Words of Wisdom

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"Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him."

Doll, you should allow me to post in your Journal. Why? If you are going to throw bombs at me from behind closed doors and windows. it does not say much for either your courage or FAIR fighting spirit. You who claim to have so much integrity and honor. FAIR? Let me in. Like right away as you are about to make the next blunder in GOLD - I cried for you when weeks ago, precisely in September I told you to cash in all your Gold and go to the sidelines. You did not listen to me. As a result you lost $130/ounce and/or suffered the most massive drawdown that even Warren would not be able to handle. By all reality factors, you have lost your entire nest egg that you speak about in your Journal. Terrible stuff, Doll. I felt really bad for you. We might fight and argue but I never wish for you to lose money.

Pay attention now. You posted a chart in your Journal of Gold breaking out to the topside. Correct. You also pointed out that Fibo is not in the trade. Correct!. You also said, "Fibo cannot count right" Correct.

But what you fail to see is that this move up in Gold could very well just be a 2nd wave countertrend rally that will be fully retraced. It has just arrived at the 61.8% retracement level = dangerous resistance. In any event the rally is suspect becuase of the triangle in the middle of the rally.

But what is the significance for YOU? If YOU are wrong in thinking gold is going to 3000 like you claim in your Journal and instead goes south now bigtime, you will once again lose your entire nest egg that perhaps you did not cash out at the 13o/ounce loss at the drawdown limit?

If I am right in this analysis and you do NOT get out now, you will not have another opportunity to recoup losses for a long period of time.

Put your hate aside, doll and think rationally. You're paying too steep a price for hating Fibo.

"Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him."

dead_broke has asked me to request you not to cross out his name like you always do whenever you mention him and then make matters far worse rubbing salt in his wound by mentioning my name, fibo_trader right next to axing him. Not good, doll.
Look what dead_broke went thru' - boy did he suffer .............. you let him down just prior to the altar

dead_broke's prayer
Help me dear God I'm a sick man cause today is the day of the Plunge
The girl I'm to marry is a torture-heaving gal, I've been soaking up drink like a sponge

Don't you worry, get dressed cried dead_broke's mother as she plied him with bourbon so sour
Put your boots on, put your suit on and comb your long hair down
For you will be wed in the hour

Dead_broke was trembling as he put on his jacket
It had creases as sharp as a knife
He put the ring in his pocket but there was a note - and his heart, it jumped into his mouth

It read, "daddy I'm sorry to hurt you but I've no courage to speak to our face,
so I'm down in Florida with your buddy fibo_trader
So there will be no wedding today"
A thread for those wise words you've come across during your life that have made an impression on you. They can be about trading but also about life in general. Maybe it was something your parents or grand parents told you, or a favourite teacher. Or perhaps just something that was posted on Facebook...

Please share it here for us all to enjoy and benefit from!

see red text ............ therefore on-topic, therefore the only reason to ban or delete my posts is "American"

specifically to help new_trader, my doll

Women fall and fall and fall for the bad guy and what's worse, all good guys are put into the friend zone the moment she comes across the former who fires a spark at her. She's done for. There is no escape. Her losses in the the relationship front will be astronomical as the Betas will thenceforth seem too dull for her tastes. She will keep striving for the bad boy she can never have.

Application: get over your compulsion and obsession over dead_broke, fibo_trader and Socrates. Move on and heal.

see red text ............ therefore on-topic, therefore the only reason to ban or delete my posts is "American"

specifically to help new_trader, my doll

Women fall and fall and fall for the bad guy and what's worse, all good guys are put into the friend zone the moment she comes across the former who fires a spark at her. She's done for. There is no escape. Her losses in the the relationship front will be astronomical as the Betas will thenceforth seem too dull for her tastes. She will keep striving for the bad boy she can never have.

Application: get over your compulsion and obsession over dead_broke, fibo_trader and Socrates. All 3 are badasses and will destroy you. Move on and heal.

specifically to help new_trader, my doll

Application: get over your compulsion and obsession over dead_broke, fibo_trader and Socrates. All 3 are badasses and will destroy you. Move on and heal.

learn learn learn doll. You've been at T2W for 15 years, your trading has gone nowhere, it sucks, your Philosophy inclination and interest which attracted you to Socrates, really sucks as its just too elementary. You asked for the cure of your "disease" of posting on social media - cut the cancer off in one devastating blow and walk away, go on holiday and brood and live thru' the withdrawal symptoms. The great news is that the intensity of withdrawal is at max. level only on week 1; dropping logarithmically thereafter. Survive week #1 and you're off to the races.

Invite me to your Journal, I can help you.

