10k to 20k in 1 month.

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If Wallstreet1928 has a call out thread, I would have no trouble asking him for a statement. I am certain he would have no trouble providing one. This is the difference between people who make money and those who do not.

Now that the call outs are finished, how will the noobs double their money ?

I never said they would? Ask him buddy... he will not... and he KNOWS how to call the market DAY IN AND DAY OUT.

Calls are not finished...? I dont have to throw money at the market you know... ever heard of "wait for the market to come to you..." expression before...


That is a question to everyone ^^^^^^^?

Because if there is not benefit to anyone me doing this then i shall simply stop....? (and no that doesnt mean i`ve lost my money beginnerjoe... just means im getting sick of you... i have posted proof of market calls... you want to see my wallet... child)

With no confirmed trades, you ain't got no nothing. As you use non-guaranteed stops, all the break even 'trades' could well have been losses. This is why I ask to see the statement, and for the same reason you have trouble coming up with one.

Bender, who took your calls, made losses. I am here keeping you on your toes so other noobs don't fall into the trap that Bender did.
With no confirmed trades, you ain't got no nothing. As you use non-guaranteed stops, all the break even 'trades' could well have been losses. This is why I ask to see the statement, and for the same reason you have trouble coming up with one.

Bender, who took your calls, made losses. I am here keeping you on your toes so other noobs don't fall into the trap that Bender did.

Troll denied.

Bender was completely made up... everyone knows that, you or paz made that (mods have confirmed lol)?

This is boring now. I will no longer be writing to you from now on. You`re a fairly boring dull minded little child. You have no meaning to be here unless your looking to learn or share something constructive.

I am sure im speaking for others when i say this but im hoping people can see a bigger benefit from ME than they can YOU and your little phantom heroic actions to take down cyber scam artists here lol!!!

If bender took all my trades then he would not have lost a penny - I recommend people do there own analysis and take this purely as commentary as i am not liable for any losses due to the fact this is not a service... i do not charge or make a profit from it....

BeginnerJoe you mean nothing to me on this thread other than a rambling virus. You deserve no respect, no retaliation comments, no time or effort... nothing. End of.

Instead i seem to be "lucky" enough to have your time and effort which is very strange... "because Bender lost his money" (said in a childish voice) bla bla bla.... Good bye.
I'm certainly not trying to legitimise what's going on here, but to be fair, most people who follow other people's calls lose money.

Yup this is true... it is dangerous! Unless you`re prepared to keep emotions out and abide by everything... (which is highly unlikely if you have no experience of the markets.... emotions play tricks and tell you, you think you know better etc)

Well said.
sure it's possible, I did that in May, from 1k up to 10k, but ultimately went down again as was getting by on 2-3 hours sleep, while holding down a job. I crashed.

I am looking for a backer, FWIW. I can feasibly get 2-5k per day, consistently.


  • account in May.GIF
    account in May.GIF
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out of interest would everyone prefer me not to share anything any more, because i will honestly stop if that is the case...?
You have no meaning to be here unless your looking to learn or share something constructive.

I am here is to protect the noobies who, in their innocence, might get taken in by a bit of fanciful sooth saying.

out of interest would everyone prefer me not to share anything any more, because i will honestly stop if that is the case...?

I prefer you keep calling out and then post up statement to back up your claim.
sure it's possible, I did that in May, from 1k up to 10k, but ultimately went down again as was getting by on 2-3 hours sleep, while holding down a job. I crashed.

I'd be quite concerned by the size of those losing trades in comparison to the size of the winners. Some of the larger losses appear to be over 30% of the account equity.

The key point that only you know and can answer is where you using stops of that magnitude on the winning trades ? because if so, its remarkably easy to generate a similar looking equity curve particulary over the short term. (even HoCo could do it :LOL:)
definition of internet "troll" (in case people are unfamiliar with the term):

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
I'd be quite concerned by the size of those losing trades in comparison to the size of the winners. Some of the larger losses appear to be over 30% of the account equity.

The key point that only you know and can answer is where you using stops of that magnitude on the winning trades ? because if so, its remarkably easy to generate a similar looking equity curve particulary over the short term. (even HoCo could do it :LOL:)

quick answer, no. I did it in 10 days with only small losses. However, after that I was pretty tired -getting by on only a few hours sleep due to time differences and work, so started making bigger mistakes. My edge is that I can make 48 out of 50 trades profitable.

Finally, sorry to the OP for being off topic. I stop here. I mainly meant to say-yes, you can do it. Good luck.
quick answer, no. I did it in 10 days with only small losses. However, after that I was pretty tired -getting by on only a few hours sleep due to time differences and work, so started making bigger mistakes. My edge is that I can make 48 out of 50 trades profitable.

Finally, sorry to the OP for being off topic. I stop here. I mainly meant to say-yes, you can do it. Good luck.

What happens if the first two are the losers?
out of interest would everyone prefer me not to share anything any more, because i will honestly stop if that is the case...?

Don't stop, just post your trades and post statements at the end of the day to silence the critics and stop worrying about arguing with everyone. Keep on pimpin' (y)
Don't stop, just post your trades and post statements at the end of the day to silence the critics and stop worrying about arguing with everyone. Keep on pimpin' (y)

I have been saying about the statement since page 1. Now, with your help, perhaps we can finally get the message across.
Don't stop, just post your trades and post statements at the end of the day to silence the critics and stop worrying about arguing with everyone. Keep on pimpin' (y)

Actually it will take much less time to do that than it takes to post your charts so why not?

This took about 30 seconds to do.


  • extract.jpg
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Actually it will take much less time to do that than it takes to post your charts so why not?

This took about 30 seconds to do.

It's not so easy if he has to massage the statement from a loss into a win. Also he has to reconcile it with his posts. So we are looking at a serious amount of work. Essentially he's in a big hole and there's no way out.
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It's not so easy if you have to massage the statement from a loss into a win. Also he has to reconcile it with his posts. So we are looking at a serious amount of work. Essentially he's in a big hole and there no way out.

Well you can time me on my next one and see how long it takes.
Well you can time me on my next one and see how long it takes.

Not necessary. We don't need a statement from you. But if you make a double your money in 1 month thread, then I will be happy to come see your statement.
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