wot revisited

I know. This Socrates clique brings out the worst in me, I'm afraid.

I just regard them as some kind of toxic cross between fishwives, scientologists, mothers' union, and the type of chap who buys a title. Very interesting to observe in action.
predicting markets is a fools errand. nobody knows what is coming next. to pretend that you can, or try and convince others that you can is to simply embarrass yourself in front of those who understand how to operate in the market.

to say you can predict is implying that you can see into the minds of others and see what they are about to do. superstition or witch craft perhaps.

to say you can predict is to admit that you have no knowledge of what you are doing. it is an admittance that you have no awareness of the fact that some other operator may decide to dump 30,000 lots into the market as a hedge, because the market is at a price or time pertinent to a trading objective, halting, maybe reversing that trend that showed all the 'text book' signs of continuation that most people on t2w love.

trading is about managing probabilities. it is about understanding and accepting seemingly random outcomes. managing the unknown. this is why most of you people here are failing - because you want to find a method/system that defines order in the market. you find something that put things in order in back testing, often using the law of large numbers to validate what you have found, then curse when it fails to work in real time.

as for the comments about socrates, please remember he was an illusionist first and foremost. he admitted to being a member of the magic circle. all he did was hood wink people via trickery and illusion aka derren brown. no real trader would display his personality traits (childish, ego, pride, attention seeking, manipulation of others). spending all your time posting on the internet trying to convince others simply isnt something a successful trader would be interested in. they would rather be in the market making money.

i have spoken.
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