I'm waiting that the people who made Darwinex
- close the own coummunity
- set VaR to 6.5 and introduce a target VaR to cut it to 3.25 % in reality (and the other changes with it)
bring in their promises and their money.
IMO both steps were a fault and a too big disadvantage for the
existing traders and investors base at Darwinex.
Now I want to see the new ones - traders and investors - coming in appreciating these changes.
What I see:
Some successful youger Darwins stopped trading without any visible reason on their all time high in the last 3 months with a 1y - 3y nice track record with an all time DD less than 10%.
What I know:
The typical social trading investor expects a performance of more than 25% or 100% for every year, even if he does not get it usually. He buys the chance, not the reality. He knows the risk class of forex and future trading, and 5% profit per year is not a good relation to the risk he has to take. Show him 100% or more on a backtest, and he will try it with his money.
It does not help to talk about alpha from the own point of view, if you can't show it.
True alpha - or the lack of it - is the key, as also our survey showed.
Darwinex did not attract professional traders, but they made a few private traders to professional ones, playing their strategies also on other fields for higher commisions and income. These traders are not able to live from their trading, but from their commissions. That's the real pity in this game.
Investors are paying 1.2% fee for an asset that is expected to deliver 5% per year.
The pay 3.6 % fees if they want 5% or more as this usually works only with leverage x3. That - together with the investor fees - can make a loser out of a a profitable portfolio.
Instead of this leverage concept it would be much better to allow the investor to choose the VaR:
6.5 % with target VaR as we have it now, 10% without target VaR, 20% (all versions they had) and additional a 1:1 replication as the majority of the successful Darwin traders offer their strategies as service on other platforms or PAMM service for these clients.
Additioinal the VaR needs a lower bound of at least 1 % to reduce the number of gamblers playing with investors' money without an own risk.