Why is this so hard -- "lose" is spelt with one "o", not two!

Anyone who is affected by bad spelling should perhaps give up trading and become a lawyer , they REALLY get pissed at detail by default !

As Law has been well accepted to be defined as ' The expertise of language'

So maybe a career change would exploit this gift ?
Wot getz mee is that Desmond Two Two bloke what karnt even spel is own name rite an proper.
Champions League is a far superior tournament Split.

The World Cup is poor in comparison, except maybe when Barcelona play in the World Cup.

Otherwise it is pretty awful as was evidenced by the debacle in South Africa.

So yes, I am glad that England were the loosers.
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Champions League is a far superior tournament Split.

The World Cup is poor in comparison, except maybe when Barcelona play in the World Cup.

Otherwise it is pretty awful as was eveidenced by the debacle in South Africa.

I like the Champion's, too, It should be good with the four top clubs from each country playing in it. That is what makes club football superior to international. One of the reasons, if not the only one, for Spain's success at the World Cup was the fact that 9 Barcelona players were in the team. They knew each others style intimately and even with Messi and other foreigners out of the squad, it made a formidable side. Messi and company had to learn to play with others that they knew less well.

I hope that you follow Barça, BTW, it is on a winning streak and gave Real a nasty shock last week. 😀
who is slinging the slang ?

"spelt" instead of "spelled" is a p*ss off too

you need to work the torque

and Jerusalem was builded here not built

and its usual practice to spell "practise" wrong as well

taxi !
Lady on TV the other afternoon was showcasing property in the Wales-English-Shropshire-Herefordshire border areas. It's bit boggy there apparently, since she spoke about the "Welsh Marshes". Not sure how she spells it.
who is slinging the slang ?

"spelt" instead of "spelled" is a p*ss off too

you need to work the torque

and Jerusalem was builded here not built

and its usual practice to spell "practise" wrong as well

taxi !

American spelling doesn't recognise the "t", it gets replaced with "ed" afaik. I "learned" this the other day, lulz.😆