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Why Darwinex is not growing?

Why Darwinex is not growing?

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I think Darwinex is not for the masses of wannabe traders.

It is something like AutoCAD for engineers.
It has to be powerful not easy or attractive.
Trading with a real lasting edge is superdifficult, personally I dont'know anyone who is making a living from trading.

As for the investor perspective, that is also very difficult, the difficult part is to find the right darwins not to use the website.
Understanding scores and filters is manadatory to succeed.
I see what you mean. But why not make it appealing to masses and popular same as Zulu or eToro? Wouldn't it be good for all? The best DARWINs would still be top ranked. Btw, even now there are so much absolutely not serious traders on Darwinex. So it could be simply more of them, but Darwinex would grow stronger for the benefit of the serious people.
It about quality over quantity.
You can draw also with MS Office but I doubt you would be able to design a bridge.
We have to consider also that eToro and Zulu are significantly older than Darwinex: 2008 vs 2015.
Well I guess that my final advice comes down to a brighter website design lol And of course going back to 20% share for traders.
I really enjoy reading your debates, I would like to be able to master the language in a natural way so that I can understand you very well and that you can understand my points of view.

In my opinion what darwinex lacks is just marketing, of all that I have been able to test darwinex is light years ahead, it has everything I need. I have always said it, they need more marketing.
they need more marketing.
Today I have Zulutrade in the banners here on t2w.
A month ago I had Darwinex in banners for several consecutive days.
Ir wasn't happening 1 and 2 years ago so I assume there is more money allocated to marketing.

Marketing doesn't come for free.
Would you prefer more marketing or a better platform?
Would you prefer marketing or more prizes to traders?

With marketing you can attract more (wannabe)traders or more investors, not better ones.
I think at this point the priority is proving the concept:
  1. traders making a living from fees
  2. investors making money
You don't acheive these goals with marketing.
ARF is a recent migration but a part from that I dont' find anything wrong with it.
The trackrecord i long and maybe he has friends with deep pockets.
I leave on holiday and almost miss this interesting debate 🙂

I would be on the side of the Marketing people. Like it or not Marketing move any serious business. I know there are very rare exceptions but Darwinex wouldn't be one of them.

To be able to growth Darwinex would need some more thousands Darwins and some more capital inside them. That is only possible if you attrack people. And either the new customers are talented or not, a business needs new customers - traders in this case - to avoid stagnation.

I think the eToro example is perfect. eToro is probably the leader in social trading. Would you say they have a good platform? Not at all, they have a proprietary platform, not allowing to trade with Metatrader or any other standard platform. They don't offer good tools to their investors to analyze. However, eToro is huge compared to Darwinex. The key is the Marketing.

Of course Marketing costs money. But that argument is a fallacy because Marketing makes you win money
What I have seen personally as a strategy provider was:
I have searched many times these keywords in different contexts: MAM, PAMM, portfolio management.
I have never seen Darwinex in results. Finally someone just advised me that Darwinex exists which satisfies my needs.(Then I figured out they do not offer services to my region)

For me, Darwinex unique selling proposition was its intellectual property protection by the way it shares my performance but not my entry/exit points.
I am also a newcomer investor and these two are much important for me: Statistics and the liquidation of my investment.(in addition to the security of my fund which FCA would be enough in this case)

I believe their website SEO(Search Engine Optimization) is poor. Also they do not use Google ads as well.
A brilliant trader would search, however a wealthy investor may not search, so for attracting investors they should go for another methods based on the class of investors they want to have.

Read this!!
Guys. I know i don't post much but this is exciting news to us.

P.s: i also noticed their presence in Twitter (X) is more compare to last time .

Read this!!
Guys. I know i don't post much but this is exciting news to us.

P.s: i also noticed their presence in Twitter (X) is more compare to last time .
From your first link:
You’ll need to have a live account with a minimum of 1,000 dollars in equity during the whole month.

That kicks more than 1,000 Darwins out from eligibility immediately and if the equity is lower than $ 1,000 in a drawdown the Darwin will be excluded for the running month.

