YOU #¤%&#¤%& #¤%#¤% Show me a profitable strategy!

With all due respect my friend,
You have not really shown how you achieve more than 20% a year either
then you go on to say
And yes, IF you manage to trade forex well, Im sure you can make more than 20% a year (wich is very very easy to make with value analysis as soon as you have the analytical skils needed.) So far none of you guys have presented a winning forex system.

Well like the previous post say most forex traders would consider that measly
it might also surprise you to know that a lot of the traders do have the analytical skills necessary to analyse and get excellent returns on their investments.
As a previous posted did say if you are willing to pay him he will show you
No one is going to broadcast their analysis for free on a public site.
With all due respect my friend,
You have not really shown how you achieve more than 20% a year either
then you go on to say
And yes, IF you manage to trade forex well, Im sure you can make more than 20% a year (wich is very very easy to make with value analysis as soon as you have the analytical skils needed.) So far none of you guys have presented a winning forex system.

Well like the previous post say most forex traders would consider that measly
it might also surprise you to know that a lot of the traders do have the analytical skills necessary to analyse and get excellent returns on their investments.
As a previous posted did say if you are willing to pay him he will show you
No one is going to broadcast their analysis for free on a public site.

OK, a bit busy because of the feds cut overnite, but the short version ---- anything i said is NOT to infer that traders dont know how to trade and make excellent returns, but the reason i stopped by this site was because i saw tons of newbs and few people pushing EA's that would make them rich beyond their wildest dreams --- therefore it looked like a nice place to land during my ongoing migration !

I am part of a NYS registered financial holding company and by law am precluded from showing my clients trading records, so its rather impossible for me to quickly come up with the requisite proof you desire, BUT aware that if i had made the statement, at some time i would have to "put up or shut up" I opened a $5000 demo account with a broker and another with my fav ECN, which is EFX --- on my thread, once I can get moving on it, I'll use the demo accnts to show some of the trades I speak of.

So if you can wait a few days, or if I can find a way of showing clients trades legally, I think I can provide the proof you wish to see !

One last note --- while I do not like to publish analysis unless its to people who trade much the way I do, I did a fast one last nite on my thread for pinkpig concerning EURUSD and of course, didnt charge for it.

as stated, I dont like doing it for a variety of reasons, but when i do there is NEVER a charge for what I think and no charge if you make a fortune ---- I learned a long time ago that I love trading, and if YOU make money it in NO WAY alters my profits. Maybe its because underneath I see forex as a 3 dimensional chess game with rewards, and not as an extension of my masculinity or a game of war.

But under that last statement lies the fact that I will TEACH you how to fish, rather than GIVE you a fish --- most know the reasons behind that semi-quote !

I just enjoy it !

enjoy and trade well

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Hes perfectly correct..!! - 20% a " year " sounds like a ROR that youd get from fiction movie stockbroking firm - for a trader - thats a TERRIBLE one - !!
Most traders on here (and the newbies will too of course after a bit of practice), could EASILY trade say 50p into 50.00 pounds in all time frames you can probably think of - and if my maths is kinda correct - is a return of 10,000% - !!

What are " index/tracker funds " anyway..? 🙄😛

ANYBODY coudl turn 50p into £50. Get it wrong, no worry try again with another 50p - eventually you'll get it right. However how many will do it first time?

But you can't live off £50 a year. Not many people here (myself included - I would never take on that sort of risk) could turn £5k into 500K or 50K into 5m.

20% return is not to be sniffed at - it's a low risk strategy that I as an investor would jump on the chance of having if it could be guaranteed. 20% over 10 years compounds to 6.2x your original capital - yes please!

The person aiming for 20% is far far far more likely to achieve his target than someone aiming for 100% which is what so many seem to forget. The higher you aim - the more likely you are to end up with nothing.
ANYBODY coudl turn 50p into £50. Get it wrong, no worry try again with another 50p - eventually you'll get it right. However how many will do it first time?

But you can't live off £50 a year. Not many people here (myself included - I would never take on that sort of risk) could turn £5k into 500K or 50K into 5m.

20% return is not to be sniffed at - it's a low risk strategy that I as an investor would jump on the chance of having if it could be guaranteed. 20% over 10 years compounds to 6.2x your original capital - yes please!

The person aiming for 20% is far far far more likely to achieve his target than someone aiming for 100% which is what so many seem to forget. The higher you aim - the more likely you are to end up with nothing.

" ANYBODY could turn 50p into £50 ".. Yea..? - well how come the majority of the public are wage slaves and get jammed into " no mans land " funds then ...??
Its the ROR i was talking about... !! - 10,000% aint too bad i dont think - !!

