Ehh no.. I'm not buying anything in dollars. That is why I recommend people to stay away from the american exchanges as well. I operate here in Norway actually. The principle is still the same.
If the net current assets value is 100 and you are buying these 100 for 70. If the company is bankrupt tomorrow, there is still 30 left for you to collect. Although it is highly unlikely that it will bankrupt given the conditions I just mentioned.
Go ahead and brush up that high school math and learn some accounting. Read those two books I mentioned earlier too. It will change your life. This is the strategy I use in bear markets and I still make 20% every year with it. I'm confident that is more than B98% of the people reading this board is making.
Someone mentioned Graham said in his last days it was getting to hard to do this. That was because of the sheer quantity of data. That is not really much of a problem anymore with modern technology.
And yeah! I do follow another thread here. I still have the challenge out for somebody to show me a way to make more than 20% EVERY year. I know some of you guys laugh about it but to be honest I don't think you are making any money AT ALL. And I bet you have a ****ing lousy amount of money to play with!
MP is at least trying to prove it, and that is more than what can be said of most of the morons in here losing money day in and out while they are not working at the super market.