LevII said:
Nothing wrong with keeping confidential that for which people have paid large amounts of hard dosh.
If the methodology were revealed to all and sundry on an open site I imagine those who have coughed up that hard cash would feel, with justification, pretty aggrieved.
The question "what is [the thread] for" is a different matter - best left for its good readers to figure out for themselves I think.
Additionally, it is a curious anomaly, but even when a methodology is laid out in ascending rafts of detailed explanation with questions and answers, notes, alternatives explored and so on, and then participants are asked if they understand everything and for them to explain in detail what they have just been taught, you would think it is reasonable to assume that it is understood, and most importantly where everything is presented in logical sequence and all of it fits together. This is not the case.
What happens is that each individual subconsciously refuses to accept because they already have an ingrained frame of reference that stubbornly refuses to go away. This is as a consequence of their own life experiences that they insist on trying to graft on in a sly attempt not to have to change themselves and the way they think and behave. What happens next is that if the situation is left unchecked, the original ingrained frame of reference takes over and fudges all the effort, turning the whole concept into something completely different to the original.
If these individuals now go on to reveal what they have learnt, what they are able to repeat is a complete Tower of Babel, such that it becomes of very limited use to anyone else, because the underlying detail of structure has been tampered with as a consequence of being contaminated negatively with an ingrained frame of reference as I have mentioned before. Therefore there are very few sufficiently brave or committed or open minded or impartial or untainted able to accept the entire concept and maintain it uncontaminated.
As part of this process requires deep introspection and solitude and isolation, this is another difficulty that naturally sociable people are apt to experience. So all these requirements are diametrically opposed to what is the natural propensity for people to do when confronted with an agenda that conflicts with their naturally ingrained frame of reference.
All of these things are against them being able to pass on the knowledge correctly.
Another fact is that the most important aspect of this kind of knowledge is for the individual to have a series of realisations, as these realisations are only relevant to the individual who has them it is impossible for the individual to pass on these intangible concepts specifially relevant to him onto others for whom another set and subset of realisations would enhance their understanding.
So we end up with two situations :~
1. The message becomes garbled at the end.
2. The message in its garbled state is unusable to a third party as it is already contaminated by the second party's ingrained frame of reference, and is further tainted by the third party's ingrained frame of reference. So the further it is repeated and passed on the more useless and ineffective it becomes.
In the world of military, naval and civil intelligence it is well known that the best way to hide a secret is to flaunt it. I have seen on this website truly priceless information totally disregarded, like real diamonds strewn about but persistently being mistaken for pebbles.
And that is my observation, as a consequence of my experience, which is considerable.
It also leads me to the conclusion that the great majority cannot be taught this topic in a way that the recipient can effectively clone and replicate. Therefore in the end analysis, attempts at tuition are pointless except in very unusual and exceptional cases.
It also leads me to wonder whether traders are born, and not made.
Kind Regards As Usual.