Words of Wisdom

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dowser
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  • Watchers Watchers 7
A thread for those wise words you've come across during your life that have made an impression on you. They can be about trading but also about life in general. Maybe it was something your parents or grand parents told you, or a favourite teacher. Or perhaps just something that was posted on Facebook...

Please share it here for us all to enjoy and benefit from!

This thread has been done before. Several times. There are 7 iterations at ET. One is if I remember correctly, about 70 pages long. Here at T2W there is one (see below) and there might be others. Its a very very very common thread type.

From the looks of this thread thus far, its not even in the same ballpark. Is this the best you oldtimers can do? Very disconcerting and disappointing to see such stellar gents put out such kindergarten stuff. Come on fellas, don't you Brits have any ambition at all? At this rate you'll never be the MAN

Anyways, here's the one that makes all of you look like you're at the bottom of the class with grace marks and still failing.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all including the Muslims and their haters 🙂 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
2) Great things never come from Comfort Zones

In the spirit of Christmas and a whole New Year coming up, look at the quote above and give it some thought - it applies in spades to Trade2Win. This place is going nowhere due to the ultra-high level of COMPLACENCY. Not one of you appears to have made any effort to snap out of your comfort zones since 2002 - a long time to be stuck in the rut of Complacency. Snap out of it amigos, you're destroyin the very thing (T2W) that you claim to love and protect so much. Put some action where your mouths are for cryin out loud.

Make it a NY resolution.

The Physical Universe only honors those who step out of their comfort zones. When asking the SuperNatural for help, no University degrees, or wealth or status or whatnot is required - the only thing GOD looks at is your scars
In line with thread title and yet another Fibo original:

When a Triple Bottom combines with a Cup and Handle formation, it can send the current Empire (USA) into a giant tailspin if/when it fires on the monthly timeframe

What makes it even more severe and shocking is that this deals with the overall psychology in the FEAR/COMPLACENCY department. Complacency is so stellar its downright shocking as one ought to therefore be able to smell the oncoming tsunami. My timing has been bad, but hey this is a once in 400 year phenomenon so timing a little off hardly matters. Subconsciously all the GOLD bugs feel it, they don't know or understand why but they believe Gold will go to 100k. This is the reason - see below.

See chart of Vix. Those who don't know what the Vix is, had better learn for the New Year as she could be your best friend if you took the time to get to know her at all major highs and lows of the past since 1990.

In line with thread title: Referring to the GREAT DEPRESSION of 1929-32 ............... the coming WAVE is expected to dwarf the former ...................... see below for how they all got fooled in 1929 as nobody saw it coming, ditto for the other recent tsunami of 2008 - nobody saw that coming either

It came with a surrealistic slowness ... so gradually that on the one hand it was possible to live through a good part of it without realizing that it was happening and on the other hand, it was possible to believe one had experienced and survived it when in fact it had no more than just begun.
When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for you to stand upon or you will be taught to fly.
  • Time is much more valuable than money
  • Time is a limited resource
  • We can always earn more money, we can never get more time
  • Money can’t buy life

Think about how much more productive you would be, or, what you could be doing or learning instead of squandering time posting inane comments or material on social media. This is one of the reasons I think many people, including myself have cut down or stopped altogether from posting and reading in this forum and other forms of social media.

From Marcus Aurelius

“Because most of what we say and do is not essential. Ask yourself at every moment, 'Is this necessary?'"

“Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now take what’s left and live it properly.”

“You’re better off not giving the small things more time than they deserve.”

“Take a good hard look at people’s ruling principle, especially of the wise, what they run away from & what they seek out.”
As time progresses life gets more valuable.

agreed..when we are younger time is actually something we are not too fussed about .....as one gets older you have to protect it and use it well !!!
When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for you to stand upon or you will be taught to fly.

or gravity will lend a hand .........

Think about how much more productive you would be, or, what you could be doing or learning instead of squandering time posting inane comments or material on social media. This is one of the reasons I think many people, including myself have cut down or stopped altogether from posting and reading in this forum and other forms of social media.

Say what? You've been posting for 15 years = 27% of adult-life-span (20-75).

I have seen your similar comments about squandering time quite often in the 6 months I've been here.

Get some help for your habit - it seems to have overpowered you.

New Year's resolution: Try to kick the habit by going away and not posting for 1 year. Then you are on the road to kicking your habit.

Good luck
  • Time is much more valuable than money
  • Time is a limited resource
  • We can always earn more money, we can never get more time
  • Money can’t buy life


(1) FALSE: try paying your rent with TIME instead of MONEY.

(2) FALSE: TIME is part of the Physical Universe which itself is made up of Matter, energy, & Space, each being limitless

(3) FALSE: 99.9% of the World will tell you flat out that they cannot make more money but have gobs of time. T2W is a glowing towering example of this, as is ET and everywhere else

(4) FALSE: Money CAN and DOES buy Life and/or Death. The only things Money cannot buy are the things that have root and are born in the spiritual world like ........ Love, Devotion, one's WORD, Benevolence, Honor, Integrity & God.
  • Time is much more valuable than money - without money it's difficult to have a good time!
  • Time is a limited resource - time is infinite, human mortality is the issue! Don't confuse the two.
  • We can always earn more money, we can never get more time. - Work life balance needs inspection, reflection and good portion of contemplation.
  • Money can’t buy life. - Money can prolong life ensuring a comfortable existence. Lack of money and purchasing power on healthy eating, exercise and access to medical care - on probability leads to a shorter life span.

Cool words but upon some scrutiny, not that well thought out. I think those words apply to those who have access to a lot of money, who perhaps need to do something a little different. Each to their own.

Cool words but upon some scrutiny, not that well thought out. I think those words apply to those who have access to a lot of money, who perhaps need to do something a little different. Each to their own.

Good points, but
  • without money it's difficult to have a good time! Possibly true for many.
  • time is infinite, human mortality is the issue! Don't confuse the two. I should have written 'our' time because of the opportunity cost of choosing to spend time doing one thing over another.
  • We can always earn more money, we can never get more time. - Work life balance needs inspection, reflection and good portion of contemplation. Work life balance has nothing to do with it.
  • Money can’t buy life. - Money can prolong life ensuring a comfortable existence. Lack of money and purchasing power on healthy eating, exercise and access to medical care - on probability leads to a shorter life span. "Money can’t buy life" is attributed to Bob Marley, they were the final words of the famous Jamaican singer- songwriter to his son Ziggy Marley.
Thread title is:
Words of Wisdom

but how can one have words of wisdom in a country with no knowledge or sense of the supernatural, God or Philosophy?
Everything must be proven. The body's eyes are shut, therefore it cannot see. Killing, maiming and havoc is a way of life. The finesse of Philosophy? Dream on! But let's offer in a morsel just in case there is a cat here that is ready to blow this coup of dull, dull, dull MEST (matter, energy, space, time) 🙂🙂🙂

Wisdom cannot be imparted. Wisdom that a wise man attempts to impart always sounds like foolishness to someone else ... Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it