A Master Class in FX Intraday Trading by F & Co

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the interim high was 11 27 am

the interim low was 11 05 am ish

Now if we dont move out of range by Midday - a BTTZ area
Confirmation of a turn back up is made above 70 and 77

we would still need then to breach above 81 and 84 to stay with new scalp buys

Under 57 and 52 and 48 - well I am sure you know what to do there - scalp sell

11 59 am

Whilst the EU as been boring stuck in a BTTZ check out EJ after 11 30 am

135 34/5 was the sell cross over down after 11 34 am

Low then 135 14 - and scalp buy after 11 54 am similar then to EU again - but EJ lot bigger movements
Midday update

Could not resist this - going to have my lunch and walk Basil in a bit ( one for the alternative fans )

News at 1 15 pm today on US Dollar

Need to be around after 1 00 pm

For now on EU - we need to come out the range

either over 72 and 84 + for scalping buying more


UNder 57 - 52 and 48 for scalp selling more

GL guys

Back in a bit
loading more and more onto usd sells now

heres why



  • usd sells.JPG
    usd sells.JPG
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EU - PRE 1 15 pm US Dollar news

Back now

EU at 1 07 pm

A picture can paint a 1000 words - I think



  • EU - PRE NEWS 20915.png
    EU - PRE NEWS 20915.png
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Trickery taking place at 1252 to 1270 ish - 18 pip

EU in a 40 -45 pip range

Structure says lower under 1280 but 1 17 pm was a scalp buy above 58
12 67 was a LH and then 65 a LH so scalp sell under 64 but then need 58 and 50 to let go for staying with scalp sell
1 22 pm

Typical - we stop at 1250 with a drop from 1267

Theres the clues

Need now under 48 and 44 to sell more 0R

Over 70 and 75 for scalp buys again
1 29 pm

The UChf as made new highs - suggesting dollar strength - and EU to fall more


Ucad falling and UJ slightly pulling back

All down to trickery and game play going on

We just have to wait now for the deception to finish and proper moves to start - again
I know N likes the UCad

After 1 21 pm and news its fallen approx 20 pips - all lined up on LR's and time


so much easier than EU this last hour

I did not join the sells until after news and 1 21 pm onwards

So far from 1 09 pm its dropped 45 pips



  • UCad - 20915 pm.png
    UCad - 20915 pm.png
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