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Why I turned away from Darwinex


Senior member
Not sure, but maybe this thread is overdue as a lot of veterans are silent since months or years.

Most of the authors of the early forum post here from 2020 when the Darwinex community moved to T2W are not writing anymore.
Maybe they want to leave a post in this thread. 😉

The cause for my retreat are three attempts to create a D-Zero Darwin, which all failed because of mistakes Darwinex made.
The first one was completely wrong advice to open a D-Zero account as a company (they ignored the anti money laundry laws), the second issue was a deletion of my Darwin and my trading account without any notification. It was not possible to restore the Darwin or the account. Completely amateurish.

The last one was that they moved my trading account to another server without any notification.
As suddenly my MT4 login didn't work anymore, I contacted their support who changed my trader password without being asked for that.
I was fooled with senseless advices like reinstalling MT4 and other BS which of course could not have an effect. But they didn't get it solved the whole day.
Coincidentally I found out that they had a new server and got the account running again, but too late and after the American trading session.

When I asked for compensation without naming any details - they were free for any symbolic proposal - I got an email that that was not planned besides they knew they did not inform me about the server change. They informed the clients about it only via a marketing (!) mailing list where I was registered with another email than the one I used for the D-Zero page. (I'm registered there with more than one other email because antoher problem Darwinex created when starting D-Zero).
Instead of a proposal for compensation I was urged to register for their marketing stuff (which is against any European law) and notified me that they cancel the communication and - most impertinent statement - I could cancel my subscription.

My response to that was not answered, as expected.

That's it.
I'm done with them now as I don't support their arrogance and ignorance in any way.
I expect responsibilty for their faults - who's resposible if a mandatory notification is not sent, the sender or the receiver who never got it?
If they change their behaviour and their support quality, I feel free to change my mind on them.

As I'm also not remote controlled by such an event, I might continue to post information about their cheats or tricks to fool investors.
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Wow!, that's a bad experience you've had.
My own reasons for abandoning them (which I think started around the time they closed the original forum) is that they seemed to have moved away from their founding ethos (practically reversed it) and copied everybody else on the darker side. Consequently I've never taken much interest in "Darwinex Zero"
I am still trading for my own account, just with a different broker. I wish you success for the future.
Not sure, but maybe this thread is overdue as a lot of veterans are silent since months or years.

Most of the authors of the early forum post here from 2020 when the Darwinex community moved to T2W are not writing anymore.
Maybe they want to leave a post in this thread. 😉

The cause for my retreat are three attempts to create a D-Zero Darwin, which all failed because of mistakes Darwinex made.
The first one was completely wrong advice to open a D-Zero account as a company (they ignored the anti money laundry laws), the second issue was a deletion of my Darwin and my trading account without any notification. It was not possible to restore the Darwin or the account. Completely amateurish.

The last one was that they moved my trading account to another server without any notification.
As suddenly my MT4 login didn't work anymore, I contacted their support who changed my trader password without being asked for that.
I was fooled with senseless advices like reinstalling MT4 and other BS which of course could not have an effect. But they didn't get it solved the whole day.
Coincidentally I found out that they had a new server and got the account running again, but too late and after the American trading session.

When I asked for compensation without naming any details - they were free for any symbolic proposal - I got an email that that was not planned besides they knew they did not inform me about the server change. They informed the clients about it only via a marketing (!) mailing list where I was registered with another email than the one I used for the D-Zero page. (I'm registered there with more than one other email because antoher problem Darwinex created when starting D-Zero).
Instead of a proposal for compensation I was urged to register for their marketing stuff (which is against any European law) and notified me that they cancel the communication and - most impertinent statement - I could cancel my subscription.

My response to that was not answered, as expected.

That's it.
I'm done with them now as I don't support their arrogance and ignorance in any way.
I expect responsibilty for their faults - who's resposible if a mandatory notification is not sent, the sender or the receiver who never got it?
If they change their behaviour and their support quality, I feel free to change my mind on them.

As I'm also not remote controlled by such an event, I might continue to post information about their cheats or tricks to fool investors.

Hi IlIlIlIlI,

I am very sorry to hear you had a bad experience.

On top of sending several emails to our users, we posted articles in our blog and displayed a banner on our website the week leading to the server change. Still, I am sorry that you had issues to log into your account.

What I will not tolerate under any circumstance is that you suggest that we may be using "cheats or tricks to fool investors". You know us (and me personally) very well for several years now and know that this is simply not true.

The fact that you have had a bad experience with your Darwinex Zero account does not entitle you to make false accusations in a public forum.

We keep working VERY hard to offer the best conditions to traders and investors since 2012.

