Amplify trading yesterday evening. Glad to say it was a very informative experience. Both Pierce and William where happy to help with any queries and gave us a nice 2 hour lecture on markets, trading platforms and other bits and bobs. Not once did they push their product or service, unlike GTEX who do not stop harrasing me with phone calls and emails!
I asked these questions:
1. How many traders make it on to work for Amplify - 2/3 out of 10
2. How many of those work in the office? - no more than 15-20 traders in the office of what i could see.
3. profits? - 60/40 (60 towards the trader)
4. prop house or school? - 'we are a prop house, a information and data service and an 'education centre'... 3 services to Amplify (they do training for banks and private organisations)

I reccomend anyone to give their workshops a go. As a completely novice trader it was nice to get a feel for the area. Canary Wharf is beautiful in this weather.


Thanks Traderboi, great reading your posts last night.

Has anyone used Amplify training and then gone on to trade in the retail side like most of us?
I went through the Amplify trading course as part of my MSc and thought it was excellent. Easily the most exciting and absorbing educational module that I have ever taken part in.

Truth be told, prior to doing it I would never have had enough trust to give my money to anybody for such a course, I was just lucky that it was part of my course.

Will and Piers are on the ball, their analyst Andrea was a prophet, the course was easily digestible and eye opening and everybody extremely friendly and always happy to help with any queries. If I ever start trading I will seriously consider subscribing to their market forecasts as from my experience they are pretty much on the money 90% of the time. I think they even publish their forecast PnL.

I have seen people sometimes say that you don't need to pay for the information that you get but tbh I disagree. I got lucky in getting the course for free but looking back, it has changed the way I look at markets completely as well as my understanding, and I was coming from a background in financial services.

We traded on a simulation platform, had regular classrooms and were encouraged to produce weekly macro reports... all in all it was pretty damn cool

I have never traded for them however so I cannot comment on that side of things, I decided to take a job straight after graduating so it was something which I regretfully didn't pursue but then again. I was writing a thesis at the same time as doing the course and was never able to give it the 100% attention which I would have liked to have done so obviously my trading was not as great as I felt it could have been.

All in all, "I wish i had more hands so I could give them four thumbs" up
wow........nearly a year away and this thread is still going strong.

hope everyone that read this has benefited from it one way or nothing, getting stung for your hard earned cash is a bummer.

trading is not a get rich quick solution, becoming a successful trader takes time, passion and alot of hard work. Discipline is learned on the job and cannot be taught, hence when i see all these so called forex trading programs etc i have a lil chuckle to myself but at the same time feel sorry for the gullible people.

3 years on and Amplify Trading has sure enough proven themselves to the doubters that they are indeed the real deal and here to stay. I will also have a favoured bias to them as they helped me kick off my trading career. Either way, i wish them all of the best and success in the future and to you, the readers, dont be fooled by the so called claims of fast profitability and ££££ signs.

All the best, and happy trading!

TB out
Hi everyone

My journey with Amplify trading is really going well I started in September since then I have improved a lot on my trading I have learned more about macro-economics related to market in addition to other aspects related to trading.

This forum helped me a lot in making my decision to choose Amplify trading I wish I would have taken this decision much earlier. The mentors are great and they ll help you in every aspect of trading. I want to add its completely based on remote trading platform so you need to be really focused while you are trading at home especially the amateurs traders
Thanks TB & 007,

I've been speaking with Futex but it's good to hear that you have done well with Amplify. They are next on my list to go and see.
A must go..dont hesitate to ask any question if you have with Amplify ...they are so helpful......Just had a review today of my trading performance although I am struggling with S&P500 as its very volatile but I have improved quite significantly On the other side I am really doing great on Currency markets

And one more thing it took me more then a year to make a decision to join Amplify as I researched a lot abt other prop.firms I went to Futex as well but Amplify is best to kick start your career in trading.

Great work Traderboi...keep it up...
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I've been reading the LGI thread on this forum and have been fascinated. Mostly because I was invited for an interview and immediately smelt a rat when the interviewer walked into the room with a copy of a CV that wasn't mine, eventually saying "well, CVs don't matter, really". Anyway, the reason I post here is.....I ended up with Amplify instead. Finished their internship program, then stayed on for a month in hope to secure a career with them and left at the end of the extra month as I was getting nothing but uncertainty out of these guys.

I agree with pboyles view that paying training companies to teach you market basics and how to 'trade' is not a bright idea. But that's what these companies are geared up to do - they take up people in numbers who are in fact mincemeat, promising light at the end of a tunnel.

In my experience at Amplify the thing that got me most worried is that it's hard to get in touch with company owners/head traders when you need advice on anything. I assume they are just crazy busy with teaching bank traders and booking themselves in for cnbc airtime. The directors are contactable with ease when the question is concerning money. One of my monthly payments to them was not released for 1 day because of my bank's online system failure...and it was the day when they called me 5 times to 'check' how things were going with that transfer'. Friendly tones and all.

My friend actually finished Amplify career program and was trading company money until a 2 week losing streak (the monthly p&l and the overall p&l at that time were positive) and was told that company wasn't going to sponsor her trading any more.

I think while Amplify are legit and do provide basic training they are a training company that is trying as hard as it can to promote itself as a trading company. I'd like to see what they offer to the people they strike off their training courses because trading your own cash is mentioned in the same sentence as 'you're no longer with us'....

This post is not meant as an attack on Amplify but think before putting your money on the line for trading courses. Some training outfits go for the hard sell, Amplify do not discuss their programs at open days, so no selling whatsoever, instead they talk intelligently about markets and create an atmosphere for aspiring traders to hope they will be in good hands. They have a remote setup - so you trade at home - so the environment that is being advertised (slyly) to you is in fact the one you are going to be most distant from.

I suppose they are really just creaming off - the best for themselves and the rest ...
or am I being too sceptical ?
I suppose they are really just creaming off - the best for themselves and the rest ...
or am I being too sceptical ?

I think being sceptical is healthier than having a belief that your trading career is sorted when you complete training.

Here is some food for thought - when you start at Amplify you just pay the training fees and get going. What about signing a piece of paper that says exactly what training they will give you and what you should expect by the end of training? There is none of that. So no rules 'set in stone' and the ball is 100% in Amplify's court. I don't know if Amplify signs contracts with successful traders who stay on to trade company money?! Maybe traderboi can clear this up.
I ended up with Amplify instead. Finished their internship program, then stayed on for a month in hope to secure a career with them and left at the end of the extra month as I was getting nothing but uncertainty out of these guys.
Hi fastshadow thanks for your reply.
When did you start Aug or Sept?
guys, be careful when reading what is written on these pages. Alot of the profiles are fake, and are set up just to bad mouth competitors. Do your own due dilegence.

PBoyles, who is always on this site slating every firm out there, and seems like he hates the model of paying for training, actually went on a course with amplify trading a while back. the fact he seems to think all companies providing this training are rip-offs would suggest this has something to do with his time at amplify, so you would assume that he would be writing negative comments on their thread as well as other threads, but if you take a look he has never written anything on their thread. he has just been caught out on another thread which i have posted the link to below, so have a read before you take anything pboyles says seriously. maybe he is still working with amplify??

alot of other people on here are the same, but this is an example about one guy being caught out. so dont trust whatever is written here by whoever. Pboyles's comments (or lack of about amplify) made a friend join amplify and is seriously peed off. make sure you are not someone whose decision is swayed by someones comments on here! do your own due diligence!