I'm apolitical as it happens, i think it is the only way pragmatic decisions can be made. Right now its a race to the bottom between the Euro and the Dollar, the Euro looks like is going to lose first. Germany will be a winner either way, the last thing its willing to do is print money and that is why they want austerity. America's recovery is smoke and mirrors. All the QE money had to go somewhere, and it has artificially inflated stocks, so i imagine they wont be far behind. With Greece it is has always been politics over economics with relation to the Euro project as i think someone mentioned earlier. Undoubtedly the Greeks lived beyond their means, had a terrible tax system and should never have been in the Euro-zone in the first place, but certain banks had fees to earn and political will helped them earn them.
Picture of Greek finance ministry -
Must See: Greece Explained In One Picture | ZeroHedge
Brief article on the apparent 'run' that has started on the Greek banks. -
Has The Greek Bank Run Started? | ZeroHedge