I and most traders on here could take a small 5 quid position either long OR short and walk off this 000s - FACT... !!
Take it from me - a 20% return is DIABOLICAL..... !!
Its only yourself and the " stock buying suckers " (sorry public) out there that fall for that rubbish and constantly put " MENTAL CAPS " on what is and what isnt possible...!!
Thats why they all - MILLIONS of them, just hand it over to so called " money managers and let them loose it all for them.. 😛

To make 1m you need 350.00 a month - a 15% a yr return and 25 yrs - at the ROR the banks give no wonder the fixed wage slave public are headed for lives of stress and turmoil...!!
Its all a big con and BANKS are THE worst... !!
Go find out about Fractional Reserve Banking - you maybe in for a shock... !!
" ANYBODY could turn 50p into £50 ".. Yea..? - well how come the majority of the public are wage slaves and get jammed into " no mans land " funds then ...??
Its the ROR i was talking about... !! - 10,000% aint too bad i dont think - !!

I and most traders on here could take a small 5 quid position either long OR short and walk off this 000s - FACT... !!
Take it from me - a 20% return is DIABOLICAL..... !!
Its only yourself and the " stock buying suckers " (sorry public) out there that fall for that rubbish and constantly put " MENTAL CAPS " on what is and what isnt possible...!!
Thats why they all - MILLIONS of them, just hand it over to so called " money managers and let them loose it all for them.. 😛

To make 1m you need 350.00 a month - a 15% a yr return and 25 yrs - at the ROR the banks give no wonder the fixed wage slave public are headed for lives of stress and turmoil...!!
Its all a big con and BANKS are THE worst... !!
Go find out about Fractional Reserve Banking - you maybe in for a shock... !!

You seem to be ignoring margin in your calculations.

If all you have is £5 then you can't place a bet (£1 a point on FTSE is minimum at most Sbs) - otherwise 3 points in the wrong direction and you've suddenly got -100% ROR.

For most companies the margin requirement is 100pips (or more) and if you plan to allow any sort of breathing room for stops (which is necessary if you plan to make "000's") then you've got to add this to your starting capital.

So a £5 bet on the FTSE will require you to risk £500 of your money as a minimum. You can't do anything with that £500 while that bet is open. £500 x 10000% = 50,000. Making 50K from £5 bets - good luck - you're going to need to employ some very risky compounding strategies! I'm not saying it's not possible but you need to bring yourself into the real world. It's highly unlikely, maybe you'll learn when you blow out an account or two.
20% ???

WOW!!! 20 WHOLE percent?!?

Dude, I made 10% last month - trading while working full time and missing plenty of big moves in the process. And that was in my first month of taking my system live. To answer your question however, what I do could probably NOT be programmed, and hence would not interest you.
Why are you showing off about your 20% per year? As a complete know-nothing f**knut I could make 12% per year on stocks without dividend or margin using a mechanical set of rules with no such 'calculations' or 'analysis', picking stocks directly from looking at the FT at the end of the day. However, when I actually tried to program my 'mechanical' system, I discovered that there was actually a very discretionary element to my picks, and I assert that it is also so for your system. do you pick every share available when it flags an entry? Or do you use discretion in what to pick?
You don't seem to want to share your system with anybody, simply making vague statements about buying $1 for 70c, which, like someone (sorry I forget who 🙁 ) said is simply like me telling you how I make my cash in forex:

:idea: FOLLOW THE TREND :idea:

Well that's my take on it - and I appreciate it's nothing that hasn't already been said.

Anyway, I'm off down the pub :cheers:
You seem to be ignoring margin in your calculations.

If all you have is £5 then you can't place a bet (£1 a point on FTSE is minimum at most Sbs) - otherwise 3 points in the wrong direction and you've suddenly got -100% ROR.

For most companies the margin requirement is 100pips (or more) and if you plan to allow any sort of breathing room for stops (which is necessary if you plan to make "000's") then you've got to add this to your starting capital.

So a £5 bet on the FTSE will require you to risk £500 of your money as a minimum. You can't do anything with that £500 while that bet is open. £500 x 10000% = 50,000. Making 50K from £5 bets - good luck - you're going to need to employ some very risky compounding strategies! I'm not saying it's not possible but you need to bring yourself into the real world. It's highly unlikely, maybe you'll learn when you blow out an account or two.

Well if all you had was a fiver - you couldnt do too much no -
why will a fiver bet on the FTSE require a risk of 500..? 😕 the deposit required is the STOPPING DISTANCE from the opening level - TAKEN FROM THE CHART - !! - depending on whats going on with the chart- at that moment in time - NOT some " arbitrary " number and " guesswork " ... !!
If its trending - either long OR short, the spread is irrelevant, because if the set up is correct,the price will " WELL LEAVE " the spread behind ..!!

