I Challenge U: Show me a profitable mechanical system. Minimum 20% return in a month.

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Mr Gecko,

I'm based in Monnocco, Mr Soros is in Geneva. He requested I forward the above to T2W. You can't catch me out.

If this is a market then here's my bid.
OK, anybody show me a system that generates 10%/month and I will give them $100k to trade and we split profits. If after 6 months still on course I add another $100k and so on until we find capacity.
Caveat: It has to survive my due dilligence which will include full disclosure.
This is genuine offer: pm me if you think your hard enough, no b/s artists, nigerian fraudsters, astrological traders or idiots please.
Mr. W, apart from the lack of arrogance, what makes your offer any more attractive to someone with even a 10% per month return system? Why would they need or want any additional funding? They’re already making enough and keeping 100% for themselves to even think about any external involvement.

The only peeps likely to be interested in your offer (or Even Ali G’s) are those that will be weeded out by your (I’m sure extremely professional) due diligence and full disclosure process.

That funds, whatever today’s stellar funds are yielding, routinely return way less than your average longer term consistently successful retail trader (those few I know of) is a secret that never ceases to amaze me.
My reason is as follows. I spend enoough hours in the day managing funds and would like to find people who can make great returns that i can invest in so they can work for me like I work for my investors. I am sure there are people out there who are under capitalised and at an early stage who would jump at the chance for capital. there is no reason, if the method its scaleable that it cannot grow into something substantial. I am always looking for diversification and hence my offer. Only one reply so far.
My reason is as follows. I spend enoough hours in the day managing funds and would like to find people who can make great returns that i can invest in so they can work for me like I work for my investors. I am sure there are people out there who are under capitalised and at an early stage who would jump at the chance for capital. there is no reason, if the method its scaleable that it cannot grow into something substantial. I am always looking for diversification and hence my offer. Only one reply so far.

pardon my ignorance here - something I've wondered before - If a system developer hands over his "code" for due dilligence, what protection do they have in future?

pardon my ignorance here - something I've wondered before - If a system developer hands over his "code" for due dilligence, what protection do they have in future?


Yeah! If i discolsed my system to you, the market-makers would learn how it works, and then it would stop working. So here's my counter-offer: I will send you a black-box system for the sum of £4995.95. You can use my signals to make money so that you can spend more time with your family 🙂
But wait! There's more! If you pay for my system within the next 7 days you will receive the following *free* gifts:
-The contact details of my friend, a recently deposed African leader with £20,000,000 to deposit in someone's account. (Value - £20000)
-Annual subscription to my award-winning newsletter (Value, £100)
-A copy of Erminn T. Oldguy's forgotten market treatise: Howe I mayke brasse in tulippes (Value: priceless!)
-Plus 1 year's FULL customer service (Value, £500)

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Why would I want to destroy a system I am investing in? Also I have been in markets for many years and do not have interest to steal a system that only the person using it is likely to be able to run. I simply am wanting to place money but be sure that I am not throwing it at some statistical fluke or to something that has no chance. I thought it unlikely anybody would be interested but at the same time I think I am offering a good deal as I know how the business works and so could build any program substantially.
Why would I want to destroy a system I am investing in? Also I have been in markets for many years and do not have interest to steal a system that only the person using it is likely to be able to run. I simply am wanting to place money but be sure that I am not throwing it at some statistical fluke or to something that has no chance. I thought it unlikely anybody would be interested but at the same time I think I am offering a good deal as I know how the business works and so could build any program substantially.

I completely ubderstand your reasons. I don't understand how the only person using it is likely to be able to run it. Basically - if you obtian the code, what stops you performing due dilligence, realising you've been given the holy grail, then exploiting it without rewarding the owner?

I'm not questioning you here - I just don't understand the mechanics - similar when a system is handed to a programmer - what stops the system's ruled being exploited?

I didn't say I only wanted traders using automated systems. If there is an automated system I would not require to know all the details only the parameters. I can tell enough from the results. I agree with you if it is automated. At the end of the day however i have no interest in running things myself, I am too busy with my own trading business. Actually, no problem for me at all if nobody is interested. As I was reading the thread I just thought it was worth asking.
My reason is as follows. I spend enoough hours in the day managing funds and would like to find people who can make great returns that i can invest in so they can work for me like I work for my investors. I am sure there are people out there who are under capitalised and at an early stage who would jump at the chance for capital. there is no reason, if the method its scaleable that it cannot grow into something substantial. I am always looking for diversification and hence my offer. Only one reply so far.
TWI, I understand your side of the business. (And for those concerned about passing proprietary information on to a 3rd party, TWI is extremely unlikely to be interested in exploiting anybody's system, it simply is not in his interest to do so for all sorts of reasons). As a fund manager (you may well also trade your own account, but that’s a separate issue), your job is to attract investors, trading managers and traders and various other admin staff to provide an income to your investors, and an income for your company (investment management and profit-based fees). You are presumably regulated, of solid standing, impeccable accounts and independently performance rated on a regular basis. Anyone wishing to put mega-bucks into a reasonably safe and somewhat better than deposit account returns would consider TWI rather than that bloody maverick, TheBramble any day – regardless of their relative return on capital. And quite understandably.

Fund management is quite a different kettle of fish to trading. While I trade because I enjoy it and it makes me income, I have no specific interest in the corporate side of fund management, building a behemoth of immense financial corporate standing and getting involved in all the non-trading activities required of such a venture. I’m sure you’re excellent at it, as I am at trading. No value judgement – neither is better/worse than the other – just different businesses with a very general connection.

