Best Free Chart For Easy To Read Tick-tick Volume???


Established member
1 of the main indicators i like to use when scalping and even on some longer term trades is volume as it is 1 of the best by far.

Does anyone know any site that offers free live streaming volume charts for indicies and oil??

I know there is that market profile software chart, but that is very expensive and still quite hard to read quickly.

I know the following image is too over simplified and that there wont be a live streaming chart as basic as this so you can save your sarcasm.. 😆:cheesy:😈

But is there anything similar in the basic easy to read style and layout of this, but slightly more detailed than this though, and live streaming??


Im making extremely high % profit on my account capital per week, however my account capital is now still only at £1,800, and i dont like losing my money or doing more thna £2 pip ever as its too easy and risky for me to lose my money then, and i dont like risks at all.

So i cant afford to pay for info.. 😆
Hi spanish,
I going short on oil 145$ with 75 sl,
whats you next move if your still on oil
Hi spanish,
I going short on oil 145$ with 75 sl,
whats you next move if your still on oil

Nice trade mate, although i seriously would recommend you increasing your stoploss to being at atleast $147.56 just to be extra safe.
If you are willing to do it at $152 even better and safer.

Like ive always said its totally upto everyone if they choose to listen to me,
and so if you choose to keep it at 75 mate thats totally upto you.

But instead of us all giving our perosnal verbal and emotional views on giant stoplosses, let me instead show you the facts in action k...

Go to ig, oil chart, 1hour. ( Daily Brent Crude (Aug) (04-JUL-08) )

1st july, 15.00, oil was at 141.80, so you bought have been clever if you saw oppotunity and bought it then...
however if you had used 75 stoploss you would have lost £75 3hours later when the went down abit by $1, nothing in oil movement scale, but £75 of your money taken away from you forever.

And you would have then either had to risk buying again and hoping oil didnt dip anymore, or you would have thought oil was going down then and would sold then.

You sold you would have been ****ed, you bought would have been right but would have been very scared all the way through, taking another risk after losing £75, and still would need to make £75 + spread cost just to break even and make zero money that day.

If you had instead done my way and bought at 141.80, with a stoploss at something utterly ridiculous like $128, you would have been able to wtach the oil dip slightly and so eat £75 into your margin of £1300, so would barely be a dent, and then would be able to watch and ceer as it then went up and would have probs closed at 144.68 or around there.

SO would have made yourself about 300ticks that day so £300 minimum, and not have had to worry since the chances of oil going down 1300ticks back to 128 before just going up $3 more were incredibly good odds, and way way better odds than you will have when you make your call of either long or short.
Hi spanish,
I going short on oil 145$ with 75 sl,
whats you next move if your still on oil

Im not sure how long you have traded oil for mate, but if its been more than a few weeks im sure you must know now that the oil can and will go up $1 tomorrow just because someone in the middleast sneezes abit too loudly tomorrow and so caused a 10seconds bomb scare!!


Im not even joking, it may not be because of a sneeze, but the oil can and will jump up and down a dollar or even a few dollars at a time just because it feel like it and because it can.

Oil = power, and the oil knows this, thats why it likes to scare and abuse traders so much, so it keeps its hold in this position of power and fear.

So if you want to trade oil forget scalping it mate cos the oil doesnt like to be scalped, and so if you try it will cause a very bad reaction in the end. 😕

I would suggest you do what i do on oil though which i call 'bargain hunting'.

By this i mean selecting the position you think its going in over the next few hours, and then just ONLY trade in that direction.
Just cash in after every dip, wiat till it rises a little, and then wham resell it again, and again and again...

So that way you will make even more money than a longer swing trade, as the oil may only fall $3 from open to clsoe, but if you add all the rises that it went through during teh fall you can quite easily duble that 300ticks in profit, as i proved is possible in my journal.

And your also insured against a giant fall, since as you are only selling, never buying, you wont get caught in a buy when the fall comes.

But dont ever try oil with under $5 stoploss tbh mate, seriously just dont take the risk.

You are lucky you can get in at this high peak though, cos i think you will make alot of money over the next few days selling.. :cheesy:😉👍
Selling out at 144.5 (50 pips) and will return in the morning,
I cant see why we dont see 147$ tomorrow,
Will not back the fall but wait
on the up up and away to its new hight,
you keep thinking it going to fall I dont I just see green 65%
of the week.
Hope to hear from tomorrow good luck
Selling out at 144.5 (50 pips) and will return in the morning,
I cant see why we dont see 147$ tomorrow,
Will not back the fall but wait
on the up up and away to its new hight,
you keep thinking it going to fall I dont I just see green 65%
of the week.
Hope to hear from tomorrow good luck

Spot FX EUR/USD (04-JUL-08)

That is 1 of the main triggers that is going to cause the pullback mate. 😎😉

Along with logic / pyschology of so overbought that now no-one can afford to buy the actual thing that they are holding a contract to millions of quids worth off,
and also the political side of the g8 meeting in japan over the weekend where they governments are all trying to get the oil price down and enocurage the saudis to pump more oil into the system, even though they already say they can supply as much as needed, they now are being asked to pump it now and shift it all into the system just so its actually there and waiting.

In the long term this is going to mean the oil will rocket again in a few weeks/months, but over the next few days t week i see the pullback coming.
short at 143$ just for 50 pips,
still see green
but know it red
Also short on GBP/USA at 1.9713
dont know when to sell currencies are so slow
had to get back to oil to stay awake
Need to make money to day anybody any tips are know
of a web site that could feed me info
not much happing here.
Aloha mate how much you made today?? 😉

Looks liek i was correct about oil, ftse, and gold AGAIN today.

Ive been only doing £1 per tick, but made £90 in under 2hours (3 trades), then went gym and breakfast, now back to continue the battle.. 😀
Ok well i called 136/7 oil last week when it was at 145/6,
and everyone else including all the top analysts were saying 150 by the end off the week.

It came to a head-to-head, and it looks like the still hadn't learnt from my profit/loss portfolio history,
as today the oil hit 136 exactly how i predicted it!! :cheesy:😆😆:cheesy:😈:cheesy:😆😆:cheesy: