Why does everyone care about Greece so much?

On another note, I noticed 'TheBramble' is back...he must have blown another account just like he has blown another t2w resignation..*lol*
Newt, you really need to learn to let go of the things that do not serve you. Until you are able to do that, you’ll never be able to trade like us big boys.

Although my training years did entail blowing a number of accounts and a significant wunch of moolah (mentioned a number of times on t2w more as a badge of honour rather than one of shame) I’ve managed to hold onto the current one for a good few years now, but thanks for asking. In contradistinction, I do hope you’ve enjoyed improved success on your demo a/c than that which you were manfully enduring and this is giving you sufficient confidence to consider dipping your toe in the world of trading real money very soon.

Not sure why you chose this particular thread in which to mention my long overdue return other than perhaps the subliminal parallel you subconsciously think it may have with your own current financial situation.

In any event, thanks for the warm welcome back and I look forward to many fruitful and enlightening discussions and debates with you. (But give me time to find out who’s who these days first…Cheers. Your best mate, Tony)
People care about Greece for a number of reasons. It gives the global financial system a chance to play around with what does and what does not constitute a formal default, thus playing delightful games with the CDS premiums and hedging thereof. It gives opportunities for the Big Money to jerk the media into providing a ‘rationale’ for why a totally unrelated set of asset classes are being apparently hammered because of ‘uncertainty in Greece’. Of course, they will with equally unrelated rationality rise back to prior levels in due course under another apparent exogenous event or set of events.

It also provides the potential for unlegislated activity from a EU member state in terms of exiting that which has no current legal basis for exit. It also provides the basis for an equally unlegislated expulsion of same. Fun and games all round. Which of course has (or should have) ramifications for the integrity and longevity of the EU itself.

While a great deal of Greek default (current and future) has been factored into big players portfolios, it is not possible to hedge all comers for the simple reason that the more complex financial instruments do not permit full risk allocation or even assessment of the ‘Greek situation’. Black boxes stay dark (presumably with the half-dead cat still inside them). So apart from lack of suitable hedge, there is lack of total clarity about what exactly needs to be hedged.

That’s just from a trading perspective.

Fold in economic, political, cultural platforms and views and you get what is currently referred to as the ‘media mix’ which is what you’ll read on news websites, newspapers and on serious news TV programs. There further polarise rather than educate the mass of common opinion which is itself woefully mindless and introspective. But for those gripped in the throes of their tentatively conceived yet fiercely defended convictions, it’s deeply impactful stuff and well worth ‘caring’ about. Because while they (the unwashed masses) continue caring and debating the right and wrong and the best way forward, those orchestrating and manipulating the situation can go quietly about their business, as usual.
It gives opportunities for the Big Money to jerk the media into providing a ‘rationale’ for why a totally unrelated set of asset classes are being apparently hammered because of ‘uncertainty in Greece’.

It's a surer bet if the big money "buys" the media, which I believe they do. What people read are the exact words the big money want them to read.
Thought the attached summed things up quite well.
(Can't find an online link to it. Someone sent me this)


From this picture it becomes clear that EU consists of 28 countries 🙂 so one has to be excluded... :idea:
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The Greeks live amongst the ruins of their once glorious past. Once the leaders of enlightenment and civilization but now just a shadow of their former selves.
Every civilization is destined to follow the same road to ruin.
How are the mighty fallen.
Outside pressures, combining with internal disorder reduced them to the pitiful creatures we see today.
Can they pull themselves out of the quagmire - I doubt it. They need inspired leadersip just to get on track even as a minor power.
Black boxes stay dark (presumably with the half-dead cat still inside them). So apart from lack of suitable hedge, there is lack of total clarity about what exactly needs to be hedged.

I am sure, contrary to schrodingers paradox, everyone knows the cat is half dead. It just doesn't look too good mtm'd on the pnl.
Greece is about where the ars*hole of Europe would be so ............
A lot of thruflow, not much retained 😆
Greece is about where the ars*hole of Europe would be so ............
A lot of thruflow, not much retained 😆

It is not just as much about the Greece but it is about the fate of the other countries as well which may be on the verge of the collapse like Greece.
It is not just as much about the Greece but it is about the fate of the other countries as well which may be on the verge of the collapse like Greece.

Politicians really should 'fess up to being responsible for the messes they made of their country's economies. It was Clinton & Blair who relaxed the banking laws so that those fatcats could and did screw up the banking system. Karl Marx, Lenin etc. must have celebrated that one down there !!
Should really put them on trial for negligence and incompetence imho - the suffering they have and are about to cause is considerable.
Politicians really should 'fess up to being responsible for the messes they made of their country's economies. It was Clinton & Blair who relaxed the banking laws so that those fatcats could and did screw up the banking system. Karl Marx, Lenin etc. must have celebrated that one down there !!
Should really put them on trial for negligence and incompetence imho - the suffering they have and are about to cause is considerable.

I agree. The entire democratic political system revolves around getting elected and re-elected by bribing the electorate not about being fiscally responsible until the debt becomes unsurmountable.
I agree. The entire democratic political system revolves around getting elected and re-elected by bribing the electorate not about being fiscally responsible until the debt becomes unsurmountable.

That's so right. Lies and half truths, broken promises etc. No wonder the electorate is searching around for a better alternative.
Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... .. Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... .. Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ... Greece ...

That's all we've heard in the news since like 2006. At least it seems like it. OK, Greece can't pay off their debt. We get the idea. Why doesn't the market just shrug it off by now? It's like the financial equivalent of the boogey man or something. Everytime they want to scare the market so they can buy they flood the news with BS about Greece's debt.

why ?

because we are all waiting to trash the Drachma again 👍
and why ?

because Greece was the birthplace of western civilization
and culture.
Can anyone please tell me what options other than default are open to Greece at this point? If the Eurozone politics aren't allowing for a bail out of course.

Options 1. Stay in Euro with possibly a slight easing of austerity with additional cash injection for infrastructure projects and delay payment of debt or

Option 2. Leave Euro with 1 year of acute pains followed by 5-7 years of hard grafting work.

Best fit are events in Argentina when it left the dollar pegg standard imho.

Euro will still be around but probably with select core countries; Germany, the Benelux and maybe France.

At the start I favoured and would have opted for EuroBonds and ECB to print more money to knock the problem on the head to settle the markets but Euro leaders weren't brave enough to embrace the vision they've been shoving down other peoples throats.

Democracy??? Does it exist in Europe? I am thinking increasingly not. :whistling

Good ol Greeks will show us how it is done.