Amplify Trading-my journey

They make money from the training fees, the whole job/backed account thing is a marketing ploy to sell the course. In the unlikely event that someone is profitable then of course they'd be happy to keep backing them and take a cut. I doubt that has ever happened though.
They make money from the training fees, the whole job/backed account thing is a marketing ploy to sell the course. In the unlikely event that someone is profitable then of course they'd be happy to keep backing them and take a cut. I doubt that has ever happened though.

It is so obvious. Why (despite all the warnings that the previous poster would presumably have seen since he's read this thread at least) do people fall for it?

I mean, is he being serious? They train people to keep them distracted from the markets so they can trade better? Nothing to do with the fees? Really?

What other type of business operates like this? Can anyone think of a genuine example?
ok, its clear there are those on this thread that have a genuine interest in knowing more about a certain company before paying a large amount of money and those that have no clue about anything - especially trading.

How to trade Non Farm Payrolls ( NFP) - Amplify Trading - YouTube

The above is a link of one of Amplify's head traders trading last months NFP (May 13). No attitude, no arrogance. no emotion. Just a pro at work.

If you can make that kind that money in under 15 mins trading the most volatile dangerous news there is then how much you think they make trading the quiet ranging markets (with far greater size) for the rest of the month?

In fact why do they even need your poxy £1k a month? after you've taken out the licensing fees they have to pay get you on the exchange they're not left with much.

Hey ive got an idea Leopard and anyone else that likes to troll - seeing as its NFP day tomorrow why don't you record yourself trading 10+ contracts on the NFP data tomorrow and post it into this thread to prove to everyone here you're not full of sh*t?

I would like your next reply to include that video but something tells me i shouldn't hold my breath.....
ok, its clear there are those on this thread that have a genuine interest in knowing more about a certain company before paying a large amount of money and those that have no clue about anything - especially trading.

How to trade Non Farm Payrolls ( NFP) - Amplify Trading - YouTube

The above is a link of one of Amplify's head traders trading last months NFP (May 13). No attitude, no arrogance. no emotion. Just a pro at work.

If you can make that kind that money in under 15 mins trading the most volatile dangerous news there is then how much you think they make trading the quiet ranging markets (with far greater size) for the rest of the month?

In fact why do they even need your poxy £1k a month? after you've taken out the licensing fees they have to pay get you on the exchange they're not left with much.

In that case, why do they take it? Why does such a proficient trader want to bother himself with hand-holding clueless people? Why not just get on with his trading?

Hey ive got an idea Leopard and anyone else that likes to troll - seeing as its NFP day tomorrow why don't you record yourself trading 10+ contracts on the NFP data tomorrow and post it into this thread to prove to everyone here you're not full of sh*t?

A couple of things. First, a video of me punting on NFP day wouldn't prove anything. Second, the fact that someone chooses not to punt on NFP doesn't prove anything either - at least, not what you think it proves.

I would like your next reply to include that video but something tells me i shouldn't hold my breath.....

All this training and experience you had, and you're still offering petulant, childish and nonsensical challenges? Doesn't that worry you?
All this training and experience you had, and you're still offering petulant, childish and nonsensical challenges? Doesn't that worry you?

Actually, the only reason i posted in the first place was to do something other than boredem trade seeing as the markets are dead this morning due to it being a US holiday but drahgi is getting ready to speak soon so gotta go!

AAAnyway, just like traderboi i ain't gonna be back on this thread and guess why?? Yep, you're right - because traders gotta trade while trollers gotta troll.......
Pid, one other question. Is that a live account, or a demo?

At 12:27 on the video, a pop up box comes up that shows the account name - it's SIM amplify. It is described as CQG SIM.

Are you sure it's real? SIM would suggest that it might not be.

I don't use CQG - can anyone who does confirm whether that is a live account or not?
Pid, one other question. Is that a live account, or a demo?

At 12:27 on the video, a pop up box comes up that shows the account name - it's SIM amplify. It is described as CQG SIM.

Are you sure it's real? SIM would suggest that it might not be.

I don't use CQG - can anyone who does confirm whether that is a live account or not?

the account traded in that video IS a simulator. i commented on that NFP video that they used a simulator and my comment was removed by the author of the video. Those who were at amplify will know that "PSAmplify##" at the top of the CQG DOM denotes a simulator account.
AAAnyway, just like traderboi i ain't gonna be back on this thread and guess why?? Yep, you're right - because traders gotta trade while trollers gotta troll.......[/QUOTE]

I dont think you understand who is getting trolled here
the account traded in that video IS a simulator. i commented on that NFP video that they used a simulator and my comment was removed by the author of the video. Those who were at amplify will know that "PSAmplify##" at the top of the CQG DOM denotes a simulator account.

Thanks Fast, I thought it was.

Now, I don't know about you, but that strikes me as curious (I'd be interested in your opinion on this as well Pid). Why does a successful trader (an expert who has his own trading firm and is sufficiently good that he can charge others a lot of money for his teaching) trade using a demo account?

The way he was talking, willing it up and willing it down, emotions controlled but clearly high, it certainly gave the impression that it was real. Pid thought it was - in his post directed at me he spoke of the money made on those trades. Most shops don't take demo money, but let me know if you hear of any that do.

Now, I assume Amplify is a reputable and honest company. Why would they not make it clear that the trades were demo trades? And (assuming you are telling the truth Fast), why would they delete your comment? Surely they are not trying to hide the fact that these trades aren't real?

What on earth are we to make of it Fast? And Pid, does this have any impact on your opinion of the trading prowess displayed?
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Another thing Pid (I'm not attacking you, I'm genuinely trying to be helpful).

