Active day and swing traders

  • Thread starter Thread starter khi
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kgf still in downtrend and indistinct for me. that sell signal i talked about before finally came on the 8th day (not taken) but it didn't get far and it couldn't make new lows (bomb chaos ignored). strongish recovery and about back in that eight day range. i'd be nervous at a close much below 255 but a move above 263 would change the trend to up and i'd be a happy bunny.

there you are then - it'll go up or it'll go down, some help eh 😆

good trading



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thanks, looks like i have to watch this one really closely. oops rbs just touched 1650, interesting.
nite, nite from me now, but a couple for you early risers to cast your rulers over in the morning.

bg long and aun short - neither ideal candidates from my point of view but maybe worth a look. I'll decide when and if they signal.

mornin' all

oomph - stopped out aal -24.

aun gap open down (and recovered since) so no deal as yet

good trading

'morning all,

Nice to see a broker downgrade on DXNS this morning. Hope the market pays some attention :cheesy: . Bit worrying that their price target is the same as mine though 😱 (not that I trade on the targets).

Good trading,

Yep, whipsaws, who mentioned that one. This morning was particularly bad. Got stopped on RTR for a measly pip. Ah well, my fault as I should have waited for the opening to settle then re-set the stop.
As it happens it has continued falling so I am satisfied at i pip!
in on PAG & BLND this morning.
SLOU doing nicely from yesterdays entry @ 530, uo 8. WG flat.

mmm, bit wild and woolly for my lot this morning. had to borrow mark's white knuckles for a bit 😱

good trading

Well stopped out of WTB this morning @ 1006 (bet it tanks now - if so, my fault for setting the stop too tight). Opened short @ 990.87 on 12/8. Still, despite that I'm up nicely today so far (about time too). WTB stop out frees up quite a bit of margin, so I can enter another trade or two , if any trigger:

I'm looking at possible shorts on the following: CPG, JMAT, EMG, NRK, RR

Good trading,

morn...ooops afternoon al.

busy morning, bought more rtr and rbs. shorted spw. losing a bit at the mo. still holding long on kgf, cne, rbs, rtr, and bg. and shorted spw. thats all.


just an idle question. does anyone favour any particular time of day for opening positions?
hi jon

i am usually reluctant to open any new positions between 11:00-15:00. as after 11:00 is usually thin volumn and anything that moves would only be a whipsaw type for suckers or money shakers. unless some drastic news announced or anything like that then i would open a small size to feed my habbit (and usually get sucked in foolishly) 😡 .

cheers kim
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Well, that was a busy patch: added shorts in JMAT (1127.5) & EMG (1648) which triggered earlier today. So, current position:


I think the rollercoaster is cranking me towards the top at the moment... get ready for the plunge 😱

Good trading all,

mm my first short for a couple of weeks (spw) has got stopped out in just few hours....ouch!!!
barjon said:
just an idle question. does anyone favour any particular time of day for opening positions?
Hi Jon,

It's a good question!

I don't at the moment: it's just a question of when the price exceeds the previous day's high or low. This often happens early in the day. Mind you, I do have a rule never to trade before 9am, having been caught out too often by whipsaws in that period. When I'm checking daily highs & lows, I also exclude data before 9am.

I also remove my stops just before COB and replace them at 9am. Obviously this could be a bit dangerous but it allows me to use rather tighter stops than would otherwise be the case. So far, I've only been caught out once with a sharp move in early trading, which got worse until I closed the position at 9am (and beyond!).

Another question of my own: I wonder whether FTSE100 sentiment correlates with the weather?! Seems to be a pretty bearish day today 😆

Good trading,

marben said:
Hi Jon,

........Another question of my own: I wonder whether FTSE100 sentiment correlates with the weather?! Seems to be a pretty bearish day today 😆 ........

Good trading,



😆 stormy just like my runners today.

mmm, i'm very similar - although i will take what appear to be strong moves pre 0900 occasionally.


interesting, course you are much faster fingered than me. i must check back to see if my post 1100s suffer a greater rate of attrition than pre 1100s. will report back if and when i get round to it.

Orning all,
just entered LLOY long @ 453.
Stopped out on WG. for a small loss.

Re entering trade times. I do not enter for the first 15 / 30 minutes of market open.

Not sure if I am comfortable with Mark's idea of removing stops overnight. I can see the point to prevent whipsaw stops. I have only once (recently) had a problem with RTR but that in fact tunned out to be a true drop not a whip!

However, there is total logic in slackening the stop. Something for discussion and thought.

Not much on the radar this morning, possibly ACM but...

Good trading.