Just came across this:
Yeah, let's all have a good laugh, you've just potentially f*cked up someones life because you got a bit irate over their posts.
Don't get me wrong, S89 p*ssed me off. He p*ssed off a lot of people. Not only with his refusal to listen to anyone but his boasts about ripping people off. It got my back up a bit. But making a private conversation accessible on a public website and / or forwarding it to the Surrey Police?
That's a bit much.
S89 always made a big thing about how he wanted to be on the force. So well done to those that had a hand in destroying his hopes and aspirations.
And to those of you that don't know what I am talking about, take note: be very, very careful of what you post on public websites.
A family member recently told me that his company had been scouring MySpace / Facebook when they had CVs in and people were sometimes rejected on the strength of who they had in their friends list, let alone things that they are actually posting on forums. You write something stupid to be funny like under your list of interests you put: "recreational drugs"
🙂 for a laugh and little do you know you're just lost your job opportunity.