Words of Wisdom

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(1) FALSE: try paying your rent with TIME instead of MONEY. I never said money is unnecessary.

(2) FALSE: TIME is part of the Physical Universe which itself is made up of Matter, energy, & Space, each being limitless. Some scientists say time didn't exist prior to the big bang. There is no agreed theory on how the universe will end. Albert Einstein’s most famous equation says that energy and matter are two sides of the same coin. Some scientist theorise that one day the universe might only contain radiation.

(3) FALSE: 99.9% of the World will tell you flat out that they cannot make more money but have gobs of time. T2W is a glowing towering example of this, as is ET and everywhere else

(4) FALSE: Money CAN and DOES buy Life and/or Death. The only things Money cannot buy are the things that have root and are born in the spiritual world like ........ Love, Devotion, one's WORD, Benevolence, Honor, Integrity & God.

So what is the value of life, in monetary terms? How much would you pay to live another day?
Say what? You've been posting for 15 years = 27% of adult-life-span (20-75).

I have seen your similar comments about squandering time quite often in the 6 months I've been here.

True, I also squander roughly 33% of my life doing nothing else but sleep.

Get some help for your habit - it seems to have overpowered you.

New Year's resolution: Try to kick the habit by going away and not posting for 1 year. Then you are on the road to kicking your habit.

Show me how it's done.

Good luck
Thread title is:
Words of Wisdom

but how can one have words of wisdom in a country with no knowledge or sense of the supernatural, God or Philosophy?
Everything must be proven. The body's eyes are shut, therefore it cannot see. Killing, maiming and havoc is a way of life. The finesse of Philosophy? Dream on! But let's offer in a morsel just in case there is a cat here that is ready to blow this coup of dull, dull, dull MEST (matter, energy, space, time) 🙂🙂🙂

Wisdom cannot be imparted. Wisdom that a wise man attempts to impart always sounds like foolishness to someone else ... Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it

Ironic much 🤣

You ask, "what is the value of Life in monetary terms?"

Answer: Life cannot be measured in monetary terms. Shirley MacLaine found that out the hard way and went into a tailspin from which she has not recovered.
You ask, "what is the value of Life in monetary terms?"

Answer: Life cannot be measured in monetary terms. Shirley MacLaine found that out the hard way and went into a tailspin from which she has not recovered.

see quote:

To grasp the meaning of this, its a requirement that one has way more money than one will ever need and then, voila, as if by a battering ram comes the realization that Monetary terms are worth zilch to such an individual. It only appears to possess much value ................ to individuals that do not possess it = 98% of world pops, that's why its lusted after. But when you have it or acquire it, the initial joy and pleasure comes as a tsunami akin to a parabola - which as we alll know, reverses and sends one to the doghouse mentally and spiritually and monetarily. The shock sets in that monetary success is no higher than the mere first rung of the ladder - a ladder that has millions of rungs all the way to Serenity.

A parallel:

Your arena: GOLD. What is the value of the Dow Jones in terms of ounces of Gold? Circular motion with the right hand! Dow Jones priced in nominal terms (USD) has been going up for 200 years in a ferocious bull-market. But Dow Jones priced in Gold has been overall going sideways in a triangle of epic proportions. Dow priced in Gold is currently sitting at the same level as it was at the TOP (=beginning) of the GREAT DEPRESSION of 1929


>>>>> True, I also squander roughly 33% of my life doing nothing else but sleep. <<<<<

FALSE = Incorrect. The spirit that inhabits the body lives by the rules of the body, food, clothing, shelter, sleep 8 hrs, procreation. That is called the BODY GAME. The biggest losers in life are the ones who don't know the RULES of the GAME - such individuals become broken pieces.

In levels of REALITY higher than the BODY, there is no such thing as sleep, food, etc., - there are other factors that we can only guess at for if we really were to stumble on them, the current game in body would go poof and as-is and disappear. We wanted it this way - we wanted to play the body game. It was our decision.

>>>>>> New Year's resolution: Try to kick the habit by going away and not posting for 1 year. Then you are on the road to kicking your habit.

Show me how it's done. <<<<<

There is only one way. Go cold turkey, suffer thru' the withdrawal symptoms and the pain and longing and yearning pangs to post. They will become less each month and eventually be gone. Smoking, alcoholism, sex addicts ............ same formula. A support group, in the same way as a Forex demo, will get you started but this is something that must be done on one's own, ALONE.
I thought about this more and prefer the revised response.

(1) FALSE: try paying your rent with TIME instead of MONEY. Money has value, but is not necessary.<<<<<<

Correctomundo! 🙂

The value of Money is on the same level as body upkeep as in food, shelter, clothing, offspring, family, dwelling etc., etc., In the larger scheme of things it is just basic and belongs only to one plateau of existence, a very shallow plateau compared to others that contain the spiritual drivers like INTEGRITY etc.

Let Integrity drive Money and you might find that you prefer to stay relatively poor at 6k/month income rather than make 400k per month by cheating others and robbing etc.

Other than Fibo here nobody else has figured out why TRADING is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo GREAT! Integrity is not affected adversely. Another profession that's up there with God is TEACHING ...... but the pay is too low.
“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

– Mark Twain

Application to T2W:

At frothy markets, T2W is even more frothy = on the side of the majority

At highly pessimistic market junctures, T2W is on the side of ultra pessimism = on the side of the majority.

