you will find your way Sun.......don't worry you think some of us cracked it in under a year or so ? ......hahahahaha it took years for me ..........and with a lot of help from great people..... like those on this thread for example !! :smart:
I must disagree.
You may have perfected what you do over many years and have borrowed parts from others methods, What Sun is trying to do is replicate an uncomplicated set of rules that all need to be applied together to make the method operate optimally.
If one then selectively applied it and had poor results that is because they have not either grasped it entirely or they have decided unilaterally that these parts don't always apply. The exact replication in its simplest form without ppnd etc should not take forever, or over a year.
No matter how many years they try, trading is not for some people. They can have 20 good trades and hit a bit of red mist and lose it all and some in one trade or have 3.5 good weeks and then blow the account in a day. To trade one needs to be dispassionate about each individual trade and have confidence in their ability to do the same thing over and over knowing they have an edge and that repetition will lead them to the rewards. It is not that exciting and should not set your pulse going if applied properly.
It really is not helpful to say that time alone is enough. Patience and application go a good way but the mental barriers we place in front of us may be the hardest to overcome.