“Who are the few who are succeeding?” The few who are succeeding are the ones who have expanded out their ‘list’ to almost as complete as the ‘archetypically ideal list’ of actual issues that must be resolved. Then they have brought into awareness, acknowledged and ‘cleared’ a very high percentage of those issues. It really doesn’t matter what statistics one uses (80%, 95% lose etc yada yada) or which intruments or which timeframes are used for illustration or discussion. The real issue is –
If you don’t have 96% + of your complete list ‘cleared’ (ie nothing inside you conflicts re that issue) then you have NO chance of being in the elite.
If you don’t have 78% of your complete list ‘cleared’, then your accounts will ultimately be closed.
You can either OPEN your list or CLOSE your list to additional issues.
And how can you ‘clear’ issues if you won’t even acknowledge them onto your list?
You can either avoid issues on that list or take some self risks and go into them and resolve them. The few who are succeeding have done that at whatever levels they needed to.
In advocating building and maintaining a large ‘list’, please don’t read into this that I’m advocating that you never distill things down to the essence. Also don’t impune that I’m advising that you constantly have a multitasking, scattered, hyperactive task list and not have have a current focus or dominant concern. Distill and focus - Do those things, and do them well. But also, as appropriate, stop and swell your list with previously unconsidered alternatives, with those things you secretly hoped wouldn’t be a part of making it in trading, with issues that bring up resistance, with conflicting energies that put your mind and soul at risk, with needed states, acts, relations that speak to a whole life – no one will do that for you and although much of it does happen automatically, some of it will not. Fully intend to let no neurosis, arrogance, inflation, even confidence, OR despair, resistance, conflict, or indolence sway you from brutal self examination and resolution. Others can help you identify your unresolved, your unknowns, your blind spots. Others can help you with ways to ‘clear’ an item. But only you can actually clear them.
Regarding the allegations from the ‘discouragement fraternity’ ( aka The BrotherHood of Socrates Bashers ) about space, balloons (btw good analogy db), ‘somethings’ - just remember that most of the collective is boxed into a certain band of frequencies and just because those are the only ones we can communicate about easily with words, and just because those are the only ones that are consistently practical; does not mean that those frequencies are the only ones that exist (are you listening, db?) or are where all of YOUR answers will be found (do you understand now, db?) . The great percentage of the list and resolutions WILL be found in the normal band – but a small, but extremely crucial to success, percent will be found in those areas ‘hidden’ from the collective and opened just to you. Stay left brained and ‘grounded’ and leave those off your list at your own peril.
Some are saying, it only matters what you DO / NOT DO to succeed. Just stick with “these” rules, blind yourself to all else, and your account will grow. Others remind them that who you BE / NOT BE is just as, if not more, important (can you say Plato? 😀 ). Even fewer include HAVE / NOT HAVE at the genesis and woven into the process. etc etc I’m saying get all these sets solidly up front in your awareness and shepherd all of them forward. That's anything but one dimensional. The few who are succeeding have done that at whatever levels / frequencies they needed to – whether they were born mostly ‘clear’ or had to go through Hades and beyond – they all persisted in the real priorities (instead of just the easy fun ones) until they were ‘cleared’. Explicitly and consciously get items onto your list from each of these 'headings' and more. Keep your master list large and with “passion and gradualness” (Pavlov or one of his slobbering K9’s) work to ‘clear’ every item on your list. When beyond a certain percentage is ‘cleared’, you literally can not fail.
Speaking of ‘beyond’ - Let’s lighten up a little bit.
We’re among friends right?
T2W - what a dream site???!!!
We got a Pheonix that won’t rebirth.
We got a Socrates who won’t ask questions.
And for some (deep inter dimensional) reasons, they dream a fight
What kind of world is this place?
Many of you are already to the underworld as I pen this.
Hope you don’t get even stranger nightmares now…
At least twice now - maybe more to some...
I haven’t said enough I’ve said too much
All the best,