This is a lesson that by definiton T2W will never learn.
GOD gives a rat's ass for your qualifications, your money, your house, your riches and the number of friends and associates you might have etc., ................. He looks at just one thing! Your resume will have just one line of importance.
Your scars


(In Brit-Land talking about God and spirituality and the superNatural is akin to casting pearls ...........................

but, who knows, some day they might turn around and bow before God, especially if their pocketbook is whacked real good - Money is the thing that can put them to attention in a nanosecond

So in case this ever happens and Brits go GOD 🙂🙂 this lesson will saves them gobs of time and learning and eliminate false roads that lead nowhere as in TRADING)
“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

– Mark Twain

Another of Mark Twain's very prescient quotes:

“October: This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February.”
Another of Mark Twain's very prescient quotes:

“October: This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February.”

🙂🙂 Amen!

Mark Twain's advice was totally ignored at every known Market top in history, 1929, 1973, 2000, 2007, AND NOW?

Warren Buffet put it in more palatable terms: sell when everyone is euphoric (like right now since Jan 2018), buy when everyone is terrified as in March 2009)

Mark and Warren defined "having brass balls"
The Mantra of T2W is "follow the crowd" and bet on it and enforce any disagreement with the crowd by swift action like banning, suspension, Hell. What keeps the fire of "follow the crowd" going and fueled more and more on a daily basis? Why of course its the raging bull-market in Political Correctness, wherein the UK is the dominant champ. America is catching up but is still a distant contender.

FIBO defined to a T by even one as spectacular as Albert Einstein 🙂🙂🙂🙂

A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.

No one achieves great things by following the crowd. Have a spine. Strike your own path.

The intelligent investor is likely to need considerable will power to keep from following the crowd.
Benjamin Graham (Warren Buffet's MASTER)

(considerable will power = how much? ... the largest tsunami of wave lambda 1 km might just about cut it but it will tear a considerable AH that will need surgery - but the towering strength thereafter, after the surgery is staggering - FEAR & RISK become boyfriend and girlfriend)

Don't follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you.
Margaret Thatcher

The one who walks alone, is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been. (Fibo defined 100% by Albert 🙂 )
Albert Einstein

The essence of Fibo is a top and bottom caller/trader. Its in the blood despite the current market top call failure thus far. God sees the scars and the frustration and the humiliation. He will step in sooner than later with a miraculous intervention that will float on a postulate wave down thru' the consciousness levels and alight on my shoulder the same way that LOVE came - without fanfare.

God, do I love it so!!!!
"Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him."
  • Time is much more valuable than money
  • Time is a limited resource
  • We can always earn more money, we can never get more time
  • Money can’t buy life

Think about how much more productive you would be, or, what you could be doing or learning instead of squandering time posting inane comments or material on social media. This is one of the reasons I think many people, including myself have cut down or stopped altogether from posting and reading in this forum and other forms of social media.

From Marcus Aurelius

“Because most of what we say and do is not essential. Ask yourself at every moment, 'Is this necessary?'"

“Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now take what’s left and live it properly.”

“You’re better off not giving the small things more time than they deserve.”

“Take a good hard look at people’s ruling principle, especially of the wise, what they run away from & what they seek out.”

Thread title:
Words of Wisdom 🙂

What do philosophers say about HATE? Many things, none healthy. But the worst is: Hate kills the originator quickly, the recipient of the HATE wave is generally only slightly bruised or amused (in my case) in comparison.


live, real life example, right here at T2W 🙂

see blue text in quote & then especially the red text, but there is a far greater problem than the addiction my gal admits she already has and is the total effect of, namely, posting on social media drug habit. She cannot overcome it or find a cure for it.

What might this even larger addiction be? Its called, "addicted to and obsessed with fibo_trader" ......... her journal has now degenerated to persistent non-stop hatred of fibo_trader to the exclusion of ALL else. 😗

Women! Fibo's words of Wisdom (thread title) in so many places at T2W and ET regarding women: disagree and put her in her place like it always was done in the good ole days (nowadays its all man-bashing and women have the penises) and voila, she drops all Beta males she is associated with and comes after just YOU - with a passion. Antediluvian biological urge of women can never be killed - the pursuit of Alpha is their driving force. YAWN! 😗


For my gal ...................... come HOME now, dead_broke and fibo_trader miss you 👠👜 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
All we want for Christmas is YOU

Spirit of Christmas and New Year: 🙂🙂

Only one resolution, the same one for the past 10 years. Works for me

Keep on getting better, keep on searching for the philosopher's stone even when my head is aching and my hands are cold

Thread title:
Words of Wisdom

Behold Fibo

They put Fibo on Ignore but never can ignore




In line with God does not care about your qualifications, your money, your millions of friends and associates, your cars, your possessions - he only looks at your scars.

This is the reason I asked Sharky to provide a DISLIKE button on T2W. I would be the uncontested winner, there might not even be a 2nd place contender, given that T2W is loaded to the hilt with such nice, wholesome people 🙂🙂🙂🙂


Fibo described to a T



In the current Forex trading world on YouTube:


Christmas in the Antilles

"Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him."


Nice one, Doll, nice stab at Fibo the fool But its not right to use thread title "words of wisdom" to stab your the boyfriend you can't have. 😗 You resist and resist Fibo but surely have no knowledge of the primary Law of the Universe we live in, "what you resist, you become, what you can't have that you fixate upon, will destroy you" You could have been in bed with me 6 months ago but you keep torturing yourself.

There was another Fool, way before Fibo. His name was Ali 🙂

Watch what HE went thru' against Foreman - the same as I wnt thru' in the first 10 pages of the signature thread here at T2W. 7 rounds of getting beaten, shots to the stomach, then the turn came - as fast as lightning I got out and won. Sodid he. Both are FOOLS according to you 😗😗😗😗😗

