10,000 to 100,000(real account)

Guys i have achieved the target...it has been a wild ride but yeah in one week you can change your life...but that one week will only come after you have graduated from the school of hard knocks, sweat , blood and tears...bye 😉

Never trade without money management because you will lose your pants for sure..i took all the trades with a clear mind knowing i can bare the lossess...think of losses first..if you can't bare it don't take the trade..

In a month..you have tens of thousands of pips to be taken...just have some patient..

For others if you want a fx manager pm me...i might be interested if you have a big account..bigger than mine 🙂

Happy trading...


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Even if he has managed it, it's a demo account. Plus he's vendoring without the badge, time for the banhammer.
haha...i did this without money management of course...but the trades on eurchf really was the one that helped the most in increasing the account...sorry i wont post trades history..my system in 5m is too personal..not giving it public..will check once in a while here...

Just be sure to pull the trigger once you are 1000% sure....the trends,momentum, then time, fundamentals. also check on divergence..divergence doesn't indicate the market is going to reverse but merely the price has slowed down compared to previous moves..George c.lane created stochastics to search for divergences..thats a fact..but people use it for overbought/oversold and some do succeed which baffles me how they trade..

If i were to manage accounts i will trade 1 lot per 10,000 or 100 per million.
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Many would not believe but its okay...its typical anyway...

I started to work very hard when i saw my friend made about 12 millions pounds sterling in a week trading gbpjpy only..He traded on H1 and i tried it but i don't like it..i guess its just not suitable for me.i was a freshman back then..he was too..he didn't want to study but the parents made him..he was my inspiration. Well just believe you can do it. Demo trade and if you can turn 1,000 to 10,000 everyday for 3 weeks in a row you can do it anytime with real money...Leverage is important to do this...you need stellar precision. 🙂

Money in its essence is just something created to make people work..to control people. Just view as another digits on your account.. There is no need to be emotional about it. You win or lose thats the game. Happy day guys.
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What happened to your cable trade on post #32? Must have done your **** in and blown an account knowing your risk strategy. Post the outcome of that trade you posted at 1.23am server time on post #32 on this thread.

It's kind of funny how you first started off posting balances and trades. Then it went to offering to coach people for a fee, then managing people's money. Then it was charts with no balances. Then we started to ask about the money and you stopped doing it and after more people asked for balances you told us you completed it and you won't post any balances/trades. Then you kindly offer to trade other people's money 😆 I can't say it doesn't look suspicious at all.
This stinks worse than a European bank stress test.

Nobody commented on the fact that he's got an EA running. Look at the top of his charts and you'll see it's enabled.

Perhaps S1Quash will tell us whether the EA, which seems to be a pip gathering ATM, is custom built or one of the zillions of proprietory $99 jobs. Is the EA controlling all of the trade or just management after entry?

There's always the possibility that he is the creator of this EA and using this thread as a vehicle to promote it.
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I find this thread and his claims to have gone from 10K to 100K in one week highly credible. It does not reek of utter bullsh1t, not in the slightest.
Why do you want to manage other peoples money if you can do that in a week with real money? Can I see a statement of the daily balances if you don't want to show your trades?

Well, this must be the fastest rags to riches thread I've ever read. Not that I don't believe u, it's just that, I don't believe you.