Why do so few succeed?

Is Trade2win a forum for discussing trading and methods or has my browser been hijacked?
Racer said:
Is Trade2win a forum for discussing trading and methods or has my browser been hijacked?

It used to be I believe, but more recently it has undergone a transformation. It's now an online zoo, including exotic creatures.

socrates said:
The Goldfish.....Continued.

Now that The Goldfish is settled in The Tank, and swims about freely and percieves the world outside through the glass that he cannot penetrate, The Hand appears from time to time, to feed The Goldfish and clean The Tank and change the water.

All of this is beyond the control of The Goldfish.

The Goldfish has to resign himself to the glass prison that contains him, but the advantage for him is that The Hand looks after him, as he is not capable of looking after himself, at all regardless what in Goldfish Reasoning he may or may not think.

All is well and good so far, provided that The Goldfish behaves.

If The Goldfish does not behave and is prone to doing naughty things, The Hand does certain things to protect The Goldfish from himself.

One of the temptations The Goldfish may have, is that out of boredom, for example, he may discover he is able to jump out of the surface, jusl like a dolphin would.

This is very dangerous though The Goldfish may not realise it. He may succeed in jumping out of The Tank, and that would be a disaster. It is a situation that has to be avoided at all cost.

The Hand that feeds him and looks after him has an overview ot this that Goldfish does not have.......

In consequence of this, The Hand now fits a lid over The Tank to prevent such an accident happening. This is for the peace of mind of the owner of The Hand and for the safety and security of The Goldfish.

We have forgotten the cat. The cat ...has not gone away. He may be out of sight ....but not forgotten.

The Cat, is very different to both The Hand, and The Goldfish.

The Goldfish belongs to The Hand, and The Hand belongs to the owner of it, but The Cat belongs to himself.

And this Cat is a predator, and will equally grab mice, birds, or fish, and play with them before having them for breakfast.

The Cat is a very grave danger to The Goldfish, though the Goldfish is not aware of it.

In fact, The Goldfish is to a very large extent protected from having this knowledge, because The Goldfish cannot really fend for himself outside The Tank or even less aganst The Cat.

As The Cat cannot be prevented from being interested in The Goldfish, then the Goldfish has to be protected from The Cat, for his own good, and without The Goldfish realising it, because there is no second chance.

Now The Cat is a Very Special Creature. Those of you who have A Cat or more than one Cat or are not actual owners of a cat but are Cat Lovers, will be very familiar with the attributes and characteristics of Cats.

They are very different to other domestic pets.

They are their own masters.

They come and go as they please, they do not obey orders, they eat shrimps, but they don't do diplomacy, by the way, for those of you "in the know" so to speak...

They....do exactly as they like, when they like, and if they don't like it they don't do it at all.
They just "are", and that is enough for them and for everybody else.

Well you should embark on a new career Socrates as a philosopher or as an author of books.
chrisw said:
Then of course, there is the dog.

The dog sits outside the cycle of hand, cat and fish and has very little to do with any of it. He merely watches due to his lack of ability, skill and/or fear of making a mockery of himself. He can see the tank, he can see and watches the fish, and watches the hand produce food and laughs at the cat, although in awe of him.

This dog, sitting on the sidelines, watches and forever professes to know the best ways for the fish and the cat to live and react to the different situations that confront them. He will insist he knows every little trick each other plays and knows exactly, in a nanosecond, just when something will happen. Although the dog sits and tries to ensure to all he knows the best way, although he never puts his dignity on the line and proves himself, he just persists in his small world of self superiority whilst the fish carry on and eat the food when it appears, occasionally get a knock on the head by the cat but invaribly sleep happy at the end of the day.

Nearly, but not quite, you have to wait for the next instalment to find out.
Quenkish said:
Well you should embark on a new career Socrates as a philosopher or as an author of books.
Well, at least there is one member who is getting the drift, whereas all the rest appear to be adrift. I cannot do more. I promise you I am trying...
Charlton said:
In your professional opinion (Eriicksonian Hypnotism) do you think that the techniques could be successfully used within a purely written and anonymous medium such as this, as Kunal suggested ?
Yes. But nowhere near as successfully as in a 1-2-1 situation. Tone, posture, breathing rate, cadence & rhythm, cues are all missing - so it's a poor medium, but there are still possibilities.

Charlton said:
I find it unlikely unless one had an unusally high degree of susceptibility
Out of 50K members there's going to be a few at each end of the spectrum.

I don't think the poster referred to is malevolent at all. He bears few of us any real malice. But his personal issues do seem to be getting some exercise. Which may or may not be a good thing for him. That's not to say he wouldn't screw someone up accidentally....but if it can happen here, in this medium, it would have happened sooner or later 'out there' anyway.

Which neatly brings us back on topic. Some are bound to fail at any endeavour with the merest zephyr of 'misfortune'. It's a lot easier being a victim than it is to generate real energy. Which is what successful types do.
mr.marcus said:
"I think traders who set themselves a daily target, or a modest target are more successful"..

