I am not too impressed with Kama-Spot's risk management skills either but to engage his responsibility with regard to his followers' money is a step too far for me.
Providers have the right to do anything they want provided they respect the rules set out by Zulutrade, and their responsibility stops there. Whatever amount of money is then won or lost by followers is their fault and their fault only and to infer otherwise is clearly insane.
If followers are not happy with the possibility of being wiped out then they can
A. pick other safer providers and compromise on returns
B. request stricter rules from Zulutrade
C. trade by themselves
D. find another passtime where money is not involved
But at no point it is Kama-Spot or any other provider's duty to implement proper risk management. The contract you sign when you create a follower account is pretty clear about that.
Besides, Kama-Spot may be gambling, or playing, and not trading, but the objective of Zulutrade is to make money by having people follow your signals. The objective is not to become the greatest trader of all time. Providers on Zulutrade are not hedge fund managers or CTAs yet they are being judged as such. It is great that some providers do try their best to trade properly and it's praiseworthy I think but at the end of the day no signal provider on Zulutrade would pick praise over money.
So what if Kama-Spot gambles and wins? 20000 followers also prefer to gamble rather than trade. Let him do his thing, I'm sure in 3 months if the market has not gone against him which is absolutely possible he will have made so much money that he will slowly fade away and many people would have made money with him. Or he'll bust and they will have lost a lot, but the type of people who put big faith in Kama-Spot to make them millionaires would have eventually lost their money gambling on something else anyways.