Why educate, teach or coach your strategy?

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Then you don't associate with the same people I do. For them, making money is not their motivation for teaching and they are far wealthier than I.


Are they scam trading vendors? 😆

Nobody is saying that genuine educators are scammers. However, there are very few in the trading arena, for reasons that are blindingly obvious.

Is this another one of your insecurities Howie? You know people who are genuine teachers, and crave that kind of respect or status?

You have a lot of problems bro. To quote the great (in his own tiny mind) Little Howie Cohodas, "It sucks to be you, bro, it sucks to be you.".

For them, making money is not their motivation for teaching

If you believe that then you must be infinitely less intelligent ( being diplomatic here ) than I thought you were.

If you are successful at trading, what is the motivation for entering the ETC (Education-Training-Coaching) business? It is not apparent to me that the returns vs. effort are better than trading. It is apparent to me that such plans incur incredible blow-back from many forum communities, especially this one. So why do it?

I'll go first, but I'd like to see some serious responses from others who put in the work and run the gauntlet of ridicule.

  1. Ego, recognition of accomplishment, legacy
  2. Develop depth and breadth in understanding your strategy from interacting with others who will question assumptions
  3. Return in the sense of life stages (Earn-Learn-Return)
I don't think the first two require much elaboration. If I am wrong, tell me and I will.

The last is more important to me at my stage of life. In another forum some discussion led me to write this.
Reason 1: a prospective student should stay as far away as humanly possible from any coach or educator who is motivated by their ego/desire for recognition. This is obvious, as the recognition/ego boost from successful trading far exceed those you get from education. Thus a trader who seeks to massage their ego by teaching is likely to be a failure at the very thing they are attempting to teach.

Reason 2: that actually makes a lot of sense to me. One of the reasons I talk and discuss things with people is that I often discover that it adds clarity to my reasoning and analysis. However, doing this in the context of proper teaching is overkill, as far as cost/benefits go.

Reason 3: surely that's just plain silly. Surely your own progeny is where most of the "returning" is to be done? If you still want to pay back your debt to society, why not go work with disadvantaged kids in Africa? In your specific case, why not go and teach engineering, where you have a very meaningful amount of experience, rather than teaching trading where your experience amounts to diddly-squat?

The real, most common reason to engage in ETC activities is to make a living, and to do so in a relatively easy fashion, with the least amount of responsibility. This is precisely why you won't find a lot of teaching/coaching in a professional trading environment. There's a lot of learning, but certainly not a lot of ETC, pls take my word for it.
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So advises the guy with nearly 3200 posts. Certainly advice I must take seriously. 😉

Seriously, if it bothers you, walk away.

Howard, you misunderstand. It doesn't bother me.
My Stats:
Total Posts: 3,195
Posts Per Day: 1.69

What is your average per day, around 7-8 and growing exponentially? My money is on you replying to e-v-e-r-y...s-i-n-g-l-e...p-o-s-t in this thread.😴
Howard, you misunderstand. It doesn't bother me.
My Stats:
Total Posts: 3,195
Posts Per Day: 1.69

What is your average per day, around 7-8 and growing exponentially? My money is on you replying to e-v-e-r-y...s-i-n-g-l-e...p-o-s-t in this thread.😴

It's nearer 10 actually.
Howard. I don't think our replies to your endless drivel is gonna cost us in the long run or even the short run, where as your chances of getting a client has well and truly diminished.

Brettus, you don't get it do you?

"Checkmate, my friend...you were finessed and lost so badly."

Don't be bitter, just accept it. We were all outsmarted by Little Howie Cohodas (wannabe travel agent). We might be angry at how he "finessed" [sic] us, but we have to accept the facts.

This thread was a triumph for Little Howie Cohodas (wannabe travel agent) and a disaster for everyone else. We "lost so badly", he won.

Reason 1: a prospective student should stay as far away as humanly possible from any coach or educator who is motivated by their ego/desire for recognition. This is obvious, as the recognition/ego boost from successful trading far exceed those you get from education. Thus a trader who seeks to massage their ego by teaching is likely to be a failure at the very thing they are attempting to teach.

Reason 2: that actually makes a lot of sense to me. One of the reasons I talk and discuss things with people is that I often discover that it adds clarity to my reasoning and analysis. However, doing this in the context of proper teaching is overkill, as far as cost/benefits go.

Reason 3: surely that's just plain silly. Surely your own progeny is where most of the "returning" is to be done? If you still want to pay back your debt to society, why not go work with disadvantaged kids in Africa? In your specific case, why not go and teach engineering, where you have a very meaningful amount of experience, rather than teaching trading where your experience amounts to diddly-squat?

The real, most common reason to engage in ETC activities is to make a living, and to do so in a relatively easy fashion, with the least amount of responsibility. This is precisely why you won't find a lot of teaching/coaching in a professional trading environment. There's a lot of learning, but certainly not a lot of ETC, pls take mynword for it.

Finally a responsible reply. I knew there was a chance someone would rise to the occasion. I guessed you would be among them. I did not guess you would be first.

There was a fad not long ago about egoless-whatever. Like most fads its proponents pushed it beyond its ability to be of benefit. Your concerns about ego as a motivator remind me of what doctors are taught. The only difference between medicine and poison is dose. With the right amount of ego there is concern for the customer as well as the teacher. The teacher cares about his reputation. An excessive amount of ego not only poisons the teacher, but poisons everyone with whom he is in contact.