...seems to have had quite a few conflicting opinions on this one....it is not possible to set a daily target and certainly not logical....the market cannot be boxed in...it flows ...it is free to create what energy it will at any given time....you have to learn to take what the market is willing to give....if you set for example with a target of 100 points per contract on ym a day....and one day the market may be there to be taken for 300 points..this amounts to cutting profits...you would be foolish to stop when the markets energy is high.... other days there may only be 50 points on the table....you've set a target of 100.....you go chasing.....making trades happen which just arnt ther to make your target.not good...sorry the market will just not be chained in this manner...not a great way to trade at all.
on the other hand some people set targets for other reasons....maybe greed of wanting too much...or fear....when will this run gonna end syndrome....yeah so setting targets is a short term solution...but its not really THE solution is it....instead of papering over the cracks you need to find the cause of these emotional weaknesses....
another common mistake newbies make is to use points as a gauge of how well there trading...no matter the market conditions.....the key is to consider what you made against what was on offer.. a number on its own doesn't mean jack......some of my best trading days in the market are some of my smallest profit days.....cheers mark j

well said
charliechan said:
socrates -

why does The Glodfish and The Cat bite The Hand that feeds them?
Now that is a very very good question Charle.

The Goldfish is inoffesive, because the Goldfish is a victim of circumstances and a prisoner in his tank.

The Cat is the Cat, independent, single minded, and curious.

Neither of them bite the hand that feeds them, but they are limited in the way they think, and for this reason are apt to make mistakes, sometimes real blunders, that with hindsight they would never have committed.

The Cat mistakes a ball of wool for a mouse, the Goldfish a pebble for a mouthful of food.

They continue to make the same mistake from time to time, and that's alright because they do not cause any harm to anyone, except they may give themselves a fright from time to time, they can't be told, can't be helped.
Continued.....Final Instalment

We can see how The Cat and The Goldfish are limited.

They are limited by their perceptions and by their environment.

Now I was very curious to know how it is that Cats and Foxes get on, if at all. I made a study of this and I found them to be totally indifferent to each other, suprisingly.

You would think they would not get on at all, but in fact the opposite is the case.

This is because they have different Objecitves.

Now The Fox appears on the scene.........

This is an Old Grey Fox, who knows all the tricks. He is the one who is able to take advantage of anything because he is quick, alert and experienced.

This Fox is much faster than The Cat and even the owner of The Hand.

He is a super predator, very wily and clever he is.

He is also very fussy. He likes chicken and braided fish, and any meat and bones, and Curry provided it is not too hot, those in the know, know, and those who do not, do not.

But I digress....This Old Grey Fox waits for an opportunity and weighs up his chances and then pounces.

He has been known to make off with a complete string of sausages on occasion.

Sometimes even twice or more, from different households in the neighboorhood.

He will strike, but only when conditions are absolutely right and the odds are in his favour.

The Hand that feeds is caught unawares by his speed and craftiness.

He is an Old Grey Fox because he is, and not a Cat or a Goldfish at all.

I hope and expect all of this illustrates the point, those who understand do, and those who don't do not.

All of it is obvious. The "O" is because the Old Grey Fox above all is a keen Observer.

His great ability is To Observe and then act Very Quickly in line with his Observation.

If you do not understand any of this, you ought not to be trading really, or even considering it.

I cannot tell you more, because then I would become you, and that I cannot and will not do.
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If you do not understand any of this, you ought not to be trading really, or even considering it.


Nope - still barking.

I'll call the broker in the morning and ask them to take it all back.


You carry on barking......see if you can bark up the correct tree eventually.

I forgot to add....

And so it happens to pass, that The Hand does not go on the Cat Litter, The Cat does not get into The Tank, The Goldfish does not leave The Tank, and the Old Grey Fox does not consent to come indoors, even if invited.

And so there is Harmony, a place for everyone, and everyone in his place.:cheesy:

And so there is Harmony, a place for everyone, and everyone in his place.:cheesy:

What a great idea - perhaps a T2W member owns a hotel. Traders that have freaked out, burnt out, clapped out or sundry other complaints ( thinking they are mud beetles etc. ) could do a 2 week course to get better again mentally ( a gym would be handy too !! )


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TheBramble said:
Yes. But nowhere near as successfully as in a 1-2-1 situation. Tone, posture, breathing rate, cadence & rhythm, cues are all missing - so it's a poor medium, but there are still possibilities..

Many years ago, a big name US trainer claimed it was done to him by another trainer with "devastating effects that lasted for over 6 months".
This was a hot topic on another forum and there was a lengthy discussion on it.
I can personally verify that this claim was made, tho I cannot confirm whether the claim was true

Some time after this incident, a group of trainers working for a different big name trainer, made the same claim against the same accused trainer saying that he had done it to them.
Very little info on both cases was made available to the public.
blackcab said:
This contraption you illustrate above can be very dangerous, you know, Blackcab.

Not only is it difficult to stop but worse, to get on and off in a hurry.

Another danger is that it is best if the pedals, seat and handlebars are properly insulated.....just in case you ride it in a thunderstorm...😱

You ought not to encourage the general membership to try these things, they already have many and precarious balancing acts to master without adding to to it.unnecessarily....😆