Why are these features not available in GOLD Version.....????


Experienced member
Hi all

Sharescope has new version 5.00 with features listed below.......Some are only availabe in all versions except GOLD.......

I wonder what has prevented the Sharescope to give features like - say Candlestick pattern recognition to GOLD Customers....??....Is it because they are paying LESS money...????.....Or has some GOLD Customers really irritated the Ionic boys in some way....!!!

Let's wait for answers....IN the meantime read on the features available in new versions.......Following extract is from Sharescoipe Upgrade info.....

New features in ShareScope Version 5.01
ShareScope is constantly being improved so the newest features may not be included in the latest User Guide. This list details the most recent enhancements (November 2006).
We have combined the Help for ShareScope Gold, Plus, Pro and Alpha (our new product for investment professionals).

· ShareScope can now connect to the data server automatically and update itself. Shortly after ShareScope is started it checks to see whether the data is up to date and if it is not, updates itself. If ShareScope is already running, it connects to the data server twice a day and performs an update. To turn on this feature, select Tools : Options : Communications and tick the Update automatically option. For more information see Automatic update.
· You can now customise a line or a shape’s colour and settings quickly by double clicking on it.
· You can now customise a market graph’s settings quickly by double clicking on its title bar.
· New options for Fibonacci Retracements:
- You can now draw Fibonacci Extensions.
- Advanced colour settings with up to 9 individually configurable levels, line styles and colours.
Use the Line Colour and Settings dialog to access these options.
· You can now override the major/minor currency unit (e.g. £ or p) displayed on graphs on a per-share basis. Double click on the currency unit in the top left-hand corner of the graph. ShareScope will save your changes between sessions. To revert to the default currency unit, simply double click again.
· Candlestick patterns, a popular technical analysis methodology (ShareScope Plus/Pro/Alpha only). Up to 26 different candlestick patterns can be highlighted on graphs (in many views including OHLC and closing line). Select Graph : Other Main Graph Settings : Candlestick Patterns.
· A new column displaying the trading system LSE-listed stocks are traded in, i.e. SETS, SETSmm, SEAQ or SEATS can now be added to the List screen. Right click in the column heading and select Add General Column : Trading System.
· The Customise Toolbars dialog has new mnemonics and colour flash options. Right click within a toolbar to access this dialog.
· Added functionality when using certain toolbar buttons together with the shift key:
- Trend line button + shift accesses the Trend Line settings dialog.
- Moving Averages (1 - 4) buttons + shift access the Moving Average settings dialog.
- Show Future button + shift accesses the Show Future settings dialog.
- Limit Date Range button + shift accesses the Limit Date Range settings dialog.
- Update Data button + shift shows the last update message from Ionic Information.
- View Real time Messages button + shift accesses the Compose Real time Message dialog (ShareScope Plus/Pro/Alpha only).
Data mining
· New criteria have been added:
- Rank in sector
- Candlestick patterns (ShareScope Plus/Pro/Alpha only)
- Swing (ShareScope Plus/Pro/Alpha only)
Select Data mining : Add Criterion and then use the Data Mining Wizard to access the many options from the ‘Rank in Sector’ category or select Swing and Candlestick patterns from the
‘Volume and Technical Analysis’ category.
· Add a list of shares (identified by their EPIC or ShareScope ID) to a portfolio quickly and easily with the File : Import : Import share list option.
· You can now add a Portfolio % transaction column to List, Portfolio and Transaction screens to see the holding of a share as a percentage of the currently selected portfolio. To add this column select Add Transaction Column : Portfolio %.
· Add dividends to your portfolios quickly and easily. ShareScope now finds and can add any dividends issued for currently held shares since the last data update. Select Show dividends since last update from the Transaction or Portfolio context menus. If you would like ShareScope to alert you automatically, go to Tools : Options : Portfolios & Transactions and select Offer to add new dividends to Portfolios after update.
· View your Portfolio and Transaction screens using realtime intraday data (ShareScope Pro/Alpha) or delayed intraday data (ShareScope Plus). Select List Design and tick the Use latest intraday price for portfolio valuations option.
· You can now add intraday Bid and Offer transaction columns (ShareScope Plus/Pro/Alpha only).
· There is a new option for displaying bank holidays (on which the LSE is closed). Select View : Calendar and tick the Holidays option.
Window layouts (ShareScope Plus/Pro/Alpha only)
· It is now possible to copy window layouts. Select Window : Window layouts : Copy this window layout and choose where you want to copy the current layout.
Level 2
· Quote change arrows indicate in which direction each market maker’s quotes have moved.
· You can now combine trades that are reported simultaneously at the same price. Double click the trades list or use the Level 2 Design : Trades dialog.
· Improved main display with additional price information: the spread (%), open/close change arrows and percentage change. Buy/sell statistics change to reflect the range of orders displayed.
· Alternative format for displaying auction information giving more prominence to the indicative uncrossing price and volumes. Use the Level 2 Design : Main display dialog to select this option.
To subscribe to Level 2 see Subscribing to Level 2.
What was new in ShareScope Plus/Pro Version 4.52.
What was new in ShareScope Gold Version 3.91.
Hi Zambuck,
ShareScope Gold is a great product at a great price and we upgrade it on a regular basis for FREE. However, many of our subscribers are not interested in special interest features like candlestick recognition (or ribbons or Marc Rivalland swing). Indeed, many subscribers tell us there are too many features in Gold! So, do we charge everyone for these new technical features by putting up the price of Gold, or do we charge those that want them by asking them to upgrade to Plus? We have chosen the latter route.

