$10,000/month | How to make it real – revealed!

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Hey man,

I am telling you I don't want to sell anything. I don't need to and I don't want to. Why don't you guys wait until I give the system to the ones I choose? They will be the judges and you guys will then decide whether I am full of crap or not.

We're waiting....
.....but please hurry, I'm running out of clean underpants.
Yokiro, I have seen you can make good calls but what I don't understand is why only the "select few" routine. It sounds like a cheap advertising ploy, you can't blame people for thinking that.

If you give your system away openly on this board you will find that only a "select few" follow it anyway. There seems to be huge amounts of newbies on here desperate to make money. I've taught the exact system I use on here to make money day in, day out, and yet there still seems to be only a few die hards that follow it.

I think people are interested in taking parts of what you do and applying it their own TFs or adding their own indicators etc which essentially changes what you do in the first place.

I would personally just reveal it on here.

Good points TD,

Couldn't give you any more reputation points, sorry 🙁.
Good points trader_dante. But the thing is that I would like to help each member personally IF possible. That is why I want to limit it to a few people. If that doesn't work then I will share it publicly.


If you followed TD's thread i think you will see that he pretty much helped everyone personally. He was always willing to offer his advice/opinions on any trade I or anyone else asks about (and still does). With all the people offering advice on these boards i have learnt more than i could have sat in any investment seminar or anything like that.

5 stars and hats of to you all 👍.

hi pvanraj, welcome to T2W.

have you first evaluated Newtron Bombs thread; trader_dantes thread; Captain Currencys thread?

first check out these clearly defined rule-sets before embarking on any journeys requiring you to a: join a group; b: pay any money; c: get involved in which is not openly available.
good luck.

EDIT: holy-moly! I have started to overpost again!! (slow day for me)


I've seen Trader-Dantes thread. Can you post (or PM them to me) a link to the other 2 as i have not read them.

Thanks very much.


As much as i have agreed with some comments from others above if you want to show me how i can basically make heaps of cash by doing SFA then get down here and show me. I'm keen!

If you show me little techniques that i can add to my trading tool box then i'll be happy

And, If i do make some cash i'll even by you a beer.


I find it a little sad at the number of posts from "sheeple" who are obviously desperate to make (back) some money in the markets.

Just how gullable are you guys?

No wonder these get rich quick schemes keep appearing. Maybe Yoriko has a winning strat - but I don't believe for a minute it's ever like, get up - see $000's in your account, spend ten minutes putting on new trades - see more $000's in your account later.

That's simply ridiculous. Every trader, every system has losing trades and the difficult dilemas about what to do with them.

Can't iterate enough - go read dantes making money trading thread. Here you will see all the tools you need to get you trading on your own.

You will also see it's not "easy" and the risks involved. There are no certainties, just perceived probabilities.

I think most of these beginners want instant results and are too lazy to research and practise.
10 bags a month eh? Two questions:

How much starting capital is required?
How much of this am I risking per trade?
I understand where you are coming from.. however isn't one of the required qualities of a good trader to not make any assumptions?

If you look at this thread.. what has happened so far? Nothing.

No monetary transaction has been made. Nor has any been asked for.

Personally I'm open to try things. What I'll be spending is some of time. If it doesn't work out.. well... whats lost? some of my time (I'll be using that for awaiting trade-setups anyway.. or maybe reading some book!).. but... if it does work out.. then...
who knows?. Sometimes deals happen, sometimes not.

All part of the trading business. Nothing personal. 🙂

QUOTE=Hoggums;511948]I find it a little sad at the number of posts from "sheeple" who are obviously desperate to make (back) some money in the markets.

Just how gullable are you guys?

No wonder these get rich quick schemes keep appearing. Maybe Yoriko has a winning strat - but I don't believe for a minute it's ever like, get up - see $000's in your account, spend ten minutes putting on new trades - see more $000's in your account later.

That's simply ridiculous. Every trader, every system has losing trades and the difficult dilemas about what to do with them.

Can't iterate enough - go read dantes making money trading thread. Here you will see all the tools you need to get you trading on your own.

You will also see it's not "easy" and the risks involved. There are no certainties, just perceived probabilities.

I think most of these beginners want instant results and are too lazy to research and practise.[/QUOTE]
$10,000 a month you say!

I don't know!
I don't get out of bed for anything less than $10,000 an hour!
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Hi guys,

I am taking note about the members here. However, I am going to share it with some high-profile traders here and then see what they think about it. Then, I will choose among the less experienced traders. Fair enough?
Hi guys,

I am taking note about the members here. However, I am going to share it with some high-profile traders here and then see what they think about it. Then, I will choose among the less experienced traders. Fair enough?

Ok, fair enough but can you answer how much starting capital you need and how much of this is risked on each trade to make £10,000 a month?
Hi guys,

I am taking note about the members here. However, I am going to share it with some high-profile traders here and then see what they think about it. Then, I will choose among the less experienced traders. Fair enough?

Hi Yokiro

Sceptics and cynics on t2w are not unusual whenever someone's made an offer for their system. They will come out to ridicule you and yet most of them have never shared a thing of their own (unlike TD et al ). I admire your courage if you are sincere about your offer. My humble advice for you is to open a member's private thread, like Grey1's Technical trader or firewalker's real live trading, then you can accept members and explain your system in a private environment.
I see forex factory are less than impressed! infractioned Yokiro and binned the thread? 🙂



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