From the book of Fibo:

The more seriously one takes the game, the greater the chances of losing
application: self-explanatory

He who would inflow must first outflow
(1) In Sales Closing, hit on the hardest clients first - this creates a vacuum even if they said NO, the MEST Universe showers the one with balls, tons of goodies. the next sales just pour in and often don't stop for months. Therefore the key is: go where your fears are telling you not to go.

(2) P***y. Hit on beauties only = hardest to take down. No fatties, no internet fatties, no "5" - "7.5" ..... they're too easy and you gt zip in terms of psychological gain. So hit on 10s only regardless the inevitable No her and there. ................ DAte book is thereafter never empty and you've got the best.

(3) TRADING ................ ditto RISK and the big swing produces tsunami rogue waves in bound. DEATH can come from an outbound rogue too, but that's part of the accepted game. those are the rules of engagement - accepted 100%

Kiss-mas in the Antilles .............................

new_trader is making some changes after no doubt doing some soul searching. 🙂 🙂 🙂

there is now n mention of dead_broke, fibo_trader or socrates ................. now its all "detractors"

I was tempted to get you for animal cruelty but Jesus H Christ, will you just have a look at Fibo's hair. Its perfect. Not too happy about him scratchin his ass though. But all forgiven in the spirit of Christmas

I'm lovin it baby 🙂🙂🙂


Thread title: Words of Wisdom

All from Fibo's personal treasure trove from wandering the Himalayas for years: arrived back in the United States BROKE but happy as a clam. Not a trader then but a Sales Closer: broke, cold, head was aching, heart was heavy - money better come come in or die was the scenario. Borrow money? No baby, not Fibo. Girlies take care of Fibo? DEATH would be better. Any place greater than America to make money? NO, it don't exist! England? Don't make me laffff! 🙂🙂
Within 2 weeks of landing a Sales gig, pulled in 25k. Never looked back, EVER since

(1) In Life, only the TIGERS make it and even they have occasional hard times.

(2) The escape from the 9-5 job of 12k - 50k per year is so close to impossible it is exactly that.

(3) Freedom from money slavery is the only freedom that counts - other freedoms like Health, fitness, Love, relationship, friendships etc., all go to sh*t when a money famine is coterminous with 'em

TRADING, therefore is the only HOPE for these m*************s

Thread title: Words of Wisdom

All from Fibo's personal treasure trove from wandering the Himalayas for years: arrived back in the United States BROKE but happy as a clam. Not a trader then but a Sales Closer: broke, cold, head was aching, heart was heavy - money better come come in or die was the scenario. Borrow money? No baby, not Fibo. Girlies take care of Fibo? DEATH would be better. Any place greater than America to make money? NO, it don't exist! England? Don't make me laffff! 🙂🙂
Within 2 weeks of landing a Sales gig, pulled in 25k. Never looked back, EVER since

(1) In Life, only the TIGERS make it and even they have occasional hard times.

(2) The escape from the 9-5 job of 12k - 50k per year is so close to impossible it is exactly that.

(3) Freedom from money slavery is the only freedom that counts - other freedoms like Health, fitness, Love, relationship, friendships etc., all go to sh*t when a money famine is coterminous with 'em

TRADING, therefore is the only HOPE for these m*************s

View attachment 272264

A losing trader will disguise his losses at all/any cost.

The only way to defeat and cure this is to ask for records. Then the recovery process begins as one is forced to accept that the secret is out.

That is exactly why its almost impossible for a so-called trader to EVER tell the truth because the shame of failure to escape is soo painful, so full of evil and threatening the very existence of the spirit that it must be resolved at all, any cost. Therefore the lies, the scams, the shams the pretenses, the posers and so on.

The ultimate giveaway of the veracity of the statements above is confirmed when proof of performance is not-ised. YouTube video generators of trading are all failed traders, 100%. They have wizened up to the fact that the only people in Forex who make money are the brokers, signal providers and scammers who survive on the fees of the lambs
Words of Wisdom

The worst thing a trader can do is take on Fibo as an adversary. It does not pay well. It causes one to finally come to grips with their own lies - personal recovery can only come thereafter. And even in the midst of all the hate, Fibo does not wish financial disaster to anyone - instead aims to thwart it - that is the accomplishment bigger than just making loads of dough

Here goes: we shall try to help her by grabbing the lies by the roots and yanking them to the surface. This is the exact same method that is used in OBJECTION HANDLING in Sales Closing

(1) new_trader has lost $130/ounce since
Sept 4 this year when Gold crashed and ruined major TV stars who had placed their life savings in the yellow metal. new_trader's situation is far worse. Will tell you in a minute. She would have had no money to survive and would be forced to liquidate her Gold holdings as EVERY cent was in her investment and she as much stated DEATH or correct call. Fast forward to Nov 12 - Gold has reversed and is rallying. Hardly matters whether bear rally or new bull market. She (new_trader) is a goner, she lost everything. Like a fool she put all her eggs in Gold, probably mortgaging her house and borrowing from her parents, brothers and sisters after having convinced them Gold is going to 5k. Possibly ruined them all.

