Amplify Trading-my journey

If by UCL he means University College London he's full of it. They don't financially support their students to do much of anything let alone train at a prop shop.
I will leave this post alone for a while as it would be better if some trainees can give some feedback although I think they do not tend to post on here- although as mentioned they have created a fb group.
so you're saying that the fact that the UCL finsoc with it's budget is the same thing as UCL providing financial support to train with you?

The way you said it implies that they are supporting their students financially while they train with you, which is false. Similarly your 'organiser of internships' sounds like a finsoc member, i.e. a student and not UCL staff.

Just so you know, anyone that can put together a list with a few names on it is entitled to start a society - just cuz theyre working with you doesnt mean you can go around telling people that UCL is 'financially supporting' students to work with you. They are financially supporting their finsoc.
Amplify- word to the wise. As someone who is probably in your target market, hanging around bulletin boards like this and posting misleading information damages the reputation of the company - in the online community anyway.

I'd love a job with a firm that offers what you offer and I am not saying your firm is a scam or anything at all but personally I would never even dream of chancing my money. It's all a bit too sketchy.

I sincerely mean no offence.
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Indeed, i have nothing against prop firms (note Ive never said anything against amplify before today) but if you don't have the decency to be honest why the hell should anyone pay you.
I just think that it important for traders to know that there is an apparent connection between the founders of Amplify Trading and TCA Futures so why does Admin' or whoever keep deleting my posts?

Both Will de Lucy and Piers Curran were at TCA Markets between October 2007 through to December 2008. Piers was a trader for this entire period, Will started as a trader initially but later moved to a 'Trader Liason' role dealing with the admin side helping manage & support TCA's large remote trader team. Upon leaving TCA, and having seen the money-making potential of the chargeable-training business model, they decided to clone it. A couple of desks were rented on the trading floor at GHCO and Amplify Trading was established as a fully fee-based prop training model.
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I just think that it impotant for traders to know that there is an apparent connection between the founders of Amplify Trading and TCA Futures so why does Admin' or whoever keep deleting my posts?

Both Will de Lucy and Piers Curran were at TCA Markets between October 2007 through to December 2008. Piers was a trader for this entire period, Will started as a trader initially but later moved to a 'Trader Liason' role dealing with the admin side helping manage & support TCA's large remote trader team. Upon leaving TCA, and having seen the money-making potential of the chargeable-training business model, they decided to clone it. A couple of desks were rented on the trading floor at GHCO and Amplify Trading was established as a fully fee-based prop training model.


It's obviously no secret that Amplify was set up by guys who were previously with TCA. That doesn't seem particularly relevant as to whether that makes Amplify good or bad.

I have been deleting your posts about the alleged shortcomings of TCA precisely because they are about TCA and not about Amplify who are the topic of this thread. Furthermore, posting a critique of TCA carries the implication that Amplify are cast in the same mould which is not a conclusion you can draw fairly. Much better to hear from those who have experienced Amplify.


It's obviously no secret that Amplify was set up by guys who were previously with TCA. That doesn't seem particularly relevant as to whether that makes Amplify good or bad.

I have been deleting your posts about the alleged shortcomings of TCA precisely because they are about TCA and not about Amplify who are the topic of this thread. Furthermore, posting a critique of TCA carries the implication that Amplify are cast in the same mould which is not a conclusion you can draw fairly. Much better to hear from those who have experienced Amplify.


Hi Jon,
Thanks for the reply and the explanation.

I think that my post is relevant because not everyone knows of the association so I think deleting my posts was an overreaction given the amount of non-sense that is posted in various threads without so much as a rebuke.

It isn't my place to cast dispersions about Amplify because as adults we can draw our own conclusions.


I have read your response to the Amplify trading and connection to TCA. But what I want to know is, why at the bottom of the page there is link for "free trading?"

I looked up the link coz I was curious, and it got me to a website setup by an american guy called Barry Lutz. I asked him on an email if he know you or anyone from the this forum and he does not know anyone.

He also stated that the service for training was NOT free and requested $425, i.e. £272 from today's exchange rate.

He also stated that he teaches you how to use tradestation to do trading on.

I just want you to clarify this link that was provided on your TCA/Amplify connection please.


I went along to a presentation by Amplify last night. Their website seems to give a different impression about what they offer than what was described to us at the presentation. At the presentation what eventually came out, and what attendees asked about repeatedly, was that the course, and any subsequent trading, is mostly done remotely, i.e. with you at home on your computer. It seems that you spend just a day or two in their offices at the start of the course and then you use their software from home.

This is quite different from the impression that I had before going to the presentation which I'd obtained from the website. The website says (my underlinings):

  1. "At Amplify we take new traders through an intensive 4 month induction programme, developing new talent to join our trading desk in Canary Wharf."
  2. "Many of our graduates secure positions at Top-Tier Investment Banks using their front desk experience at Amplify Trading. " and
  3. "Visit our Trading Floor to find out more.

