I used to suspect the SB company too. Now I don't. The markets are like that, except in individual equities.
That's a mistake IMO. You should never trust them. You should get an independent charting package, so you can compare the prices.
I used to suspect the SB company too. Now I don't. The markets are like that, except in individual equities.
No, it's not a wind up. I am telling you my experience. But then the trades I was playing with were scalping trades. For longer time frames, the effect of short term manipulation is not as severe.
It has to be a wind up. Nobody could believe what you wrote. Forex averages $4 trillion per day, of which I would guess well over a third is EURUSD. You're lighting up the market with a £10 bet?
I used to suspect the SB company too. Now I don't. The markets are like that, except in individual equities.
Yes, I have that power. If you give me £10 + deposit for the potential 20 pip loss, I can demonstrate for you, live. I don't play this game with my own money any more.
You are right Joe, you have a reputation in the market, your accounts have been marked and you are being constantly watched. Big players are watching your trades and as soon as you enter your £10 stake we trade big in the opposite direction.
There is a picture of you on our targets wall at our FX trading desk.
That's a mistake IMO. You should never trust them. You should get an independent charting package, so you can compare the prices.
Sure, no problem, cheque's in the post.
Will you do me a favour though? If I give you an extra fiver will you put the price of gold up for me? Just by a couple of hundred points or so, I've got some krugerrands in the shed that I'm looking to unload.
If you give me a couple of k's, I can have a play with gold to see how I can move the price for you. Then you can go big when I am ready.
Continuing on from yesterday. I am now up 700 big ones. I need 300 more then I am out with my equity SB.
surely this is a wind up
You have 700 copies of Big Ones? Wow, and I thought I was an avid fan. I didn't even know that Big Ones ran for 700 issues. Juggs R Us really took its market away.
hey Joe if you want more bank for your 10 pound per pip, buy or sell - it doesn't matter which way, you said so yourself - but do it precisely at 1:29:55.
that'll teach them nasty brokers!
The joke is with Dash. He knows what I mean by big ones.