The comarison between DarwinIA (Classic) with DarwinIA SILVER is misleading as they compare apple with sheep. I am not sure whether sheep eat apples but the trader's equtiy is only one component for the equity at risk used for the allocation calculation. Small accounts usually have a higher VaR which multiplies the account equity and the DarwinIA payments and they are now excluded.

If a small account trader now pays aboout $ 1,000 in to stay in DarwinIA eligibility and does not increase the lot sizes, his profit and DarwinIA payments will cut by 50% because fo the maximized insane target VaR. That will last for 12 periods (months) and that's why I closed my Darwin MOT.
For MOT I paid less than 8 EUR on trading fees in July 2023 and for my 200 EUR investment less tha 1 EUR for all fees.
The problem Darwinex tries to solve here is that they want a profitable business and don't run a social club. If MOT would have won a DarwinIA prize with an allocation up to $ 30,000 (the equity at risk was usually higher than 2k with a 500 EUR account), there would be no significant refinancing possible for a DarwinIA payout.

With the new rules there are 178 Darwins eligible for a DarwinIA prize based on trader's euqity, D-Score and profit, out of 422 based on D-Score and trader's equity. Just use a filter to find out:

The regularity is not available in the filter so I can't measure it with filters.
From these 178 Darwins 98 have no investors, and another 19 have less than $ 1,000 AuM.
Running the filter without the $ 1,000 traders equity in the filter, ther are 214 Darwins and 124 of them have no investors, so the majority of excluded Darwins have no investors.

I think that's the main reason for the change that there is no correlation to the money they and the money they pay on DarwinIA allocations.

What's positive for sure for new accounts with the new rules:
Darwinex traders with a sufficient account size can now get an allocation after 2-3 months and don't need up to a year because their D-Score was too low before.

As long as the platform does not change, I don't expect that these Darwins will be regarded by investors so I'm expecting more changes in the future.
Last edited:

Read this!!
Guys. I know i don't post much but this is exciting news to us.

P.s: i also noticed their presence in Twitter (X) is more compare to last time .
To the second link:

The example is nonsense as the trader will get an allocation after month 2, but can't make money with it because of the DD. The allocation runs out after 3 month (DarwinIA SILVER) and 6 month (DarwinIA GOLD) where the trader is still in losses or after 6 months he is even.

The "HWM improvement" does not affect the allocation rules where the profit of the previous five months count and the trader is not eligible for an allocation.

And in DarwinexZero the trader pays the setup fee (95 EUR) and for 8 month the monthly fees (8 times 38 EUR) which totals to 399 EUR paid for nothing.

What could the trader do? Reset the account for additional 65 EUR before month 6 ends, then he will get an allocation after month 8, latest after month 9 (depending on his max. DD) but the "HWM improvement" has no effect and how much money he will get 3 month after the allocation depends on the following months not shown.

Remember: the "HWM improvement" comes only in effect when there is no allocation which means there are months paid without an allocation in DarwinexZero.

Who can take profit of the HWM improvement?

IMO mainly or only real account traders who had an allocation in the past which was closed with losses and without a payment. As the DarwinIA allocation is treated as a real money investor, currently he would have to wipe out the losses from the old allocation(s) before he will be paid by the new allocation.
The disadvantage of a failed big former allocation against a small new allocation is now removed.
The number of Darwins reached new record levels as far as I remember it.

Including the DarwinexZero Darwins we now have more than 5,000 Darwins at Darwinex:


About 350 of them were not active last month if you check it with the filter function (lat month's return = 0) where DarwinexZero Darwins are not integrated yet.

In DarwinIA SILVER or DarwinIA GOLD more than 4,000 Darwins are listed together:


Darwinex has defitelly grown very much, congrats to @IgnacioDarwinex Juan and Javier.

How many traders are living from Darwinex? I think less than 5
How many investors are living from Darwinex? I think 0

Making money from the markets is essentially a dream, if you sell the dream you make money, the buyers lose money.
More dreamers more profits, so welcome marketing and welcome Darwinex Zero!