    •We invite potential traders to a Trading Workshop on our Trading Floor to discuss contemporary market conditions with our Head of Trading."

All this seems to suggest that they have a trading floor/desk where you'll be based in Canary Wharf. But in fact, after last night, it seems to me that they don't. There was no sign of this in their offices at all. Apart from the presentation room there seemed to be a number of rooms full of empty desks, and not much else. I understand that in fact all trading is done remotely. And I wouldn't describe what we attended last night as a "Trading Workshop" nor on a "Trading Floor". "Workshop" suggests some sort of practical involvement by the attendees, but there was none of this. What we attended was a presentation describing the day's trading, followed by a (slightly too brief) discussion of what Amplify offered us. It was in a presentation room, certainly not something that could be described as a trading floor.

It may be that what they provide is good, but this apparent dissimulation makes me feel uncomfortable.
I went along to a presentation by Amplify last night. Their website seems to give a different impression about what they offer than what was described to us at the presentation. At the presentation what eventually came out, and what attendees asked about repeatedly, was that the course, and any subsequent trading, is mostly done remotely, i.e. with you at home on your computer. It seems that you spend just a day or two in their offices at the start of the course and then you use their software from home.

This is quite different from the impression that I had before going to the presentation which I'd obtained from the website. The website says (my underlinings):

  1. "At Amplify we take new traders through an intensive 4 month induction programme, developing new talent to join our trading desk in Canary Wharf."
  2. "Many of our graduates secure positions at Top-Tier Investment Banks using their front desk experience at Amplify Trading. " and
  3. "Visit our Trading Floor to find out more.

    •We invite potential traders to a Trading Workshop on our Trading Floor to discuss contemporary market conditions with our Head of Trading."

All this seems to suggest that they have a trading floor/desk where you'll be based in Canary Wharf. But in fact, after last night, it seems to me that they don't. There was no sign of this in their offices at all. Apart from the presentation room there seemed to be a number of rooms full of empty desks, and not much else. I understand that in fact all trading is done remotely. And I wouldn't describe what we attended last night as a "Trading Workshop" nor on a "Trading Floor". "Workshop" suggests some sort of practical involvement by the attendees, but there was none of this. What we attended was a presentation describing the day's trading, followed by a (slightly too brief) discussion of what Amplify offered us. It was in a presentation room, certainly not something that could be described as a trading floor.

It may be that what they provide is good, but this apparent dissimulation makes me feel uncomfortable.
I too went to this presentation last week - I can echo what Arbu said....... two days in the Amplify offices, then all the rest is done remotely on the 4 month programme.

I little disappointing really, escpeially when there werent even enough handout packs to give to the seminar attendees..... even though you had to pre book, so it's not as if they didnt know how many were coming!

Very disorganised sprang to my mind during the presentation.......
You don't think that it's relevant that the people who set up one of the most embarassing reflections on our industry of all time are behind Amplify? Come on... how much are they paying T2W for 'ad space', out of interest?
@ST .........yep that's pretty much along the lines of what i said to you in the PM, what i don't agree with is when you said i got scammed in the previous post which at no point in my PM did i ever say that.I merely didnt agree with what was offered on the table and so left.

Why don't you post your experience with them and let everyone know how it went, i think the newbies deserves to know and they can make up there own mind whether to go with them or not. But hey, i invite everyone, past or present to talk about there experiences with Amplify.👍

Hi TB good to hear you are doing well.

I have read with much amusement the posts regarding Amplify Trading. I would like to reiterate what TB has said. I was on the first course with him and am still there certainly not scammed, Amplify Trading is a very professional organisation, the directors are some of the most well thought of, professional and genuine people that I have come across who know the industry inside and out, which is why they are regular guest analysts on CNBC.

I am not here to recommend them just to put my views on record which might in some way balance the posts from a person who has had experience with Amplify against people with NO experience of Amplify Trading who can freely post incorrect facts. I am not aware of anyone who has been on the course posting anything negative which also says alot....
Hello my fellow traders.....

just wanted to say thanks for all your PM's and that i will get back to each and everyone but due to work commitments and me falling asleep as soon as i get home it can take some time....but i will reply back!

anyway, happy trading all...........and remember your STOP LOSS!!!!hahahaha........

Traderboi out...........
Hello my fellow traders.....

just wanted to say thanks for all your PM's and that i will get back to each and everyone but due to work commitments and me falling asleep as soon as i get home it can take some time....but i will reply back!

anyway, happy trading all...........and remember your STOP LOSS!!!!hahahaha........

Traderboi out...........


just wanted to know how many weeks do you spend in-house and online at home for an internship?