Amplify Trading-my journey

guys, be careful when reading what is written on these pages. Alot of the profiles are fake, and are set up just to bad mouth competitors. Do your own due dilegence.

PBoyles, who is always on this site slating every firm out there, and seems like he hates the model of paying for training, actually went on a course with amplify trading a while back. the fact he seems to think all companies providing this training are rip-offs would suggest this has something to do with his time at amplify, so you would assume that he would be writing negative comments on their thread as well as other threads, but if you take a look he has never written anything on their thread. he has just been caught out on another thread which i have posted the link to below, so have a read before you take anything pboyles says seriously. maybe he is still working with amplify??

alot of other people on here are the same, but this is an example about one guy being caught out. so dont trust whatever is written here by whoever. Pboyles's comments (or lack of about amplify) made a friend join amplify and is seriously peed off. make sure you are not someone whose decision is swayed by someones comments on here! do your own due diligence!

I really didnt know I had that sort of influence, so any organisation that I havnt exposed is by default recommended by me? Perhaps your friend should have asked me first. I would have told him not to bother.
Clearly your 'friend' didnt do as much research as you thought. Didnt he read my comments from March 2011.

"There's going to be a few angry people when they read that. Let me put it this way. Do not pay a company for training, any company, whether that is LGI or any of their competitors. Whilst you may learn something they will not turn you into a successful trader and you will not walk into a trading job."

Now do you still think I work for a training company?
the point being, that you have never written anything negative about amplify on their own forum. surely if someone wants to join amplify they would not look at other forums. as per your last comment, i am not sure if you are affiliated with them now, but it certainly seems like you have been affiliated with them in the past as you have never written anything negative about them, and they are the only ones you have had experience with. Or maybe you are still affiliated with them, and have written these comments as your cover has been blown, and will lead everything you have ever written into question.
the point being, that you have never written anything negative about amplify on their own forum. surely if someone wants to join amplify they would not look at other forums. as per your last comment, i am not sure if you are affiliated with them now, but it certainly seems like you have been affiliated with them in the past as you have never written anything negative about them, and they are the only ones you have had experience with. Or maybe you are still affiliated with them, and have written these comments as your cover has been blown, and will lead everything you have ever written into question.

Do you think if I was affiliated with them I would be telling people not to pay them for training? I mean its very clear from what I said in March 2011 that I would not recommend paying for training from any company. Do you know what 'any' means?
PBoyles, who is always on this site slating every firm out there, and seems like he hates the model of paying for training, actually went on a course with amplify trading a while back!


Pboyles's comments (or lack of about amplify) made a friend join amplify and is seriously peed off

Sounds to me like Mr Baghdaddy & Co are out to try tarnish our little Kojak's rep. Nobody is having it, son. Jog.
I ll say only join amplify if you think you can trade from home dont expect to get a job offer from any other companies. The stuff they teach you wont find it elsewhere. Therefore, burning your cash without proper guidance wld bust ur trading account. So its your choice whether you want to learn from professionals or wanna learn on your own.
Hey guys just wanna add few things here...After completing internship I made some decisions which went against me...but actually they taught me a good lesson...but I kept on applying for jobs in finance ....Wish I could turn the time back but its not possible....Experience with Amplify does help and can atleast get you interview calls from Trading companies and Investment Bank if they like your application...Moreover it differentiates u from others....After my last post I did managed to secure an interview from Optiver Trading, OSTC but failed to convert them as I filled the answer key in Maths test incorrectly.... ...During the interview with Optiver all the guys were from Top universities but I ...probably in their 2nd &3rd year of Uni but I was'nt.

But I dint gave up...because i always had the passion for trading...But in Dec 2012 my work permit expired and I returned to India...And started hunting Trading firms in India....and Trading firm- trading fixed income derivatives and loving every day of it.......If you want to join and learn more about trading go and join them but dont leave them after finishing internship. Try to go Live with them as That experience will hold lot of value...I have seen few people working with Big IB who started their journey with Amplify...You can check their profile at Linked-in...

Anyways...Happy Trading
Best of Luck
you basically connect via a virtual trading room. you log on at 1pm and stay on till 9pm when the american cash markets close, throughout that time the head trader is also there with you so you can ask him a question anytime you be honest i didn't think remote teaching would work but it has gone like a dream. highly recommended. oh and it is everyday so M-F 1pm-9pm.........hence it is very intensive, basically your trading alongside the trader, but to be honest time flies so quick cos it is just so interesting, for me anyway, i really can't rate this any higher and i know my fellow trainee traders on the program with me would say the same. my advice, go for is much cheaper than futex as they charge £3k for a similar program but it's all theory and you only get 1 months simulator, which then if you do well you move on to the 2nd module which you then have to pay £5k. And to be honest once these guys build up there reputation i think there prices will go up, but hey thats my opinion.

basically it is in there interest to help you succeed cos if you do well they do well .But bare in mind that not everyone will succeed, just depends on how fast you pick something up, in my opinion if you don't know something ask, and keep asking till you get it right. Even if you don't get offered a seat at the end of the four months you can still walk away with 4 months pro training. something which will look good on your CV.


hi there, i'm about to start the 2-month course and then decide whether i will proceed. your blog is really helpful for me. Just one question, is the first five day
based in their office, in London? because I live in Glasgow.
How is everything going with you? Do you get a job as a trader?🙂

Hi Ria, i'm currently on the course with Amplify and can confirm the first week is definitely in house at their Canary Wharf offices from 4pm - 9pm.

The very concept of these companies is absolutely bizarre. Where else do you get this weird idea? What other industry does it?

Frankly, it's laughable. The best that can be said I suppose is that at least it shows a pretty thorough understanding of human nature.
I have personally done the Amplify course. I joined in March 13 and finished end of June.