You have obviously watched that video, as you recommended it. You have benefited from four months of tuition with these expert traders. I haven't - all I know is what I've learned on my own.

How is it that you - expertly trained at a real trading firm, and familiar (I assume) with CQG, didn't notice that was a demo account?

And how is that I - an untrained, no-hope forum troll - did notice that it was a demo account?

Is there anything to think about there?


Is it even possible that I was 99% certain that it was a demo account, even before I watched the video? How might I know what I was going to find before I'd even seen it?

ok, its clear there are those on this thread that have a genuine interest in knowing more about a certain company before paying a large amount of money and those that have no clue about anything - especially trading.

How to trade Non Farm Payrolls ( NFP) - Amplify Trading - YouTube

The above is a link of one of Amplify's head traders trading last months NFP (May 13). No attitude, no arrogance. no emotion. Just a pro at work.

If you can make that kind that money in under 15 mins trading the most volatile dangerous news there is then how much you think they make trading the quiet ranging markets (with far greater size) for the rest of the month?

In fact why do they even need your poxy £1k a month? after you've taken out the licensing fees they have to pay get you on the exchange they're not left with much.

Hey ive got an idea Leopard and anyone else that likes to troll - seeing as its NFP day tomorrow why don't you record yourself trading 10+ contracts on the NFP data tomorrow and post it into this thread to prove to everyone here you're not full of sh*t?

I would like your next reply to include that video but something tells me i shouldn't hold my breath.....
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Pid, you might say, well, OK, it's on demo, but there is still skill on display there. He could have done it for real (leaving psychology aside, which you shouldn't do, especially in a situation like that, but forget that for a moment).

You challenged me to produce a video of me trading the number. Now, let us assume that punting on NFP is a good idea 🙂rolleyes🙂 and I want to do as you ask.

Would you like me to demonstrate why it would prove nothing? Would you like me to explain how easy it would be for me to fake it? I'm not saying that Amplify have faked it, I'm just saying that if I wanted to, for whatever reason, it would be very easy for me. Would you like to see it done?
Thanks Fast, I thought it was.

Now, I don't know about you, but that strikes me as curious (I'd be interested in your opinion on this as well Pid). Why does a successful trader (an expert who has his own trading firm and is sufficiently good that he can charge others a lot of money for his teaching) trade using a demo account?

The way he was talking, willing it up and willing it down, emotions controlled but clearly high, it certainly gave the impression that it was real. Pid thought it was - in his post directed at me he spoke of the money made on those trades. Most shops don't take demo money, but let me know if you hear of any that do.

Now, I assume Amplify is a reputable and honest company. Why would they not make it clear that the trades were demo trades. And (assuming you are telling the truth Fast), why would they delete your comment? Surely they are not trying to hide the fact that these trades aren't real?

What on earth are we to make of it Fast? And Pid, does this have any impact on your opinion of the trading prowess displayed?

Mate my honest opinion is that a successful trader will not be educating others. Period. Those sim trades in the video just add more evidence to the growing pile that trading education is about education, not trading. For example why do you need to trade a live account if you have students bringing in piles of cash in fees every month??
. [/url]

If you can make that kind that money in under 15 mins trading the most volatile dangerous news there is then how much you think they make trading the quiet ranging markets (with far greater size) for the rest of the month?


So how come they couldn't teach you to do that?
So how come they couldn't teach you to do that?

Also Pid, out of curiosity how did you not notice the simulator in the video? Did you not sit in front of one of those for 3 months? There are alarm bells ringing in your face and you think it just light orchestral music drifting along with the wind?
Pid, you might say, well, OK, it's on demo, but there is still skill on display there. He could have done it for real (leaving psychology aside, which you shouldn't do, especially in a situation like that, but forget that for a moment).

You challenged me to produce a video of me trading the number. Now, let us assume that punting on NFP is a good idea 🙂rolleyes🙂 and I want to do as you ask.

Would you like me to demonstrate why it would prove nothing? Would you like me to explain how easy it would be for me to fake it? I'm not saying that Amplify have faked it, I'm just saying that if I wanted to, for whatever reason, it would be very easy for me. Would you like to see it done?

Ok, touché people.

First of all good spot on the whole pausing thing. The live ladders and CQG ladders are identical in design but you can change the colours in order to help you differentiate your live ladder from your sim. my live ladder colours are identical to his sim ladder colours.

second, there is also button that you can click that links his sim ladder to his live ladder for all trades. These buttons exist so they can duplicate your ladders on their system to make sure you don't lose the plot and decide to blow up trading 100 contracts of their money for the fun of it. the purpose of why he probably bought up a new ladder was so he didn't show his current P&L before the nfp. For sake of argument we'll assume he was trading sim only.

They do not encourage that kind of trading on the course.

Leopard I apologise to you or anyone else for my short comments. Just didn't appreciate the "silly and naive" comments and the fact remains that the only nay sayers here are those that have either not done the course or failed the course out of the sheer frustration that is trading and were hoping to gain some kind of insider secrets while on the course.

I am not Amplify's self appointed rottwieler, do the course or don't do it, be a millionaire or blow up your account. I don't care. By doing this course i have learnt the tools needed to be a successful trader. Anyone can learn economics, and anyone can read a chart and apply S&R levels, its all down to me and how strong my own psychology is when it comes to hitting that losing streak before I am able to turn it around. In my opinion, 4 months is too short to be able to succeed in this course. I failed the course because the pressure of having to succeed in such a short time was too much and i forced the trades. ever since ive been independent my strike rate has improved drastically because im under no more time constraints.

The course itself has no real pearls of wisdom. you learn the set ups, and you trade them. if you're right 30% of the time with a risk/reward of over 2:1 then you will be profitable end of story. sounds easy? do it. Want some help? do a course.
