$10,000/month | How to make it real – revealed!

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This Is The Guaranteed Way To Make $10,000

Forget these dodgy claims - THIS is the way to make a guaranteed $10,000 a month.

Take $1,905,000 open an account here -> New Egg Home and invest the money.

RISK FREE* $10,000 a month.

Any other method you risk losing your account (unless you have large enough capital to back it up).

*assuming egg.com stays solvent !
Hey man,

I am telling you I don't want to sell anything. I don't need to and I don't want to. Why don't you guys wait until I give the system to the ones I choose? They will be the judges and you guys will then decide whether I am full of crap or not.

If you have nothing to sell, just open a thread and post trades with screen shots and explanation like everyone on my list does...

If you are worried too many followers will lose the edge. That's tosh! It won't happen, don't worry!

If you think it is so amazing and you just want to help a few people, for free, then tell 5 friends to open brokers accounts and tell them what to do.

If you don't want to profit from this, and you just want to help, open a thread and post away...... If you aren't willing to do that, it all sounds fishier than a Bush presidency election.

Yokiro, I have seen you can make good calls but what I don't understand is why only the "select few" routine. It sounds like a cheap advertising ploy, you can't blame people for thinking that.

If you give your system away openly on this board you will find that only a "select few" follow it anyway. There seems to be huge amounts of newbies on here desperate to make money. I've taught the exact system I use on here to make money day in, day out, and yet there still seems to be only a few die hards that follow it.

I think people are interested in taking parts of what you do and applying it their own TFs or adding their own indicators etc which essentially changes what you do in the first place.

I would personally just reveal it on here.
Good points trader_dante. But the thing is that I would like to help each member personally IF possible. That is why I want to limit it to a few people. If that doesn't work then I will share it publicly.
Yokiro, I have seen you can make good calls but what I don't understand is why only the "select few" routine. It sounds like a cheap advertising ploy, you can't blame people for thinking that.

If you give your system away openly on this board you will find that only a "select few" follow it anyway. There seems to be huge amounts of newbies on here desperate to make money. I've taught the exact system I use on here to make money day in, day out, and yet there still seems to be only a few die hards that follow it.

I think people are interested in taking parts of what you do and applying it their own TFs or adding their own indicators etc which essentially changes what you do in the first place.

I would personally just reveal it on here.

spot on, TD.

most already have a method in mind, and cherry-pick good bits from here and there, to create their own systems. I know I did.

Yokiro should ideally either reveal his system, or decide how many and who he is going to have as his select few, and say so here (what I mean is say that the few have been selected, not name them!), so we know we can move on, or know if we should expect more.

One post has resulted in 4-5 pages of cynical responses. One more post from Yokiro could stop this all.
Hi I would like to learn more about Forex market and your methods! please help me

hi pvanraj, welcome to T2W.

have you first evaluated Newtron Bombs thread; trader_dantes thread; Captain Currencys thread?

first check out these clearly defined rule-sets before embarking on any journeys requiring you to a: join a group; b: pay any money; c: get involved in which is not openly available.
good luck.

EDIT: holy-moly! I have started to overpost again!! (slow day for me)
Hey man,

I am telling you I don't want to sell anything. I don't need to and I don't want to. Why don't you guys wait until I give the system to the ones I choose? They will be the judges and you guys will then decide whether I am full of crap or not.

Will the chosen few be all the 1 post ( September registered) newbies who have miraculously landed in this thread from cyberspace ? Will they be the judges of the efficacy of your system ?

choose me and ill tell the world

c'mon man are you serious?....if so i challenge to tell me and i promise to start a thread detailing the whole system so everyone gets it. Prove your genuine by doing so, i challenge you.

remember even if the system is good, most traders will still fail due to the mental side of trading so you really have nothing to lose by letting me start a thread.
Ok. I'm up for it. 👍

You are about to learn EXACTLY how to make $10,000’s on the forex market each and every month absolutely free of charge. I will explain to you step-by-step with all due details about how you can win 100’s of pips per trade.

Although all of you would kill to get this priceless system, only a limited number of people will actually get it. This system has been developed and perfected over years of experience and hard work. So the people that are lucky enough to get this system will get themselves to the top. Many of you are struggling to be successful on the forex market. Many of you have put life savings at risk because you really don’t know what you are doing. And that is very sad, my friend.

