Why does everyone care about Greece so much?

Are we pretending that greece hasn't already defaulted, we are just waiting for them to fully default, the worry is that it will cause a bank run in spain italy portugal and ireland, as they move there euros to the perceived safety of german banks, causing a 2008 allover again.
More hair cuts until there is no longer a debt. Essentially every individual within the euro zone will be paying. The cost will be spread over a long period of time to lessen the shock. Euro/Euro-zone failing is not an option.

Don't think you know what your on about mert.👎
Don't think you know what your on about mert.👎

The bureaucrats in the Eurozone haven't come up with anything better, in fact they might learn something reading this thread...hopefully about pizza's.

On another note, I noticed 'TheBramble' is back...he must have blown another account just like he has blown another t2w resignation..*lol*

I said he wouldn't last more than 12 months away from this place...Everything is known in advance! :smart:
As well as the fear of the general pain of a default of Greece per se, I suppose there is also the fear of a domino effect, a precedent having been set.

Could be quite nasty.

"There is no plan B".

I think there is. It's just that no one wants to think about it.

Countries in Northern Europe need a country with a Mediteranean coastline for cheap holidays in the sun. Spain, Italy or Portugal would do but Greece tricked their way into the Euro so they have been chosen. I will be having warm Mediteranean holidays on Greek Islands for $200 per week within one year. It is a Franco/German plan.
Just as Mexico suffers being a holiday destination neighbor to the USA. Greece has to go.
Germany is the only country that is making money nowadays. They do not mess around, they set the rules and they are profiting. Is just a matter of time before they get in trouble again.


In a world of managed fiat currencies it baffles me how anyone can think that currency manipulation is going to give one country an advantage over another. There is zero logic to this argument. A country has to live within its productive capacity. They either have to become more productive or cut spending. But Governments hate to cut spending, so rather than being limited to living off the revenue it gets from taxing the productive sector of the economy, they engage in ever increasing deficit spending and promising to pay for it all by taxing the rich more and more...the socialist ideal!

Two pizza shops on the same street operate within the same currency regime so they can’t manipulate currencies in order to compete with one another. They each have to find ways to outcompete by being more efficient and more productive. Somehow, Governments have duped the brain-dead masses into believing that things work differently in the international arena.

In a world of managed fiat currencies it baffles me how anyone can think that currency manipulation is going to give one country an advantage over another. There is zero logic to this argument. A country has to live within its productive capacity. They either have to become more productive or cut spending. But Governments hate to cut spending, so rather than being limited to living off the revenue it gets from taxing the productive sector of the economy, they engage in ever increasing deficit spending and promising to pay for it all by taxing the rich more and more...the socialist ideal!

Two pizza shops on the same street operate within the same currency regime so they can’t manipulate currencies in order to compete with one another. They each have to find ways to outcompete by being more efficient and more productive. Somehow, Governments have duped the brain-dead masses into believing that things work differently in the international arena.

Keep it up mate, I can see that you are very much in to politics, a bit on the right side...

Do you know that there is a new breed of politicians growing stronger in Italy (movimento 5 stelle) and in Germany (Pirates), defined by the "system" as apolitical and in my view very active trying to change this stagnated and very controlled(by few) society.
Do you know that there is a new breed of politicians growing stronger in Italy (movimento 5 stelle) and in Germany (Pirates), defined by the "system" as apolitical and in my view very active trying to change this stagnated and very controlled(by few) society.

Sounds impressive. But the system cannot be changed until people's heads get chopped off. Every generation of elites will refuse to believe it can happen to them until it happens to them.
I'm apolitical as it happens, i think it is the only way pragmatic decisions can be made. Right now its a race to the bottom between the Euro and the Dollar, the Euro looks like is going to lose first. Germany will be a winner either way, the last thing its willing to do is print money and that is why they want austerity. America's recovery is smoke and mirrors. All the QE money had to go somewhere, and it has artificially inflated stocks, so i imagine they wont be far behind. With Greece it is has always been politics over economics with relation to the Euro project as i think someone mentioned earlier. Undoubtedly the Greeks lived beyond their means, had a terrible tax system and should never have been in the Euro-zone in the first place, but certain banks had fees to earn and political will helped them earn them.

Picture of Greek finance ministry - http://www.zerohedge.com/news/must-see-greece-explained-one-picture

Brief article on the apparent 'run' that has started on the Greek banks. - Has The Greek Bank Run Started? | ZeroHedge
I'm apolitical as it happens, i think it is the only way pragmatic decisions can be made. Right now its a race to the bottom between the Euro and the Dollar, the Euro looks like is going to lose first. Germany will be a winner either way, the last thing its willing to do is print money and that is why they want austerity. America's recovery is smoke and mirrors. All the QE money had to go somewhere, and it has artificially inflated stocks, so i imagine they wont be far behind. With Greece it is has always been politics over economics with relation to the Euro project as i think someone mentioned earlier. Undoubtedly the Greeks lived beyond their means, had a terrible tax system and should never have been in the Euro-zone in the first place, but certain banks had fees to earn and political will helped them earn them.

Picture of Greek finance ministry - Must See: Greece Explained In One Picture | ZeroHedge

Brief article on the apparent 'run' that has started on the Greek banks. - Has The Greek Bank Run Started? | ZeroHedge

Good post.