I can tell you, sincerely, that we dont place clients on Dealer Referral without good reason and, for those that we do place on Dealer Referral are still quoted the market price. OK, it may take a couple of seconds longer, but we are only talking about a couple of seconds.
I do need to present the facts in relation to Dealer Referral and the concerns that clients have about prices being called against them. When a Trade pops up in front of our dealers, they are not aware whether a client is opening a new position or closing an existing one. If you are in any doubt about that, you are welcome to visit our offices and I will show you. All our dealer is interested in doing is quoting you a correct, two-sided price. If I thought I was being 'read' by a firm, I would simply sell if they called it up or buy if they called it down. With 1 points spreads, and now 0 point spreads, we simply cannot call the price away from the market price. We would be arbitraging ourselves.
Conor Foley