But here’s my point, you say ‘so they can work for you like you do for your investors’. Why would they want to? Nobody with even a 10% per month system is going to need external support. Even if they start with zero funds, they’re going to be able to convince someone, relatives, friends whatever to put up the readies at a far lower rate of interest than 50% - forever. And to grow their meagre startup capital at a rate quite quickly to a level that is sustainable for income and growth.

As for scalable, there’s the rub, similar to the Peter Principle. While I’m comfortable growing my capital at its current rate and (as posted yesterday) draw sufficient income form it to live very well while growing it and see no imminent danger of managing an amount that means I’m finding it tough to get filled, it does grow at a manageable and organic rate. If I were to suddenly substantially increase the capital base, I’m not sure psychological issues on the performance of my trading could be ignored. And to take something that works ‘to capacity’ implies hitting the ceiling of the method, and where do you, or more importantly, your trader go from there?

I’m sure there are some that thirst for the attractions of bigger money involvement in funds rather than the relatively solitary business of independent trading and would prosper in the move to that environment, but they are in danger of losing their passion and you in killing the golden goose. I’m sure this happens every day and whatever is written on here will make little difference. But if your bid was serious, and I wish you and any applicants good luck, I’d be interested to see how it all pans out.
I would settle for less than 10%/month but I do agree with you regarding lack of requirement for capital if they already have proved that what they do works. However I can offer a lot to traders wanting to grow their business and so I feel no harm in asking. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I would settle for less than 10%/month but I do agree with you regarding lack of requirement for capital if they already have proved that what they do works. However I can offer a lot to traders wanting to grow their business and so I feel no harm in asking. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Absolutely. And may you and your proteges prosper. You bring more than just capital to the game, I understand that.

...where were you, my White Knight, in those dark, frightful, early days when I needed you...LOL.
I have been looking in this site and others for a profitable mechanical system. I have not come across any that give at least a return of 20% per month and are consistantly profitable without risking high amounts. I have some money which I was hoping to trade with. I personally don't think there are any such system.

Here is my challenge to you. If you can prove me wrong, then I am willing to give you $10,000 of my money to trade with. We work together as equal partners.

I look forward to your constructive replies.
Thank you.

My profit is more than 50%, based on mechanical trading. How can we talk?
If this is a market then here's my bid.
OK, anybody show me a system that generates 10%/month and I will give them $100k to trade and we split profits. If after 6 months still on course I add another $100k and so on until we find capacity.
Caveat: It has to survive my due dilligence which will include full disclosure.
This is genuine offer: pm me if you think your hard enough, no b/s artists, nigerian fraudsters, astrological traders or idiots please.

My proposal was better because the trader does not have to disclose the full system to me.

You want someone to disclose their profitable system to you in full. Then whats stopping you from taking the system and not giving him the money. you are very funny. Poeple are much smarter than that.
Anyway I doubt you even have 200k in your account.


p.s. please open your own thread. I dont want my thread to be hijacked by people like you who are not genuine.
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Anyway I doubt you even have 200k in your account.

p.s. please open your own thread. I dont want my thread to be hijacked by people like you who are not genuine.
Genuine LOL. Unbelievable.

I almost gave this a clown some rep for being so inadvertently funny.
I have been looking in this site and others for a profitable mechanical system. I have not come across any that give at least a return of 80% per month and are consistantly profitable without risking high amounts. I have some money which I was hoping to trade with. I personally don't think there are any such system.

Here is my challenge to you. If you can prove me wrong, then I am willing to give you £100,000 of my money to trade with. We work together as equal partners.

I look forward to your constructive replies.
Thank you.
The Hyjaka.
That's more like it Lee, get the damned thread back on track.

It started off as a joke and a couple of memebrs (there's always going to be one or two) take it off track and off topic with all the serious trading and funds related stuff.

Ali, keep the humour going. If you're not the chap profiled in the various 'outings' on this thread, you must be Spanish. No?
My proposal was better because the trader does not have to disclose the full system to me.

You want someone to disclose their profitable system to you in full. Then whats stopping you from taking the system and not giving him the money. you are very funny. Poeple are much smarter than that.
Anyway I doubt you even have 200k in your account.


p.s. please open your own thread. I dont want my thread to be hijacked by people like you who are not genuine.

😆This thread is a luagh!

Ali you are not as dumb as you seem.

No, you are even dumber! Not only do you know jack about trading, now it seems you are willing to throw 10K at something without doing due diligence on it. How will you know someone's system is a: genuine, and b: not just an over-optimised curve-fitting exercise that will decay rapidly over time without knowing how the trader makes their money? Put it this way, if i had to choose between investing in your trading set-up and TWI's, my money would go to TWI.

My profit is more than 50%, based on mechanical trading. How can we talk?


T2W never fails to provide me with me daily entertainment.

Seriously if this guy was *REALLY* making 50% per month then why on earth would he be interested in sharing the half the profits from a mere $10K
😆This thread is a luagh!

Ali you are not as dumb as you seem.

No, you are even dumber! Not only do you know jack about trading, now it seems you are willing to throw 10K at something without doing due diligence on it. How will you know someone's system is a: genuine, and b: not just an over-optimised curve-fitting exercise that will decay rapidly over time without knowing how the trader makes their money? Put it this way, if i had to choose between investing in your trading set-up and TWI's, my money would go to TWI.


Nah, think before you type. Obviously he has to prove to me that he can trade and has been profitable. He will show me live results, I will open demo account and he will trade it for some time to prove to me. You think someone is going to give away their profitable system to a stranger because he promised to give him 100k. No one is that dumb, not even you. or maybe you are.
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