I thought I'd write an honest review of my experience for anyone else thinking of taking part in the course. Like many others I thoroughly reviewed this course before parting with my cash, I really liked this thread and it was traderboi's honesty that convinced me to take the leap.

The first month was very intense, you spend the first week of the course in their Canary Wharf offices learning the macro economic basics and they're trading setups. After that first week you log in from home remotely into their system through the day while at the same time studying and preparing for the daily afternoon test. By the 2nd month you're left alone more or less to trade the charts and develop your own style of trading. They can see everything you do and they review your trading once a week. By month 3 they start looking for you to show 2 up weeks in a row on a certain product so they can put you on the live account. As long as you keep performing well on the live ac they will continue to increase your size and exposure.

This course is totally genuine - but it is REALLY tough. Let me make this clear, the course is do-able but trading full time is tough. There were 10 of us that joined in March, by middle of May only 5 were left. They dropped out because frankly, they realised that trading is just too frustrating and they realised this career is not for them. Amplify doesn't make you pay the whole amount up front. In fact they insist you pay in monthly instalments for this very reason, because they know that many will decide half way through that trading isn't for them.

I know what you're thinking - did I get offered a job at Amplify? No I didn't. I was the first in my course to be put on live funds and i totally blew up my account. The pressure of wanting to succeed before the course ending, be backed by Amplify and become a fully fledged trader became my undoing. When you only have 2 weeks left on the course and you are down 50 ticks you feel a huge pressure to trade in order to recover your losses. Boredom trades, trading levels that aren't worth trading just get you deeper into the hole. Words cannot describe the psychological stress you will go through while trying to get to grips with this whole trading thing. Saying that though - I have had a great experience at Amplify and even though i didn't qualify to be backed by them i have decided to stay on and trade my own funds independently while still logging into their chatroom. My trading has improved 10 fold now i no longer have the time frame pressure etc.

Let me make this clear, do not enter this course and after month 4 think you will be on any kind of income with Amplify if (and that is a HUGE "IF") they agree to back you. To be honest i had all my hopes based on this which is why i failed it. I made a good friend on the course who is the only one to continue to be backed by them after the course has finished and he is still recovering the losses he made on his live account while he was on the course (yes, amplify will still back you even if you finish in the red but if you can prove you are recovering the balance). He hasn't made a penny yet and by the time he finally gets into profit, pays the trading fees and then gives Amplify their 40% he is will not be left with much. And that is after a profitable week! If you have a losing week (which every trader has) he will have to recover those losses first and put the account back in profit before taking a wage. That is the reality of trading. anyone who thinks after 4 months they're gonna be counting lots of zero's in their bank account is dreaming. If you are able to make a very modest living out of trading in under a year then you are way ahead of the game.

Leopard - the concept of Amplify is not laughable, in fact I believe it is very clever. I too wondered that if they were so successful as traders then why bother training new recruits? I spent a day in their offices trading back in May sitting alongside thier head traders and the majority of their day was spent reviewing and speaking with trainees on the course. I believe it was their way of keeping themselves busy so as not be tempted to place boredom trades when the market isn't doing anything. Trust me when you do nothing but spend all day watching the markets move 1 tick at a time you start seeing levels that weren't there an hour ago, you end up trading them only to get burnt. you need to have discipline and you need to keep yourself busy other than staring at charts all day non stop. I believe this is how the head traders distract themselves when the markets aren't doing anything.

I have a huge respect for the head traders at Amplify, in fact i have a huge respect of any trader out there who is consistently profitable. these guys are very humble, they speak out their ideas, some times they work, and often they don't. but 1 thing you know for sure always happens and that is when they are right - they ride out that trade for as long possible. cut your losers short - and let your winners ride.

Apologies for the long post - i hope this has answered a few questions to those that are genuine about furthering their career as a trader.
I know what you're thinking - did I get offered a job at Amplify? No I didn't.

Leopard - the concept of Amplify is not laughable, in fact I believe it is very clever. I too wondered that if they were so successful as traders then why bother training new recruits? I spent a day in their offices trading back in May sitting alongside thier head traders and the majority of their day was spent reviewing and speaking with trainees on the course. I believe it was their way of keeping themselves busy so as not be tempted to place boredom trades when the market isn't doing anything. Trust me when you do nothing but spend all day watching the markets move 1 tick at a time you start seeing levels that weren't there an hour ago, you end up trading them only to get burnt. you need to have discipline and you need to keep yourself busy other than staring at charts all day non stop. I believe this is how the head traders distract themselves when the markets aren't doing anything.

So that's why they do it. These expert, successful traders need clueless noobs cluttering up the office to keep themselves from getting bored and so they don't place too many trades. It's nothing to do with the several grand they get paid for the course by each wide-eyed "applicant".

Do you have any idea how silly and naive you sound?

Now, as for the concept being ridiculous. In every other industry, you get qualifications or training, then you apply for a job. You don't go to a law firm, or a hospital, or a building site, pay them 5 grand and then if they like you, they might offer you a job. They employ you based on your skills, and if they need to train you some more, they do so. They don't charge you for it.

You see, everywhere else, that's how companies work. They pay you. If you need additional training, they train you.

Actually, it's not just everywhere else. It's this industry too. You don't go to Barclays or Goldman Sachs and pay them for training.

Unless of course they are in the business of selling education. If that is their main business, then all you are doing is paying someone for education. The promise of a job at the end of it is...well, it is what it is.

But does no-one ever think why these firms operate differently to all the others? If they are an education firm, just charge people for education. If they are a trading firm, why don't they hire the traders they want and give them such additional training as they deem necessary, like every other business on the planet does?