I notice the last BIG trade on the FTSE, was from about the (8-21 JAN) - short about 800 points, you could have used a 30 ish point stop there and still walked off with a profit of about 4000.00 (GBP) - !! thats a 4000.0% return - all from that simple fiver ...!! - so not not 50k no -
Thats about 10 candles - or to simplify - about 400.00 (GBP) per DAY - !! - (you could have opened short - jumped on a plane, hit Bondi beach for a week or so, flown back and STILL made more money than you had BEFORE you took the holiday.. !! - How cool would that have been..? 😛

If you trade off the " CHART " AND USE THE CORRECT STOPS instead of " stressing to death " over the net position, you might be more profitable..!! - in fact by looking at your charts - you should always know where your at WITHOUT even constantly scanning your net position ..!!

THE SIZE OF THE TICKET IS IRRELEVANT......... !! - that YOUR FEAR talking...!!

Im sorry - a 20% return just doesnt sound appealing - !! :-0😛
You seem to be ignoring margin in your calculations.

If all you have is £5 then you can't place a bet (£1 a point on FTSE is minimum at most Sbs) - otherwise 3 points in the wrong direction and you've suddenly got -100% ROR.

For most companies the margin requirement is 100pips (or more) and if you plan to allow any sort of breathing room for stops (which is necessary if you plan to make "000's") then you've got to add this to your starting capital.

So a £5 bet on the FTSE will require you to risk £500 of your money as a minimum. You can't do anything with that £500 while that bet is open. £500 x 10000% = 50,000. Making 50K from £5 bets - good luck - you're going to need to employ some very risky compounding strategies! I'm not saying it's not possible but you need to bring yourself into the real world. It's highly unlikely, maybe you'll learn when you blow out an account or two.

" You seem to be ignoring margin in your calculations." - margin just refers to borrowing capacity - !!
THE most important thing for me is the STOPPING DISTANCE.... !! Stops dont have " breathing room " .. !! - thyere put in a " SPECIFIC PLACE " for a " SPECIFIC REASON "..!!

Sure ive blown an account or two - you maybe surprised to hear as well - when i learnt to walk - i fell over a few times until i learnt how to stand upright ..!! 😛

Now, those 20% returns you were talking about, is that per minute or per hour..? 😕😛
" You seem to be ignoring margin in your calculations." - margin just refers to borrowing capacity - !!
THE most important thing for me is the STOPPING DISTANCE.... !! Stops dont have " breathing room " .. !! - thyere put in a " SPECIFIC PLACE " for a " SPECIFIC REASON "..!!

Sure ive blown an account or two - you maybe surprised to hear as well - when i learnt to walk - i fell over a few times until i learnt how to stand upright ..!! 😛

Now, those 20% returns you were talking about, is that per minute or per hour..? 😕😛

Without sufficient margin you will not be able to trade the volatile stocks that should interest you. Low margin will get you the ones that don't move much---that is why the margin is low.

WOW!!! 20 WHOLE percent?!?...

I may be wrong but I get the feeling that HeiPaaDeg's point in starting this forum was not to boast about his returns but rather to antagonise everyone enough through reverse psychology (you can't make any money and if you can you would prove it) so that they give him their profitable strategy for free...
I've been trading 2 weeks with my system that took me a 2 hours to work out and backtest over 1 week and I made 800%. so over the year thats probably about 5000% or something i think.

20% just sounds so rubbish i dont know anyone that would trade for that. check out all the systems on the net that offer many times a percentage every day.

A good system I know that works well is called 'shadowninja trading system'. shh, dont tell the proffessionals about this system.
I notice the last BIG trade on the FTSE, was from about the (8-21 JAN) - short about 800 points, you could have used a 30 ish point stop there and still walked off with a profit of about 4000.00 (GBP) - !! thats a 4000.0% return

No - wrong.

Any spreadbet company will insist on 100 pnts margin minimum regardless of your stop. It's called Initial Margin Requirement. You may have only risked 30 points - but it doesn't matter - for a £5 bet you've got to invest £500 in the account that you won't be able to use for anything else and you'll get no interest on the money. So your return isn't 4000% it's 800% (£4000/500)

I've been trading 2 weeks with my system that took me a 2 hours to work out and backtest over 1 week and I made 800%. so over the year thats probably about 5000% or something i think.

20% just sounds so rubbish i dont know anyone that would trade for that. check out all the systems on the net that offer many times a percentage every day.

