Which site layout do you prefer

I prefer the narrow one too. The wide one originally showed up OK on my computer, but i still prefer the narrower one- looks more professional and less cluttered.
I still say there's way, way too much information on one page (you are displaying many of the news stories twice), but since you refuse to take my advice, the second one looks better. It still looks very amateurish though, and I still think that a ticker along with your logo on a very clean frontpage would be far better. In fact if I had time I would knock one up just to prove a point 😉
I still say there's way, way too much information on one page (you are displaying many of the news stories twice), but since you refuse to take my advice, the second one looks better. It still looks very amateurish though, and I still think that a ticker along with your logo on a very clean frontpage would be far better. In fact if I had time I would knock one up just to prove a point 😉

Working on taking your advice. Only so much time in the day, though. Thanks your your input. I'm heading in the direction of your advice.
I Think The Domain Name Marketnewsflow Might Possibly Be A Tad Long Winded & Disjointed. But Maybe I Am Wrong. I Just Dont Find It Snappy Enough personally. Its A Right Gob Full imo.

Still It Looks Like U R On The Right Path If U Want To Make Some Dosh From The Markets.probably Far Easier to make some website Than Actually Trying To Trade The Bas Tard Things!
I Think The Domain Name Marketnewsflow Might Possibly Be A Tad Long Winded & Disjointed. But Maybe I Am Wrong. I Just Dont Find It Snappy Enough personally. Its A Right Gob Full imo.

Still It Looks Like U R On The Right Path If U Want To Make Some Dosh From The Markets.probably Far Easier to make some website Than Actually Trying To Trade The Bas Tard Things!

This is a side project that I'm working on, I've been trading for ten years. Got into this web stuff as a hobby. This is a project and I'm perfectionist. That said I'm going to be getting ready for the FOMC release.

Thanks for the comments and taking the time to review.
Do you still scalp the dax like the way you used to?

I've had to slow down the pace and trade less in the last 4 months. With the outsized swings you must slow down the pace of your trades, the markets of the last 4 months have not been forgiving if you don't get out when your wrong, so you really must have make better trade selections. I guess what I'm trying to say is; in these market you can't play for a few ticks you must play for several points (if your a scalper).

When the markets change you must adjust your methods.