$10,000/month | How to make it real – revealed!

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On a slighty more serious note.
10,000 dollars roughly 5000 pounds is really quite achievable on a decent enough capital outlay
If you are spreadbetting at 10 pounds a point that's only 25 points a day.
If you were to follow newtron bomb or trade dante's thread or even that excellent new chap Danarm
you should come close to achieving your goal.
Most seasoned traders more than probably achieve this with the important criteria of trading with a decent capital outlay,
Unfortunately the ones attracted to this headline would be the ones with less than a 1000 pounds in their trading accounts, The ones who have opened an account with 300 dollars hoping to change their lives over a matter of months.
Gamma... i agree with your comments. This Yoko chap is playing around and should be banned. There are legends on T2W like you have mentioned who give away their calls for free. I'm beginning to understand trading now, after working for a trading firm for around 8 years. If I ever had a system which was as close to the holy grail as possible, you'd be sure I'd be sharing it with you boys for free, just like traderdante, Mr Charts, Newtron Bomb and a few of the others. This website is a small community and we all need to make money. Most of us can only learn from each other. We can do without individuals emotionally black mailing us. So Yoko - if you are genuine, share your 'system' with all of us, or just bugger off and stop wasting our time!
Gamma... i agree with your comments. This Yoko chap is playing around and should be banned. There are legends on T2W like you have mentioned who give away their calls for free. I'm beginning to understand trading now, after working for a trading firm for around 8 years. If I ever had a system which was as close to the holy grail as possible, you'd be sure I'd be sharing it with you boys for free, just like traderdante, Mr Charts, Newtron Bomb and a few of the others. This website is a small community and we all need to make money. Most of us can only learn from each other. We can do without individuals emotionally black mailing us. So Yoko - if you are genuine, share your 'system' with all of us, or just bugger off and stop wasting our time!

the poster yokiro is just like the poster a few months ago he had a great system for trading the the ft 100, the thread went on, and on for several weeks , lots of people saying tell me, tell me, and then it stopped
this guy should eather put up or shut up
the poster yokiro is just like the poster a few months ago he had a great system for trading the the ft 100, the thread went on, and on for several weeks , lots of people saying tell me, tell me, and then it stopped
this guy should eather put up or shut up

I don't think he will do either he has probably achieved his target namely several newbies contacting him privately begging him to reveal his mastery if not for free then at a price.
I remember having an open discussion with another poster on another thread about how easy it was to fool people that you had a great system,he stated a similiar thread stating he was looking for volunteers to try out his system and the numbers recuited will be limited he got numerous messages offering to pay to be accepted for his trial.
Hopefully as we have these discussions novices will read these threads and either learn to trade properly or simply not trade.
If as a novice you find you are losing, then follow some of the introductory threads, read them , if you are still losing ,then read more,and if you are still losing ask the question

Is trading for me?
HOPE (in the context of living in it)

"Hope" (especially in the context of "living in it") has to be be most powerful word ever conceived in the English language.

Hope makes possible and probable all the scams and frauds perpetrated on the plethora of suckers born every day, because they live in it. Everyone wants something for nothing.

Don't you think if there was a Forex holy grail, that someone would have discovered it over the past 30 years?

Surely Banks, with billions of dollars at their disposal and who are able to recruit the brightest people on the planet to research such a find, would have discovered it by now?

But no, despite huge enormous gigantic financial and intellectual resources at their disposal, it hasn't been discovered by a bank or other well resourced group, it's instead been discovered by someone with an handle called 'Yoshiru' (or whatever) on this forum.

Yeah right!!!! What a load of rubbish.

Frankly if you fall for that, you're a foolish jackass. There's no other way to put it.

It's utterly amazing that no matter how many scams and hollow promises are made and how many frauds are exposed, that people don't learn and still fall for this ridiculous and not even sophisticated enough to be remotely believable garbage.

I noticed Gamma was accused of being cynical. "Realist" is more accurate.

If you want to be successful in Forex the first thing you need to do is get it into your stubborn head that there are no quick and easy shortcuts to success. No free lunches.

Just like everything in life, people always want something for nothing. BUT THAT'S NOT HOW LIFE WORKS. If you want something, there's no free handouts, you've gotta work for and earn that something.

The next thing you have to grasp and take into consideration is that Forex is unique in that it's a net sum gain. With stocks, everyone can make money in a rising market. With Forex however, in both a rising and falling market, for someone to win, someone else has to lose. It's not an ever expanding bubble.

