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3 08 PM
I am sure Nick is smiling with regards to the EA
Now at 5675
3 08 PM
I am sure Nick is smiling with regards to the EA
Now at 5675
Dollar strength off that 3 00 pm news
3 08 PM
I am sure Nick is smiling with regards to the EA
Now at 5675
1 min chart after 1 00 pm
Notice cross over and under 5635 its bearish and a sell
Above 5600 is bullish and a buy
Who will win ??
2 31 pm EA
Need to see over 5640 now on EA otherwise will pull in mid 30s
Ideally we buy EA again at 5623 to 26 area
It still bullish above 25
3 08 PM
I am sure Nick is smiling with regards to the EA
Now at 5675
In Basel airport for a later flight back to blighty......zzzzzz
How'd it go today gang ?
Hi F,
I would be interested in your thoughts on partials.
Yesterday I was in 2 trades and I have spent this morning trying to see how I could have been better.
I got very good entries and the trades ended up being nearly 100 pips. I however did not get them all.
Now to counter that I think I wrote already that one day I got 100 pips from a market that had a 60 pip range, so maybe I want too much.
The first trade I am questioning is EJ. I bought as per your method at 11.56 yesterday. Now I bailed way to soon as it was but that is hindsight. I guess I am looking for clues that could have kept me in.
What I think could have is that at each stage it surpassed on of the longer lr's and maybe that was the clue. Within that I know there were numerous 20 pip swings, which is higher than our targets on entering a scalp. So I know this is not a question with a definitive answer and it is a personal preference too. I would like to say I left a partial for 90 pips+ but how many 20+ pip swings do I endure and why?
I guess I am starting a conversation here rather than a do x when y occurs scenario. Like you I am constantly trying to get better and spend time reviewing what I have done in the last week in an effort to keep improving.
In my defence, in this trade I entered a short on EA at 13.21 and due to not trading EJ so much I was doubtful of how long the two pairs could run in opposite directions.
Anyway I wanted to share my dilemma here and maybe you and others can share their thoughts.
In the end I bail at 13.47
Hi Nick
OK good question
Pleased you know its not a simple black or white - yes/ no answer ;-)
I will try over next 30 mins or so explain how I generally look at it - as an overview - along with my own preferences and tips etc etc
It will be detailed - but even then I am sure I might miss some points out - so if I do and not answer your specifics - then please raise again
Enjoy your weekend
Morning N
I hope you got back OK last night - are you able to get a flight back to Bournemouth or Southampton rather than Heathrow and will this be your new regular Friday afternoon / evening trip ?
Friday was not as easy day as the rest of the week - maybe because of choppy price action and a lot of teasing / indecision stuff - but main job of exceeding my daily target was easily achieved.
I have been asked why don't I increase my daily target to say 80 pips or even more - as most days it easily achieved over a 4 -7 hr session. Well my answer is there will be the odd days not every week or month but certainly every 6 -8 weeks when I really struggle to even make my 50 pips . It might be down to a slow or bad start - or over 5 or more bad scalps - or even because I cannot get a full time session in and only trade for a few hours and then even with say 10 trades I might only be at 36 pips. It does happen - but so do days that within 90 mins and 5 trades I have made over 80+ pips - that's the unknown of what the market will do.
Talking of number of trades - I notice you are being challenged in another thread regarding your comment on more trades more money theory etc. Its another one like how long is a piece of string ? ie a very busy scalper might take 100 scalps get a 85% win record and make 150 pips - but then another trader takes just 9 trades and makes 250 pips all in the same session - but with some with RR of over 20 + rather than the scalpers winning RR's of less than 1 to 2.
I am a firm believer for retail FX trading - multi trading done efficiently will produce the best results . The question is - is that 15 trades a full session - or 22 or 35 or even more - but the idea of only doing 3 or 5 trades a day is a waste of time - because you will never be able to get a 80 -100% win rate continually and you will miss out on so many opportunities as well even 100 pip wins are not than good if your stop size was 50 pips - ie a RR of 2+ trade can be achieved in 10 mins - why wait 3 or 6 hrs for the same result ?
Anyway look forward to how that debate pans out
Enjoy your weekend in Blighty ;-)
the more trade volume = more money is unchallengable in my opinion
I also see no reason why someone trading a 1hr tf or higher will achieve a significantly better % success rate over time than a damn good 1 min trader..........the excuse is that the higher TF allows more scope for stop positioning ......but that still doesn't offset the woeful returns on lower stakes per pips ........and overall $ per day earnings........ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
the joke is we would need to wait bloody years to prove it due to obtaining decent sample size on higher TF's ..........when i was starting in scalping I was hitting 2-300 trades a day (yes excessive)..........Christ to do the same sample on a 1 hour I would be weeks ..........hahahahahaha
What time frame do you trade on 1 min or 1 hr.New to this thread but find the traders have a great knowledge.