But wait! There is a saving grace. Like everyone else, she is just lying. There never was any investment in Gold. The only way around this that she has now is to provide proof of purchase as I've required in my other threads, live, live, live and bank and tax returns.

There is no f********* way for anybody even Warren Buffet to live thru' a staggering losss of that magnitude after not just 1% of capital but 110% of capital has been deployed into a position.
new_trader post #171 on Feb 20, 2013

She said in that post:
More mainstream nonsense and double talk. Today, gold is a "safe haven" asset because the price is falling.

Poor girl, man does that hurt even me. Catching a falling knife on such fake beliefs just because 99.99% of the world experts kept saying gold is a safe haven, buy buy buy and you will be rich.

Now dig this: Gold kept falling for 3 more years after new_trader continued to buy and totally not-ised that she is catching a falling knife. F******* Hell, Gold fell to 1046/ounce wiping out millions and millions of investors, new_trader especially.

But despite this fiasco of fiascoes, here she is today pretending that all is well.

It stinks, my friends.

Trading Records, records, records, records ............ so f*******in eeezy clears up the whole ball of sh*t

Words of Wisdom

Wisdom from Fibo: There ain't no better wisdom because this came-d from scar tissue that God looked at and said, "You are my beloved son, in thee I am well pleased" 🙂 🙂 🙂 (No doubt this will irritate the Brits to no end, a Godless nation that is skidding to oblivion at breakneck speed with Lucifer driving the truck 😗 )

Commodities go thru' a cycle that has existed for decades and decades, the exact same cycle. this comes from CYCLE ANALYSIS (Peter Eliades, RIP)

Therefore the reversal in commodities on the monthly timeframe is not expected until 2030. There will be rallies and crashes along the way but no sustained bull-market like the one from 1999 - 2011.

New_trader is so unbelievably naive to totally avoid and not learn History. Her low standards of understanding and quality control in the subject of Philosophy alerted me to this eventuality so I started reading her thread in earnest.

Damn shame. I can help this girlie, bigtime.
Words of Wisdom

Never, never never go against the Commercial Hedgers - their footprint can be seen on the COT data

these fellas are not traders, they are hedgers. Their counterpart is the speculators and small traders (aka dumb or stupid money). The commercial Hedgers were staggeringly loaded to Short Gold when I urged new_trader to cashout her holding and sell sell sell and go to sidelines. I took long profits at about that time too and went to sidelines. all evidence in my BEAR thread.

She did not listen.

She got f******.

Now Fibo is the enemy. Same sh*t, different retard, different day. 😗😗😗
Words of Wisdom

What does Fibo think of new_trader as a person despite the lies about trading?

She is a lovely girl, very gentle, soft and caring and has considerable charisma. She could be my friend.

18 Things Only People Who Live By The Beach Understand

A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere.

– Joyce A. Myers

Modified by Fibo:

A #2 pencil and ruler can beat ANY trading system by starting at the origin and connecting the Diastolic pressure points in accordance with Bernoulli's equation Total pressure = Static pressure + Dynamic pressure (Ps + ½ Φ V²)

GBPUSD selected on 5-min. timeframe as an example to assuage the Brits who might not understand anything other than GBP or a higher timeframe. Given that GBP (Brit) and USD (American) are crushed together in this pair forcing the former to live with the latter in such a tight embrace, some strange cognitions emanate

The best way to confuse a fake trader is to put him or her in a round room and ask him/her to find a corner

Why was the fake trader staring at the orange juice carton? Because it said "Concentrate"

Why did the fake trader on his way to the airport turn around just outside the airport and go back home? Because the sign said, "Airport Left"
"Envy is the art of counting the other fellow's blessings instead of your own."
"Envy is the art of counting the other fellow's blessings instead of your own."

More Fibo originals:

Envy & Addiction
is the art of disguising the action of lifting Fibo on and off Ignore

Towering strength
is the art of a lone warrior going up against 1000s of unanimous enemies/haters with just one tool, FIBO.

Immaculate, supernatural strength comes from a moderator reducing a 21-day ban to a mere 3 days.

P****y power is achieved simply by disagreeing with a beautiful woman - you then become the ONLY Man

Fear and cover up are easily detected and guaranteed when one will not offer proof of performance face to face with full on eye contact.

Unanimous enemies formation is an art at a trading forum - happens when members are asked for proof of trading performance. From this came the term, "instant ostracism" .... attack of the Occipital Lobes" .... disruption of natural flow from the seminal vesicle
“Never depend on the admiration of others. There is no strength in it. Personal merit cannot be derived from an external source."