Working with students is an enriching experience on many levels. It is difficult to put in words, even for professional teachers like my daughter-in-law who is now the principal of the high school that attracts the best and the brightest in her area. She cannot judge the content of my material, but she does not have the concerns about the pedagogy that many here profess.

Teaching may not be the most efficient way to accomplish my personal learning goals. I am not planning to teach as the most efficient way to make money. I expect to lose money at it. I am not planning to teach as the most efficient way to better learn my craft. I am planning to teach because I love it and I believe that others may benefit from what I know. Many who publicly post here do not agree. I am, however, encouraged by feedback that is not so public.

The most disconcerting element of your post is to suggest that one person's method of returning is superior to another's. That idea is anathema to people like me. (Libertarians who conceal carry 😉)

I did my duty to my progeny by paying for their undergraduate education so that they would get out of school with no debt. They also worked part time to earn expense money. In return I promised to live long enough to become a burden to them. :smart: They are more successful than I financially and have no need for my resources except my time to spend with my grandchildren.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Many here could learn a lot from you about civil discourse.
Howard, you misunderstand. It doesn't bother me.
My Stats:
Total Posts: 3,195
Posts Per Day: 1.69

What is your average per day, around 7-8 and growing exponentially? My money is on you replying to e-v-e-r-y...s-i-n-g-l-e...p-o-s-t in this thread.😴

You lose. 😀
There was an old man named Howard
Over his trading peers he towered
Credit spreads he sold
He always felt bold!
Let no-one ever call him a coward
Howard. I don't think our replies to your endless drivel is gonna cost us in the long run or even the short run, where as your chances of getting a client has well and truly diminished.

You lose. 😀

This forum and even the ridiculous attacks has attracted many interested in learning what I know. It would seem that the adage that all publicity is good holds true here as well. I would prefer not to be associated with much of the stupidity that happens here, but as far as interested students, no problem.
There was an old man named Howard
Over his trading peers he towered
Credit spreads he sold
He always felt bold!
Let no-one ever call him a coward

Thank you so much for that. It is going up on my wall. I totally lack talent to produce such wonderful stuff. I truly envy yours.
Howard, you misunderstand. It doesn't bother me.
My Stats:
Total Posts: 3,195
Posts Per Day: 1.69

What is your average per day, around 7-8 and growing exponentially? My money is on you replying to e-v-e-r-y...s-i-n-g-l-e...p-o-s-t in this thread.😴

You know, you may be right if you discount all of PZ's posts. If, for some reason, they are deleted, I'll have to revise my previous answer. 🙂 It could happen. 😈
Thank you so much for that. It is going up on my wall. I totally lack talent to produce such wonderful stuff. I truly envy yours.

Selling options is a bit of a lark
Earning decay even after dark
But please know that one day
A black swan will come your way
And for the good old days you will hark
I'm sorry Little Howie Cohodas (wannabe travel agent), but this drivel really does need a little correction.

Finally a responsible reply.

Presumably you therefore regard the others as irresponsible? In what way exactly? Get a dictionary if you don't know the meaning of the word (you clearly don't).

I knew there was a chance someone would rise to the occasion. I guessed you would be among them. I did not guess you would be first.

There was a fad not long ago about egoless-whatever. Like most fads its proponents pushed it beyond its ability to be of benefit. Your concerns about ego as a motivator remind me of what doctors are taught. The only difference between medicine and poison is dose. With the right amount of ego there is concern for the customer as well as the teacher. The teacher cares about his reputation. An excessive amount of ego not only poisons the teacher, but poisons everyone with whom he is in contact.

WTF is this drivel? I note that you don't actually refute MG's point - you have a ridiculous ego that is harming you now and will undoubtedly harm anyone unlucky enough to become one of your students.

Working with students is an enriching experience on many levels. It is difficult to put in words, even for professional teachers like my daughter-in-law who is now the principal of the high school that attracts the best and the brightest in her area. She cannot judge the content of my material, but she does not have the concerns about the pedagogy that many here profess.

Your daughter-in-law can't assess the content of your drivel. But at least one close relative is relaxed about your style of teaching. Marvellous, I'm totally convinced now.

Teaching may not be the most efficient way to accomplish my personal learning goals. I am not planning to teach as the most efficient way to make money. I expect to lose money at it.


Sorry, I need to do that again:


I am not planning to teach as the most efficient way to better learn my craft. I am planning to teach because I love it and I believe that others may benefit from what I know. Many who publicly post here do not agree. I am, however, encouraged by feedback that is not so public.

I bet it's not so public 😆. Don't worry, we won't require proof of it. You might look at the number of reps posts attacking you have received on this thread. That is public.

The most disconcerting element of your post is to suggest that one person's method of returning is superior to another's. That idea is anathema to people like me. (Libertarians who conceal carry 😉)

Have you got something to do with carrying a concealed gun? Wow, nobody would ever have guessed. 😆

I did my duty to my progeny by paying for their undergraduate education so that they would get out of school with no debt. They also worked part time to earn expense money. In return I promised to live long enough to become a burden to them. :smart: They are more successful than I financially and have no need for my resources except my time to spend with my grandchildren.

More irrelevant drivel.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Many here could learn a lot from you about civil discourse.

This is a favourite theme of yours Little Howie. However, swearing is not the only way to have uncivil discourse. You ignore inconvenient points, you make fantastical and nonsensical claims in debates, and you actually lie about what your opponents post.

You are one of the least civil and most passive-aggressive posters on this site.
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