Whilst data costs, exchange fees and other overheads have increased, the cost of Gold has remained static for three years.

Plus is great value for what you get and is proving extremely popular with both investors and traders. We are offering Gold subscribers a free trial upgrade to Plus at the moment. This is being done in tranches so please be patient if you haven't heard from us yet. You won't even need to install a separate version of ShareScope - the new release can automatically upgrade/downgrade between different versions.

As ever, we value your feedback and the debate it generates.

ShareScope GM
I Can't remember being asked if i wanted the swing Charts removed from Gold! I would happily have given feedback in this regard, rather than having to reply to such inane questions as do i "think interest rates will go up or down or remain the same" each month!" 🙄 🙄
Sharescope Plus

Hi SS Marketing,
While this thread has caught your attention, I'll strike while the iron's hot. Apologies to Zambuck as my points aren't related directly to his question.

I switched from prophet.net to ShareScope Plus due to a change in circumstances. I no longer required intra day U.S. data but I did want e.o.d. data for both the U.S and the U.K. On the whole, I'm very pleased. The product is good, the price is reasonable and the support is very good indeed. That said, there's always room for improvement and, inevitably, there are a few features of prophet.net that I miss. ShareScope is such a giant of a programme that does soooo much pretty well, it fails to do one or two of the important basics really well. Drawing lines on a chart is my main concern here. True, it's not difficult, but compared to prophet and doubtless many other charting packages, it's both time consuming and inelegant. A detail perhaps, but for someone who draws a lot of lines, it's an important one! Next up, there's nothing like the data available for the U.S as there is for the U.K. This is very odd as what I want is available for free on the net. I'm talking basic stuff such as the sector of a particular stock. This must be easy to remedy and I had imagined that it would be an integral part of the programme when I subscribed.

Okay, mini moan over, I have to say that on the whole it's a great product that just gets better and better. I don't know of anyone who uses it who isn't impressed with it and I'm happy to recommend it to others.
SS Marketing said:
Hi Windowsill, let me clarify for everyone that we have never REMOVED features from Gold.
ShareScope GM

My apologies. I won't go into why I thought that. At least you prompted me to look again!! Thanks. 😱

The best thing about SS is the speed at which it works...it really is very fast in all respects.
Hi SSMarketing......

Thanks for your response...it is appreciated that you took time out to respond....

My comments in blue italics......

SS Marketing said:
Hi Zambuck,
ShareScope Gold is a great product at a great price and we upgrade it on a regular basis for FREE. However, many of our subscribers are not interested in special interest features like candlestick recognition (or ribbons or Marc Rivalland swing). Indeed, many subscribers tell us there are too many features in Gold! So, do we charge everyone for these new technical features by putting up the price of Gold, or do we charge those that want them by asking them to upgrade to Plus? We have chosen the latter route.
Yes it is a good value software and was until recently available for £11- odd pence when Sharescope was made available in two formats - EOD and REAL....And after that there was another version which was somewhere in middle of the two and was available in INTRA format.

However if a software makes available things like say candlesticks - presumably people use this - then surely a pattern recognition would aid a user.....The whole idea of a trading or TA software is that it should save time and also give a facility to spped up the TA process for a user who have little time every day....

I still think that which features should be added to GOLD and which should not; is somehting that needs another thought.....
I take point about Pivot Points and Swing charts, which many GOLD users may not want....

At the end of the day the GOLD package is still a TA package and should not be seen as a 'curtailed version' of big brother.....!

Whilst data costs, exchange fees and other overheads have increased, the cost of Gold has remained static for three years.
Yes that is true.....

Plus is great value for what you get and is proving extremely popular with both investors and traders. We are offering Gold subscribers a free trial upgrade to Plus at the moment. This is being done in tranches so please be patient if you haven't heard from us yet. You won't even need to install a separate version of ShareScope - the new release can automatically upgrade/downgrade between different versions.
I will look at the Plus features...On paper it looks good......Is it possible to extract the UK and US market data to Excel etc.......??

As ever, we value your feedback and the debate it generates.

ShareScope GM
Hi Zambuck,
"Is it possible to extract the UK and US market data to Excel etc.......??"
zambuck said:
....Good to know that.......thanks........
Hi Zambuck,
Might I enquire what it is that you want to do - or think you might want to do - in ShareScope Plus or ShareScope Pro that you can't do in ShareScope Gold?
Hi Timsk

Yes....Good and fair question.......I think following would useful in GOLD....

Data mining
- Rank in sector.
- Candlestick patterns (ShareScope Plus/Pro/Alpha only)
- Swing (ShareScope Plus/Pro/Alpha only)

Window layouts (ShareScope Plus/Pro/Alpha only)

I think these can be easily added in the package with little extra cost if any.....

But then PLUS has all the UK and US data etc with other market indicatirs etc so it does look tempting....and it will cost another £14/-.

It would be useful to have P and F pattern recognition, V and H counts etc and along with more extended data mining features....