The only thing that is for certain is that there will never be a Forex holy grail. This is because to some extent the markets are completely random and unpredictable and you simply can't code that factor into some software or system.

Four other professional ex-bank traders and myself have been trading Forex as a group since 2001, during which time we've seen it all before, INCLUDING the recent volatility and whipsawing which is not unprecedented as many commentators are saying.

The bottom line is that you either put in the hard yards yourself or you pay an expert who has.

From time to time we peruse forums such as this because "Hope" on the part of those who are looking for something for nothing, is also the reason that we make money.

To remain consistently profitable professional traders need there to be people who live in hope in the market. This is because it's those very people who professional traders make money from.

Why? because Forex is a net sum gain and for a professional trader to win, someone else has to lose. Guess who that usually is? Money does not come out of thin air.

Because of the net sum gain aspect, we believe Forex is the most difficult of all markets in which to be consistently profitable.
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I noticed Gamma was accused of being cynical. "Realist" is more accurate.

If you want to be successful in Forex the first thing you need to do is get it into your stubborn head that there are no quick and easy shortcuts to success. No free lunches.

Just like everything in life, people always want something for nothing. BUT THAT'S NOT HOW LIFE WORKS. If you want something, there's no free handouts, you've gotta work for and earn that something.

The next thing you have to grasp and take into consideration is that Forex is unique in that it's a net sum gain. With stocks, everyone can make money in a rising market. With Forex however, in both a rising and falling market, for someone to win, someone else has to lose. It's not an ever expanding bubble.

The only thing that is for certain is that there will never be a Forex holy grail. This is because to some extent the markets are completely random and unpredictable and you simply can't code that factor into some software or system.

The bottom line is that you either put in the hard yards yourself or you pay an expert who has.

Why? because Forex is a net sum gain and for a professional trader to win, someone else has to lose. Guess who that usually is? Money does not come out of thin air.

Because of the net sum gain aspect, we believe Forex is the most difficult of all markets in which to be consistently profitable.

I was half joking when I told Gamma to stop being cynical. I seem to remember a certain Trader_Dante receiving a lot of cynical responses when he first started a (superb) thread on How to Make Money Trading, but then he was offering his knowledge to everybody for free NOT to just a "chosen" few.

When commission costs are factored in, I suppose trading is even worse than a zero sum game.

From http://www.trade2win.com/boards/technical-analysis/26027-technical-analysis-load-12.html

You assume here that on the other side of every trade is a short. That's fine for the futures, forex, and options markets, but is not true of the stock market. It's not zero-sum like the others because you're transfering ownership, not agreements.

Not true for every trade in forex either (corporates with cross - border business activities just one example of the way that not all trades have a 'speculator' on both sides (assuming that's the distinction we're trying to make here).

The above has led me to believe it is not necessarily true that for every Forex winner there must be a loser.

I don't agree that Forex is the most difficult of all markets in which to be consistently profitable - if I did I would be following a different market!

I agree with your other comments Pivotal Investing.

The 3 things that are currently preventing me from being consistently profitable are:
1. Lack of experience (surviving bull/bear/consolidating markets, low/high volatility markets)
2. Lack of screen time watching price - learning to read price action and identifying repeatable patterns.
3. Emotional trading and poor discipline

All of this takes time which is why there are no shortcuts in trading. Just because someone outlines a trading system/method and gives it to you does not mean you can make money with it.

All imho.
Hi Yokiro

Sceptics and cynics on t2w are not unusual whenever someone's made an offer for their system. They will come out to ridicule you and yet most of them have never shared a thing of their own (unlike TD et al ). I admire your courage if you are sincere about your offer. My humble advice for you is to open a member's private thread, like Grey1's Technical trader or firewalker's real live trading, then you can accept members and explain your system in a private environment.

That's a good answer/solution as the 'chosen' few will be in one place, and could be a 'constructive' thread.

However, the 'high profile'/old traders on here that you offer to show your 'system' to, have probably seen it
before in some guise many times over. Yours will probably have different 'go faster stripes' then other systems. Or is it possible that you have something that no one else has?

The wheel re-invented.

Are you trading this yourself and making a profit? Let alone thousands a week?

You are about to learn EXACTLY how to make $10,000’s on the forex market each and every month absolutely free of charge. I will explain to you step-by-step with all due details about how you can win 100’s of pips per trade.

Although all of you would kill to get this priceless system, only a limited number of people will actually get it. This system has been developed and perfected over years of experience and hard work. So the people that are lucky enough to get this system will get themselves to the top. Many of you are struggling to be successful on the forex market. Many of you have put life savings at risk because you really don’t know what you are doing. And that is very sad, my friend.

