10k to 20k in 1 month.

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Why don't you use something like myfxbook to post the trades?

That` not a bad shout, I actually tried setting up an account not long ago on there but it was a pain in the **** if i rightly remember!

Either i was being stupid or the damn thing wouldnt verify the server!
does this forum is useful .some member only say only word ,or even half word ,how can i get knoledge ,i am confused ,if it wa s the time to leave this forum .

If you confused, then invest money in uncle manage account. Is easy.
- Im thinking about (hopefully) renaming the thread to something a little more unambiguous to allow people to share there thoughts rather than me (and you, who think im pretending) trading toward a certain goal.

The goal is no longer attainable. So change the goal ? I am curious, however. What made you think the goal was attainable in the first place ? As you knew how to draw some triangles, you are not a complete beginner-beginner. Surely whatever experience you had, however little it might have been, would have told you that profits could not be extracted on demand ?

It was fun short selling against your stupidity. I hope you create more threads like this, when this one is over.
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The goal is no longer attainable. So change the goal ? I am curious, however. What made you think the goal was attainable in the first place ? As you knew how to draw some triangles, you are not a complete beginner-beginner. Surely whatever experience you had, however little it might have been, would have told you that profits could not be extracted on demand ?

It was fun short selling against your stupidity. I hope you create more threads like this, when this one is over.

You`re quite a boring person arnt you?
What happened to truce or is that for other people George I mean Dom


    213.8 KB · Views: 101
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If you think you`re good enough how about you enter into this contest on myfxbook...

I have, not expecting to win but im damn sure i`ll give you both a run for your money.


I understand any excuses... it makes perfect sense.
TOYS and PRAM come to mind

I`ve been gladly welcomed onto your thread now DC2000. Looking forward to this relationship and bond we can form from our own "analysis" or what i call a squaking service...

Hows the trade going you put on without any stops :LOL:

Cant wait to see the progress of it.
You really are a fool Dom

trade is fine thankyou anything over 118 and Im itm for the day

thats the difference between you and I, I would never laugh at another traders loss on this board, but feel free to watch the trade.
You really are a fool Dom

trade is fine thankyou anything over 118 and Im itm for the day

thats the difference between you and I, I would never laugh at another traders loss on this board, but feel free to watch the trade.

:LOL: That is so rich! You have no idea how much sh*t ive taken... I have and HAD done nothing wrong since i started this thread! And YOU try to talk to me like that. Fat chance buddy.

Im not laughing @ potetential losses im laughing @ how foolish you are coming on here talking to me about how i should and shouldnt trade/my own opinions, techniques and general garbage.

I then went on your thread to find that you were £3k in the hole with no stop loss!?!?

Not 100% sure i got you right on that but im hoping i didnt:|
When did I tell you how to trade??

I did say you cant post a basic chart and then say "I called the trade" because you didnt you posted a chart thats all

ps trades for today currently at +1.6k
When did I tell you how to trade??

I did say you cant post a basic chart and then say "I called the trade" because you didnt you posted a chart thats all

ps trades for today currently at +1.6k

Dont come on this thread sporadically and think you can remain on top of all my calls. You came on here generalizing as if i "blue peter" trade....


http://www.trade2win.com/boards/misc.php?do=showattachments&t=132214 ...

88 attachments....

God knows what your risk:reward is but £3k in the hole with no stop loss to now being happy because your 1.6k up.... I want to see a statement....

Prove it to me otherwise i assume its nothing more than a demo.

Calling me a beginner.... INCREDIBLE...

Here is a good thread DC2000 can help you all turn £2k into an income.

Heres one of his quotes... He` a pro. Really knows what hes talking about honestly he does:

I am offten asked questions like " How much money can I make ?" " How much money do I need to make a living in trading ?" all difficult questions to answer objectively.

My challenge is to take a pot of £2,000 and trade it with a spreadbetter, with the goal of providing an income equivalent to that of a worker in a high street store. The time frame for this is one year.

Having looked at various spreadbetters I am looking for any recomendations you may have

The criteria is :
They must allow stop losses to be moved
They must allow limit buy and limit sell orders to be active at the same time away from the current price
They must allow a small amount per point ( this would currently rule out City Index and IG index as theirs are £3 and £2 respectively)
They must have an online platform that once logged in you stay logged in with no need to re-enter password before trade
The quotes must update in real time
There must be no more than 2 clicks to trade

At the moment the favorite seems to be finspreads but I am welcome to all suggestions

found here: http://www.trade2win.com/boards/spread-betting/10193-spreadbet-challenge.html

Little dated mind you... Not sure why he finished it early :LOL:
byek you certainly doin some diggin to find that old chestnut. No it cant be done is the simple answer however I do note that spreadbet firms have improved alot since then

your comming across a bit irrate if I may say so

and money on risk for FTSE trades is way less than 1%
byek you certainly doin some diggin to find that old chestnut. No it cant be done is the simple answer however I do note that spreadbet firms have improved alot since then

your comming across a bit irrate if I may say so

and money on risk for FTSE trades is way less than 1%

Ah ok so £300,000k trading balance? Nice size. Or more?

No way am i being irate, just talking sense? We all do on this forum remember. Im calm... stops in, emotions out remember... Leave my emotions @ home this is a trading forum:LOL:

Nice little gamble trade on your bullish ftse though... sweet entry ;)

... 5146 Long @ 11:00AM ? Great trigger you have there... must LITERALLY be emotionless with being £3k in a hole no stops. But your fundamental skills paid off. good job.

Good quote by DC200:

my intuition here would be he's not taking his own advice on trades in too early and out too soon death by a thousand cuts.

What he means is, if you have enough money to throw @ the market then your finnnnnne. Just stay in and riiiiide those waves. It`ll all work out eventually....
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blimey quotes everywhere oh and missing zero's DC200 300,000

you forgot to quote I was looking for 5014 anyway but went for lunch but I guess that bit wasnt important
blimey quotes everywhere oh and missing zero's DC200 300,000

you forgot to quote I was looking for 5014 anyway but went for lunch but I guess that bit wasnt important

You were looking for 5014... long from 5146... BUT looking for 5014.... RIIIIIIIIIGHT...

Keep it up 2,900 post guy... you MUST be a better trader than me as YOUVE SEEN IT ALL on here before, you prejudice moron.

This guy knows it all, honestly... he makes soooo much money he comes on my thread to sabotage it in his free time... he pisses out £3k plus a day.... Im aiming for 400-500... :|

IT CANT BE DONE DOMGILBERTO.... outrageous expectation... BECAUSE he has £300k and i have £10k starting balance.... duuuur the more money you have the eassssier is it! Everyone knows that because of simple R:R... Duuuur

Upload a statement DC2000 no 1 believes you have £300,000k and you make what everyone can easily guess in one trade.....

He also had another thread back in 2004 about an automated/manual trading system...


Great results buddy! Everyone seemed to have loved it... WITHOUT any proof, CHARTS or EXPLANATION... BUT it can be all yours for £149.00! SOUNDS LIKE AN AWESOME DEAL!

Hey you and me can go in business on the SERVICE IM OFFERING HERE!?!?

PM me if your interested we could make millions!?
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