May I finally wish you best of luck with your trading endeavours.

Kindest regards,
Dear Ignacio,

you're right that we know us personally.
I didn't contact you personally this time as you wrote me twice that you don't want to be contacted if I have problems with Darwinex' support.
And I did not expect such a fast reaction from Darwinex here.

What's wrong is that there was any banner anytime visible on the website I use. It showed and shows only the cancellation (which was also "advised" by your support to cancel the conversation), it NEVER showed a note about any trechnical changes.

Naturally such changes must be published by email regardless of the marketing settings, as notifications about contractual and severe technical changes must be sent.
You should also be aware that most people working for the financial industry don't have the full marketing and tracking settings in their browser.
Besides that, I get all the marketing stuff from Darwinex and Darwinex Zero on other email adresses and there was NEVER a single word about a server change.

What I called "cheats or tricks" are after all a question of point of view to several changes or representations, not "false accusations".
I'm also sure you don't (and can't) share my point of view.
This is not the right thread to discuss that, I feel free to publish content I meant on related threads if I want to spend time for that.

What I'm missing, also in your post, is that Darwinex takes responsibility for their faults.
Darwinex' notification concept did not and probably could not work.

If you want to clarify this matter once and for all, you're invited to call me. You should still have my phone number.
It might be useful to stipulate the call before, as I'm working full time.

Kind regards,


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Hey! I hope you are all well. It's been months since I last logged on here.

I've been trading on Darwinex for over 4 years now. I guess this makes me a veteran. So by allusions I would like to participate on this thread, I hope in this way I also contribute to reviving this forum which is more dead than alive. It is no mystery that we form a small community. Over the years I have read very interesting posts from people who have a lot of knowledge and from others who didn't know so much but whose ignorance was amusing. Of course, I won't name anyone.

I imagine ||||| that you have matured a lot in your decision. I understand your frustration and share it. I have been in a fucking mess for two weeks now with my two Darwins trading on MT4. Reading you I just found out that the Server has moved. I contacted support because I also had to ask for password resets. The guys were quick to respond but it would have been nice of them to explain this situation to me. Now I understand everything! I agree with you that we should have received a warning email and even a second email informing that the migration was successful. It is not enough to publish such an important news in a Marketing List!

These miscommunications activate our conspiratorial neurons. But in defense of Darwinex, I don't think there is any malicious intent on their part. They're not perfect and it's okay to pick on them but personally I still consider them to be my favorite broker. No one can deny that it is a regulated, transparent and accessible broker. I take this opportunity to thank Ignacio for his response.

One more point! I have never understood D-Zero nor have I tried very hard to understand it either. I guess it is a product to attract more clients, commercially it seems healthy to me. Although I personally think that the messages that it is a product for people with little capital, etc. are designed to sell the bike to the dupes - my humble opinion. I respect the product and its Clients, as long as they don't push me to get into that business.

Anyway |||||. Whatever you decide, I hope you don't leave this agonizing forum and that we will have the pleasure to continue reading you.
Hey! I hope you are all well. It's been months since I last logged on here.

I've been trading on Darwinex for over 4 years now. I guess this makes me a veteran. So by allusions I would like to participate on this thread, I hope in this way I also contribute to reviving this forum which is more dead than alive. It is no mystery that we form a small community. Over the years I have read very interesting posts from people who have a lot of knowledge and from others who didn't know so much but whose ignorance was amusing. Of course, I won't name anyone.

I imagine ||||| that you have matured a lot in your decision. I understand your frustration and share it. I have been in a fucking mess for two weeks now with my two Darwins trading on MT4. Reading you I just found out that the Server has moved. I contacted support because I also had to ask for password resets. The guys were quick to respond but it would have been nice of them to explain this situation to me. Now I understand everything! I agree with you that we should have received a warning email and even a second email informing that the migration was successful. It is not enough to publish such an important news in a Marketing List!

These miscommunications activate our conspiratorial neurons. But in defense of Darwinex, I don't think there is any malicious intent on their part. They're not perfect and it's okay to pick on them but personally I still consider them to be my favorite broker. No one can deny that it is a regulated, transparent and accessible broker. I take this opportunity to thank Ignacio for his response.

One more point! I have never understood D-Zero nor have I tried very hard to understand it either. I guess it is a product to attract more clients, commercially it seems healthy to me. Although I personally think that the messages that it is a product for people with little capital, etc. are designed to sell the bike to the dupes - my humble opinion. I respect the product and its Clients, as long as they don't push me to get into that business.

Anyway |||||. Whatever you decide, I hope you don't leave this agonizing forum and that we will have the pleasure to continue reading you.
Thank you for confirming that they did not notify traders about their server changes in any acceptable way.
I'm sure there were and are more victims than the two of us.