Now paint yourself into this picture: You wake up in the morning, wash your teeth, grab a cup of coffee and head over to the computer. You turn it on, log into your forex trading account and you see you just won another trade making you another $1,350 with only ONE trade! Awesome! Now, you take about 20 minutes to watch the currency charts to see how the market is moving. Then, you go away from your desk, spend time with your family and you have a lot of time to do all the stuff you usually do throughout the day. At night, you come back to your computer to watch the charts again to see what trades you can setup to make some more $1,000’s.

That will be your routine from now on once you get my system. No more long hours in front of your computer watching the charts, and no more waiting. You will setup successful trades knowing exactly how much you will make and knowing when you will hit your profits. That’s how perfected this system is.

Let me tell you upfront that you don’t need any special skills about economics or forex overall. You just need a basic understanding about forex and how to place a simple trade. Other than that, you just need an internet connection and my instructions. That is enough to set you up to make $10,000’s every month.

As mentioned before, this will be limited to a select few people. No. I won’t choose people looking at their reputation in this forum or their positions (mod, admin, etc). You need to post your interest in this threat and I will decide who gets it and who doesn’t. I won’t be influenced by anyone and will make my decision using my own criteria.

The people who get it will need to agree NOT to share this with anyone else. This system is too valuable to give away uncontrollably. This system is what splits the category between men and babies.

Does this sound too good to be true? You have nothing to lose. It’s absolutely free of charge so why would you doubt about trying. But, like a friend of mine says: “Trying is for losers, be a doer”.

Sounds interesting,bit sceptical perhaps too good to be true, would like to have a go though!
Hi Yokiro

In ancient Greece, the oracle at Delphi was 100% correct. You know why?
Here's an example.
A warrior goes and asks them what his fate will be in the upcoming battle.

Their answer :
You will go you will return not in battle you will die.

No matter what happened, they were right.

1. You will go you will return, not in battle you will die.
2. You will go you will return not, in battle you will die.

It was all in the comma.

Maybe we should ask them. They'll know
thread title: $10,000/month | How to make it real – revealed!

close on 100 posts;
have the select few been nominated and told?
has anything actually been revealed?

or is this just a tease?
it's a scam. he posted "the secret" at babypips, one had to do a survey where yokiro was getting paid or smth to get access.. Never did the survey tho..
I'm up for it!

You are about to learn EXACTLY how to make $10,000’s on the forex market each and every month absolutely free of charge. I will explain to you step-by-step with all due details about how you can win 100’s of pips per trade.

Although all of you would kill to get this priceless system, only a limited number of people will actually get it. This system has been developed and perfected over years of experience and hard work. So the people that are lucky enough to get this system will get themselves to the top. Many of you are struggling to be successful on the forex market. Many of you have put life savings at risk because you really don’t know what you are doing. And that is very sad, my friend.

Now paint yourself into this picture: You wake up in the morning, wash your teeth, grab a cup of coffee and head over to the computer. You turn it on, log into your forex trading account and you see you just won another trade making you another $1,350 with only ONE trade! Awesome! Now, you take about 20 minutes to watch the currency charts to see how the market is moving. Then, you go away from your desk, spend time with your family and you have a lot of time to do all the stuff you usually do throughout the day. At night, you come back to your computer to watch the charts again to see what trades you can setup to make some more $1,000’s.

That will be your routine from now on once you get my system. No more long hours in front of your computer watching the charts, and no more waiting. You will setup successful trades knowing exactly how much you will make and knowing when you will hit your profits. That’s how perfected this system is.

Let me tell you upfront that you don’t need any special skills about economics or forex overall. You just need a basic understanding about forex and how to place a simple trade. Other than that, you just need an internet connection and my instructions. That is enough to set you up to make $10,000’s every month.

As mentioned before, this will be limited to a select few people. No. I won’t choose people looking at their reputation in this forum or their positions (mod, admin, etc). You need to post your interest in this threat and I will decide who gets it and who doesn’t. I won’t be influenced by anyone and will make my decision using my own criteria.

The people who get it will need to agree NOT to share this with anyone else. This system is too valuable to give away uncontrollably. This system is what splits the category between men and babies.

Does this sound too good to be true? You have nothing to lose. It’s absolutely free of charge so why would you doubt about trying. But, like a friend of mine says: “Trying is for losers, be a doer”.

Currently paying of my debts by working in Iraq. Would be nice to get out of this hell hole and earn a decent living working fromhome with the my family beside me.
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