A good system I know that works well is called 'shadowninja trading system'. shh, dont tell the proffessionals about this system.

All those systems on the net - don't work.

800% a week is 9134000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% a year with compounding. Do you really think that is sustainable?

You both sound like newbies, you'll soon realise you can't make profit's like that and keep them indefinitely. You have to reduce risk so that if you get a run of bad trades you are not wiped out. It doesn't matter how great you think your system is - eventually it'll go wrong when you least expect it and that's when you'll be glad of your small trade sizes. Aiming for 50-100% return using leverage is a far more realistic and achievable approach. But I think most of you will be wishing this time next year that you'd left that £500 in a savings account at 5.5%....
No - wrong.

Any spreadbet company will insist on 100 pnts margin minimum regardless of your stop. It's called Initial Margin Requirement. You may have only risked 30 points - but it doesn't matter - for a £5 bet you've got to invest £500 in the account that you won't be able to use for anything else and you'll get no interest on the money. So your return isn't 4000% it's 800% (£4000/500)

All those systems on the net - don't work.

800% a week is 9134000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% a year with compounding. Do you really think that is sustainable?

You both sound like newbies, you'll soon realise you can't make profit's like that and keep them indefinitely. You have to reduce risk so that if you get a run of bad trades you are not wiped out. It doesn't matter how great you think your system is - eventually it'll go wrong when you least expect it and that's when you'll be glad of your small trade sizes. Aiming for 50-100% return using leverage is a far more realistic and achievable approach. But I think most of you will be wishing this time next year that you'd left that £500 in a savings account at 5.5%....

arrrrrrrrrrrr noooooooooooooooooooooooo I have wasted my time

good post 👍



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No - wrong.

Any spreadbet company will insist on 100 pnts margin minimum regardless of your stop. It's called Initial Margin Requirement. You may have only risked 30 points - but it doesn't matter - for a £5 bet you've got to invest £500 in the account that you won't be able to use for anything else and you'll get no interest on the money. So your return isn't 4000% it's 800% (£4000/500)

All those systems on the net - don't work.

800% a week is 9134000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% a year with compounding. Do you really think that is sustainable?

You both sound like newbies, you'll soon realise you can't make profit's like that and keep them indefinitely. You have to reduce risk so that if you get a run of bad trades you are not wiped out. It doesn't matter how great you think your system is - eventually it'll go wrong when you least expect it and that's when you'll be glad of your small trade sizes. Aiming for 50-100% return using leverage is a far more realistic and achievable approach. But I think most of you will be wishing this time next year that you'd left that £500 in a savings account at 5.5%....

I think that you are wasting your breath with these characters. Let them get on with it, if they are so capable of achieving these high porcentage rates. They, certainly, will not be able to prove anything to us, anyway. it seems to me that they are both playing at number crunching with Excel.

hey its a 50 50 game try the old roulette 1234 system 😱

bit of advice if you must.............

Reverse it and make them play it 😱😱😱

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I think that you are wasting your breath with these characters. Let them get on with it, if they are so capable of achieving these high porcentage rates. They, certainly, will not be able to prove anything to us, anyway. it seems to me that they are both playing at number crunching with Excel.

Yeah - the streets are paved with gold aren't they. Makes you wonder why we're not all as rich as Croesus (you excepted, Split, I know you've a bob or two :cheesy🙂

good trading

speak for yourself

Yeah - the streets are paved with gold aren't they. Makes you wonder why we're not all as rich as Croesus (you excepted, Split, I know you've a bob or two :cheesy🙂

good trading


Hi Barjon

my home town is pure gold 🙂


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Yeah - the streets are paved with gold aren't they. Makes you wonder why we're not all as rich as Croesus (you excepted, Split, I know you've a bob or two :cheesy🙂

good trading


Sssh, Jon, you are not supposed to tell everyone these little secrets 😱.
I smell a few "DieingToGetRichQuickIdiots" here?

Sure it's possible to make more than 20% a year, I have already said that. But I doubt there is a lot of people here who can do it year in and out.

Seems like these "DieingToGetRichQuickIdiots" doesn't know their High School math.

If you put $2000 every month into your investment account (with a 20% anual return) you will have approx 180K I think that is more than most of the newbs here going to ever get their hands on. No offence. I can clearly see that there is a few of your guys who actually know what you are talking about (the idiot with 800% return is certainly not one of them) and this post is not directed to you.

Seems like I can learn a bit from some of you too.

Best Regards.

ps: still amazing how few who understand exactly how good 20% almost risk free actually is. Maybe they never went to school?