Now paint yourself into this picture: You wake up in the morning, wash your teeth, grab a cup of coffee and head over to the computer. You turn it on, log into your forex trading account and you see you just won another trade making you another $1,350 with only ONE trade! Awesome! Now, you take about 20 minutes to watch the currency charts to see how the market is moving. Then, you go away from your desk, spend time with your family and you have a lot of time to do all the stuff you usually do throughout the day. At night, you come back to your computer to watch the charts again to see what trades you can setup to make some more $1,000’s.

That will be your routine from now on once you get my system. No more long hours in front of your computer watching the charts, and no more waiting. You will setup successful trades knowing exactly how much you will make and knowing when you will hit your profits. That’s how perfected this system is.

Let me tell you upfront that you don’t need any special skills about economics or forex overall. You just need a basic understanding about forex and how to place a simple trade. Other than that, you just need an internet connection and my instructions. That is enough to set you up to make $10,000’s every month.

As mentioned before, this will be limited to a select few people. No. I won’t choose people looking at their reputation in this forum or their positions (mod, admin, etc). You need to post your interest in this threat and I will decide who gets it and who doesn’t. I won’t be influenced by anyone and will make my decision using my own criteria.

The people who get it will need to agree NOT to share this with anyone else. This system is too valuable to give away uncontrollably. This system is what splits the category between men and babies.

Does this sound too good to be true? You have nothing to lose. It’s absolutely free of charge so why would you doubt about trying. But, like a friend of mine says: “Trying is for losers, be a doer”.
I would be intrested in this! I Just started trading for a living 3 weeks ago (having been made redundant form the insurance industry) and I'm having a bit of a nightmare to be honest. Would like to hear how the pros do it.

Im new which means I have no OLD ideologies... Easier to teach a new dog new tricks.. I'll be willing to listen..!
Hi Yokiro,
this sounds like an attractive proposition! I've been dabbling for a few years now and would jump at the chance to be a part of your winning system. I have plenty of free time, a willingness to learn and am totally trustworthy regarding the secrecy of your methods.
Cheers, Steve

You are about to learn EXACTLY how to make $10,000’s on the forex market each and every month absolutely free of charge. I will explain to you step-by-step with all due details about how you can win 100’s of pips per trade.

Although all of you would kill to get this priceless system, only a limited number of people will actually get it. This system has been developed and perfected over years of experience and hard work. So the people that are lucky enough to get this system will get themselves to the top. Many of you are struggling to be successful on the forex market. Many of you have put life savings at risk because you really don’t know what you are doing. And that is very sad, my friend.

Now paint yourself into this picture: You wake up in the morning, wash your teeth, grab a cup of coffee and head over to the computer. You turn it on, log into your forex trading account and you see you just won another trade making you another $1,350 with only ONE trade! Awesome! Now, you take about 20 minutes to watch the currency charts to see how the market is moving. Then, you go away from your desk, spend time with your family and you have a lot of time to do all the stuff you usually do throughout the day. At night, you come back to your computer to watch the charts again to see what trades you can setup to make some more $1,000’s.

That will be your routine from now on once you get my system. No more long hours in front of your computer watching the charts, and no more waiting. You will setup successful trades knowing exactly how much you will make and knowing when you will hit your profits. That’s how perfected this system is.

Let me tell you upfront that you don’t need any special skills about economics or forex overall. You just need a basic understanding about forex and how to place a simple trade. Other than that, you just need an internet connection and my instructions. That is enough to set you up to make $10,000’s every month.

As mentioned before, this will be limited to a select few people. No. I won’t choose people looking at their reputation in this forum or their positions (mod, admin, etc). You need to post your interest in this threat and I will decide who gets it and who doesn’t. I won’t be influenced by anyone and will make my decision using my own criteria.

The people who get it will need to agree NOT to share this with anyone else. This system is too valuable to give away uncontrollably. This system is what splits the category between men and babies.

Does this sound too good to be true? You have nothing to lose. It’s absolutely free of charge so why would you doubt about trying. But, like a friend of mine says: “Trying is for losers, be a doer”.
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