I messed up everything today..
My daily pl is -35. all because of EJ. I hate this pair now. I am no longer trading today. Out.
Unfortunately this loss is not recoverable. On my main account is 100+ pips loss. I don't think i will recover this. So upset on myself. I hit my freakish level now.
Hi Sun
Sorry to hear and agree best to stop trading atm - as your head and mindset is not in correct setting for now - as you are annoyed and frustrated with yourself - and I do understand
I can see you still have quite a bit to take in on live trading
On demo - you mindset is OK - your logic is fine and you operate in control and with discipline
In live account - your past baggage and mindset is making it totally different - you are not scalping correctly and you are therefore frustrated
I can tell you now - Both myself and Major M have been there and got the T shirt
Me many years ago and it took me 6 months to get back into conssitency and if you ask MM - he went from brilliant on demo - sheer brilliant - to a bad spell on a live account that knocked his confidence back. He's regained his composure live - but still taking it step by step - not suddenly going from say $5 a pip to 2 or 5 lots - as that can cause havoc with your confidence if you have a bad few days or weeks
Remember you only started the tick chart yesterday - You are not used to it and so I can understand you having losses
Please have off as long as you need 1 or 3 days - its does not matter - we have months to get you right
For important part is for you to regain confidence / control and most importantly - DISCIPLINE - today to lose 35 pips - meant you were out of control and spiraled
If the worse come to the worse I could give you 50 trades over next week or so and get you back in profit - and I am prepared to do that
Trouble is - you are not learning just copying me saying buy this or sell that
That's why I need you to stay in control of your own trading - even if it means back on demo for 2 or 5 days
As you have said - you will be fine on demo and have winning days and are disciplined etc
We can get you like that on live - but not how you have been operating this last week - your scalp logic as not been correct - you are making incorrect decisions - basically because of the pressure you feel under
Take that away and then all what you have learnt - and will carry on learning will make you successful