I also agree that there was no malicious intent on their part, it's just a bad combination of an insufficient and bad notification concept, lack of practice that can end in stupidity, ignorance and arrogance in combination of failing to take responsibility.

If they start taking responsibility for their faults including any kind of compensation for the victims, there is a lot of space for improvements. 😉
Sorry for your troubles @IlIlIlIlI, you've contributed a hell of a lot of time and interesting posts on this section, thank you!

Most of the authors of the early forum post here from 2020 when the Darwinex community moved to T2W are not writing anymore.
Maybe they want to leave a post in this thread.

Sure, I’ve experienced my own disappointment with Darwinex, particularly with Ignacio. Although he maintains a professional and courteous demeanor, the lack of follow-through undermines professional standards. At times, his words have seemed insincere, which may reflect on the broader communication style / issues within the company rather than on the man's own behavior. This is not an attack, just my own observation.

Many veterans (the one's I've spoken to) have observed the gap between the company’s promises and the actual outcomes. These patterns can only erode trust in the company, which is a shame. Decent traders, contributors, thinkers and money have been lost along the way.

I haven't turned away from Darwinex - although I may get the boot after this post. I still have a live account (no Darwin) and not greatly interested in what a Darwin has to offer - or take away from a strategy. I don't invest in other Darwins, but if the format changed, I could be tempted. As @FXforfun mentioned; they are a regulated broker so can't knock them for that. Also, I haven't been writing / contributing online over the past year as I'm contracted as a trader for a Single Family Office and I'm keeping the head down.

Hope you get things sorted out @IlIlIlIlI and hope everybody else is still alive and well,

Captain Currency
Thanks for your reply and for your feedback, Andy, much appreciated.

I am really sorry to hear you feel this way and I don't take this as an attack, on the contrary, I take this as valuable feedback.

No one is getting the boot, no worries.

Hey! I hope you are all well. It's been months since I last logged on here.

I've been trading on Darwinex for over 4 years now. I guess this makes me a veteran. So by allusions I would like to participate on this thread, I hope in this way I also contribute to reviving this forum which is more dead than alive. It is no mystery that we form a small community. Over the years I have read very interesting posts from people who have a lot of knowledge and from others who didn't know so much but whose ignorance was amusing. Of course, I won't name anyone.

I imagine ||||| that you have matured a lot in your decision. I understand your frustration and share it. I have been in a fucking mess for two weeks now with my two Darwins trading on MT4. Reading you I just found out that the Server has moved. I contacted support because I also had to ask for password resets. The guys were quick to respond but it would have been nice of them to explain this situation to me. Now I understand everything! I agree with you that we should have received a warning email and even a second email informing that the migration was successful. It is not enough to publish such an important news in a Marketing List!

These miscommunications activate our conspiratorial neurons. But in defense of Darwinex, I don't think there is any malicious intent on their part. They're not perfect and it's okay to pick on them but personally I still consider them to be my favorite broker. No one can deny that it is a regulated, transparent and accessible broker. I take this opportunity to thank Ignacio for his response.

One more point! I have never understood D-Zero nor have I tried very hard to understand it either. I guess it is a product to attract more clients, commercially it seems healthy to me. Although I personally think that the messages that it is a product for people with little capital, etc. are designed to sell the bike to the dupes - my humble opinion. I respect the product and its Clients, as long as they don't push me to get into that business.

Anyway |||||. Whatever you decide, I hope you don't leave this agonizing forum and that we will have the pleasure to continue reading you.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, @FXforfun, this really means a lot.

Please note that we only upgraded our Darwinex Zero servers, not our standard Darwinex ones, hence the reason why you did not receive any notification.

We know there is room for improvement but you are absolutely right, you can bet there are no malicious intentions behind any of our decisions!!!

Wishing you a fantastic week ahead,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, @FXforfun, this really means a lot.

Please note that we only upgraded our Darwinex Zero servers, not our standard Darwinex ones, hence the reason why you did not receive any notification.

We know there is room for improvement but you are absolutely right, you can bet there are no malicious intentions behind any of our decisions!!!

Wishing you a fantastic week ahead,
Hello Ignacio,

let me ask you some doubts I have.

I would like to open a relationship with Darwinex and I have multiple strategies, so is it better for you to open multiple accounts (each for one strategy) plus one with all of them together or just one general account?

If I open multiple accounts are they all under my single profile or do I need multiple emails for multiple profiles (a slightly more uncomfortable situation)? I am trying to understand the best solution to attract capital. Thank you very much.
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