Who actually makes a decent living out of trading...!?

What on earth is your problem? Your strange rantings do you little credit.

And yes, you have failed. If you can't see why, then you are beyond help.

If you are not impressed that I average around 6% per week, or do not believe me, think about that reaction in the context of your thread.

Then you might understand that nobody sabotaged your thread, there was never going to be any meaning conversation developing. It was a typical, tired, sad newbie thread that people have seen a hundred times before. It belongs with all the "How Much Can I Make?" threads.

By the way, it's not a good idea to call people "retards" if you're going to do it like this: "Thats right... during this rediculous thread where your all a bunch of retards who dont respect...". Apart from the numerous spelling mistakes it isn't even intelligible. When you want to insult people like that turn your spell checker on and read back carefully over what you have written. The insult is so much more effective if it doesn't sound as though it has come from someone who is so drunk as to be incontinent of both urine and faeces.

One final thing, you made "120+" this week. This is meaningless, although again I wouldn't expect you to understand why. Well done for moving on to other things.

How on earth would you class 4.8k profit a failure?... Funnily enough i made 120+ this week from FTSE alone? Thats right... during this rediculous thread where your all a bunch of retards who dont respect the "immature topic" other than a select few who decided to give a brief statement and a general view to how well/bad they are finding the markets at the moment and if its going ok financially for them... God your a dip **** Pazienza.

Funny thing is we got there in the end didnt we... arnt you a good little boy for staying on topic like i requested a while ago... you make 6% on average a week... you must be incredibly successful to achieve such results something of my failing mentality cant process nor comprehend what sort of an amazing person you are. I applaud you, and really do find you fascinating how you and other such absolute idiots decided to sabotage this thread with complete nonsense and instead not allow a structured conversation to take place for people who are new and understanding the reality of trading; to experienced traders who happen to find the markets tough at the moment.

Im done with the thread - you cherry pick some quotes so your buddies on here will think your super cool and funny but instead in reality completely counter-productive in helping anyone constructively learn the truths about trading.

Thing is you can lye through your teeth, but ive been learning/trading for 2 years of which when i went live never lost a dime unlike some of you egotistical morons who throw money at the market and expect results to find out they pissed up 5k on **** all and now class yourself as successful from all the STUPID mistakes that all new traders make DESPITE the warnings on forums just like this. I never FAILED, ive chosen to start a topic to establish who is consistantly profitable (of which there are many on here i know...) to find ********s like you proving nothing but a waste of time read for people looking for valuable answers to some seriously important questions.

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How on earth would you class 4.8k profit a failure?... Funnily enough i made 120+ this week from FTSE alone? Thats right... during this rediculous thread where your all a bunch of retards who dont respect the "immature topic" other than a select few who decided to give a brief statement and a general view to how well/bad they are finding the markets at the moment and if its going ok financially for them... God your a dip **** Pazienza.

Funny thing is we got there in the end didnt we... arnt you a good little boy for staying on topic like i requested a while ago... you make 6% on average a week... you must be incredibly successful to achieve such results something of my failing mentality cant process nor comprehend what sort of an amazing person you are. I applaud you, and really do find you fascinating how you and other such absolute idiots decided to sabotage this thread with complete nonsense and instead not allow a structured conversation to take place for people who are new and understanding the reality of trading; to experienced traders who happen to find the markets tough at the moment.

Im done with the thread - you cherry pick some quotes so your buddies on here will think your super cool and funny but instead in reality completely counter-productive in helping anyone constructively learn the truths about trading.

Thing is you can lye through your teeth, but ive been learning/trading for 2 years of which when i went live never lost a dime unlike some of you egotistical morons who throw money at the market and expect results to find out they pissed up 5k on **** all and now class yourself as successful from all the STUPID mistakes that all new traders make DESPITE the warnings on forums just like this. I never FAILED, ive chosen to start a topic to establish who is consistantly profitable (of which there are many on here i know...) to find ********s like you proving nothing but a waste of time read for people looking for valuable answers to some seriously important questions.


My my my, well, where do I start? The glaringly obvious truth is that much of what you say is far from the truth. You say in the post above that you have been trading for two years. In an earlier post you have only been trading for eighteen months. If you are this bad with numbers or you can not work out how many months are in a year than I do, truly fear for you trading.

Another point I have to pick up on is your attitude to other people and also how you relate to them. To succeed in trading and to make a viable living from it you have to understand your own psyche. You have to know who you are as a person, what your strengths and weaknesses are and adjust a trading plan accordingly. You seem to have no control over your emotions, your posts are littered with a negative attitude and I do not think one could possibly hope to hold out a career trading when you can not even coherently and affably make a post on a trading forum without losing all self control.

You say you have made 4.5k profit so far, congratulations, if this is true. You have done very well, so why are you hear to seek the approval of others? This should tell you something already, you are your own best gauge of success. If you are making consistent profit why does it matter what some stranger who has no bearing on your life/trading is making. It doesn't matter one iota. Just stick to what you are doing. I do however doubt you are as successful as you make out.

Good day to you
Chartsy: you looking for a ban ? You should keep you membership even if the market went against you lately. You can always fight another day.

I think people here are way over-emotional about money. We are not even talking about huge sums.
Chartsy: you looking for a ban ? You should keep you membership even if the market went against you lately. You can always fight another day.

I think people here are way over-emotional about money. We are not even talking about huge sums.

It takes way more than that to get a ban. Have another go, Chartsy.
a big scrotum


Let me show you how to do it:










Bums to the wall, lads, Chartsy's on the crawl!!

Like that, see? By the way, you need to check your spelling. You didn't include a word for "Z", but then you put it in the complete word in the wrong place. 🙂